Sooner or later, the Yong Dynasty will be destroyed one day because of the weakness of the officials.

Wu Jiang didn't think much about it, but Han Shiyan would not have thought that the three of them would be transferred away from Bianjing at this time. It was obvious that the officials did not want the three of them to continue to reopen the old case, which would turn the Bianjing city upside down and cause chaos everywhere. He has problems.

He just wanted to huddle up in that turtle shell and watch the whole scene singing and dancing.

Han Shiyan noticed Gu Shiwei's eyes, "I knew that Mrs. Gu was going north, so I didn't go to say goodbye. Could it be that Mrs. Gu also knew that Han was going north with her?"

Gu Shinwei smiled guiltily, "Of course I do too!"

Han Shiyan raised his eyebrows with a look of disbelief, but did not ask further questions.

He felt a lot of eyes coming from behind him and said to Gu Shinwei, "Wu Jiang is familiar with the border terrain, so he was appointed."

"The envoy who took the initiative to invite me to Beiguan on this trip is Mr. Fu Yingfu. Mr. Fu is good at speaking, brave and strategic, and has great prestige in the court."

"The deputy envoy accompanying him is Zhao Jin, the third son of King Qi of the Guoxin Institute. The Guoxin Institute is under the direct jurisdiction of the Privy Council. Zhao Jin is young, but he has experience in the Northern Dynasties. Others are officials of Honglu Temple, serving as envoys. Part of the regiment.”

"The mission has a special escort team. Apart from you and Wei Changming, the Imperial City Department did not send anyone else to accompany you."

As Gu Shiwei listened, she followed Han Shiyan's gaze as she scanned the convoy. She began to suspect that Zhang Chunting had not told her any information. She didn't even mention the person she wanted to protect. She clearly knew that Han Shiyan was going with Wu Jiang.

There are two free explanations here, but it saves him a lot of talking!

She thought and looked at Han Shiyan, "Then why were you chosen? Mr. Fu can't win an argument with you, why would you go up and make the Northern Emperor angry to death?"

Han Shiyan's face darkened slightly, and he gritted his teeth, "Didn't Gu's family know that I was going with him? Why don't you know anything about it now? Of course the censor is in charge of supervision."

Seeing his guilty conscience, Gu Shiwei chuckled, and followed Han Shiyan's previous behavior and did not continue to ask further questions.

Now it's even! Let’s see who comes to investigate further!

Their military attachés are thick-skinned and are not afraid of embarrassment at all, but the civilian officials are different! Because he disliked Han Yushi who was kicked out of Bianjing so much, he could only speak harshly!

"The relatively spacious carriage in the middle of the motorcade is where Master Fu and Zhao Jin are riding."

Gu Shiyan listened to Han Shiyan's words, nodded, waved to Wei Changming who was next to him, and then clapped his horse to greet him. Han Shiyan and Wu Jiang saw this and followed Gu Shiyan to the left and right, clapped their horses again. Follow the team.

The window curtains of the carriage were rolled up, and Gu Shiwei could see the two people sitting inside at a glance.

Master Fu looked about forty or fifty years old. He had a fashionable goat's beard and was slightly fat. He looked very soft and kind. He felt that just anyone could defraud him of the last big piece of money in his pocket. son.

Next to him sat a young man. He seemed to be about the same age as Han Shiyan and Wu Jiang. He lived a gentle and elegant life. He was holding a book in his hand, as if he had noticed the movement here. .

The young man looked over and gave Gu Shiwei a gentle smile.

It should be Zhao Jin, the "Northern Dynasty Master" mentioned by Han Shiyan. Probably aware of Zhao Jin's smile, Master Fu turned his head and glanced this way. He took the lead in cupping his hands in this direction, narrowed his eyes and said loudly, "Commander Gu's name is like thunder, and it turned out to be true when I saw him today. It’s women who don’t show respect to men.”

"I and Zhao Jin are safe now, so I entrusted them to Commander Gu."

Gu Shinwei hurriedly returned the gift, exchanged a few random greetings, and then retreated to stand side by side with Han Shiyan and Wu Jiang.

Han Shiyan looked at the rain on Gu Shinwei's shoulder, pointed to a carriage behind the carriage and said, "The rain is getting heavier and heavier. Let's get in the carriage first. It will be easier to talk."

Gu Shiwei didn't force it. As soon as the three of them got into the car, Han Shiyan handed over a bamboo tube and said, "Ginger tea is still hot."

Wu Jiang on the side shook the rain off his feet and sat down next to Gu Shiwei. He sighed in a rare way and couldn't help cursing, "It's incredible, that brat Zhao Jin is always a smiling tiger." , now that I’m mixed up with Mr. Fu, it’s not like we have to go to the next level!”

"Then how shameless must the Northern Dynasty be! General Ma is having a good fight with the Xia Kingdom, but why is the Northern Dynasty doing this shit?"

"He insists on interfering with us and wants to negotiate peace with us. I don't know how much he wants to take away from us! According to me, if the officials are willing to give more money, we will fight them with real swords and guns! It’s not certain who will lose and who will win!”

"A good man is not afraid of death when he takes care of his family!"

Wu Jiang said and glanced at Han Shiyan. Han Shiyan was too lazy to pay attention to him and explained to Gu Shiwei, "We are now fighting against the Xia Kingdom. If the Northern Dynasty takes the opportunity to open the battle line, we will be attacked on both sides and our forces will be dispersed."

"So not long ago, the officials received a letter from the Northern Dynasty, asking for peace talks on this matter."

"Master Fu looks gentle, but he is actually very difficult to get close to and is not easy to get along with. As for Zhao Jin, he is a clan relative and grew up with me and Wu Jiang. We used to see him often at banquets."

When Wu Jiang heard this, he let out a cry.

"I really can't stand that kid's grinding and chattering. He talks like an old cow pulling a broken cart. When Ma Hongying was blind, she still said that Zhao Jin is as gentle as jade. He is as gentle as jade, so who am I? Is it as rough as rubble?”

Gu Shiwei was amused by Wu Jiang's words!

She had wanted to say before that Wujiang was like a firecracker, refusing to deal with anyone. It turned out that it was Zhao Jin who had been praised by Ma Hongying.

Seeing Gu Shen's smile, Wu Jiang became even more energetic, "When we get to the border, I'll treat you to a feast of mutton and goat milk. Let me tell you, the taste is different from the one in Bianjing City. There is no smell at all. Who can eat it?" Who is beautiful!"

As he spoke, he began to laugh bitterly, "Gu kin, when my father whipped me, you must help me stop him. Think about it, he finally drove me back to Bianjing City and stuffed me My uncle."

"I never expected that I would ask someone to rush me back again! Even if I rush back, I am still in the same team as the person who is the most hated peace negotiator of our generals, so you can't just whip me to death with a riding crop!"

"It's hopeless to count on Han Shiyan. If my father whips me, he, a cold-blooded and ruthless guy, will not only stand by and watch, but he will also give me medicine while he talks about it, and even quotes from scriptures! He is afraid that I will die too late. Got it!"

Han Shiyan was infuriated by Wu Jiang's words, "Am I cold-blooded? When we get to Beiguan this time, I will soak your father's riding crop in pepper water first!"

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