"He was bleeding from all his orifices and his lips were blue. General Xu was indeed poisoned and died. But the poison was not the poison from the roasted leg of lamb as everyone had guessed before."

This doctor’s voice sounds so familiar!

Gu Shiwei turned his head and looked inside the tent. The doctor dressed in black and holding a lantern and circling Xu Yi, wasn't it Tang Dalang who beat Tang Erlang all over the house with his shoe mat?

She did not expect that this time the doctor who went on the envoy to Beiguan would be him.

"Preliminarily, Xu Yi should have been bitten to death by a venomous snake. The bite was very hidden, on his buttocks. If you look closely, you can see two blood holes. This snake is very venomous, and you can almost see blood. Seal your throat. I suggest you all take precautions early."

Tang Dalang's words were like a freezing spell, making the surroundings extremely silent for a moment.

"Of course, the roasted lamb leg is also poisonous, but the amount of poison is very small and not fatal. Moreover, it is arsenic. Even if General Xu is poisonous after eating it, he will suffer from unbearable abdominal pain at most. , won’t let him lose his life.”

Gu Shiwei listened and looked at each other with Han Shiyan, their eyes becoming solemn.

They had just discussed before that the key figure in the weapon-breaking case was a beautiful girl who could control a big snake. There are three snake exterminators they know of, and one of them is nearby, that is Chu Liangchen.

Since they can repel snakes, why bother adding a small amount of poison to the lamb legs? So it is very likely that there are two groups of people doing this.

They had just left Bianjing City for one day, and the group of people were so impatient to follow them?

Gu Shiwei thought and glanced at Mr. Fu, who was as white as dough. The old man looked a little sleepy with his blurry eyes! From what corner was this man of God dug out?

"Are snakes so poisonous? One bite will make all the orifices bleed. If a snake bites my butt, I will grab the snake and tear it off without screaming!"

When Wu Jiang heard the word "butt", he couldn't hold it in any longer. He rushed into the tent and burped at Xu Yi's butt.

"Hiccup~ Don't you think it's strange? Why is he sitting on the table? The snake can't carry him up and let him sit cross-legged and eat the leg of lamb, right? How can a snake be so powerful? It's just a snake spirit!"

"I heard that snake spirits are very beautiful, especially white snakes!"

"The snake that killed Xu Yi must have been black, otherwise he would have had a leering look on his face when he died, instead of being so frightened!"

After Wu Jiang had held it in for so long, he finally spoke, and immediately started talking wildly.

Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan were used to it, so they ignored him and looked inside the tent. However, Tang Dalang twitched the corner of his mouth and stuffed the poisoned silver needle back.

He looked at Wu Jiang as if he were seeing his stupid brother who had no idea.

He was worried that he couldn't help it, so he just took the needle and poked it.

"There are highly venomous snakes in the wild, but these snakes that kill people without any reaction are most likely fed by the snake exterminators themselves. There are many poison farmers in the world. They feed poison with poison. It’s no surprise how vicious things are.”

Tang Dalang said, shaking his head, "As for the snake spirit, Wu Tuiguan should not pay attention to some weird rumors."

Will become ridiculously stupid, like his brother.

Tang Dalang didn't say anything, but Gu Shiwei felt that he had it written on his face.

"It's hard to find snakes, so isn't it easy to find ready-made people?" This place is not too far from Bianjing City. People set up camp here almost every day. Sun Siwu and Zhao Jin ran on this road countless times. Yes, if there are venomous snakes in this place, they will definitely issue a warning early in the morning.

And the snake is not a fool. How could it come here in a place with so many people? Someone must be driving it.

It's just that it was night when the crime happened. If Wu Jiang really hit the target and said it was a black snake, then unless the eyes were lit up and could emit light, how could the people who were gathering around to eat chicken notice it? Such a little thing!

The snake driver won't be able to catch him for a while, but isn't the leg of lamb still poisonous...

Gu Shiwei thought, walked to the boy and squatted down. He maintained the same posture as before, not moving at all.

Seeing Gu Shinwei coming over, the little boy burst into tears.

"I can't move, my legs are numb and I can't move! What are you talking about? What kind of snake? Our Erlang was bitten to death by a snake?"

Gu Shiwei raised his eyebrows, "You don't think that Xu Yi is faking his death, do you? Use your dog brain to think about it, can a living person open his eyes for so long without blinking? If so, what are the offerings in the temple? Why don’t you invite him to sit on the stage!”

The boy's eyes suddenly opened wide. He struggled to sit up, turned his head and looked at the motionless Xu Yi who was bleeding from all his orifices. He moved around half a circle in fear, then sat on the ground and stepped back several times. step.

"Impossible! Erlang told me that he wanted to go to the border with Wei Changming, but he was very angry. How could such a lowly person get a share of such military achievements? Moreover, Erlang was very angry about what happened during the day... "

"Erlang likes to eat raw meat on weekdays, and there are worms in his belly. The doctor prescribed medicine for him, which contained a small amount of arsenic. He asked me to sprinkle arsenic on the leg of lamb. After he ate it, he pretended to be dead, and then asked me to sprinkle arsenic on the leg of lamb. The matter was put on Wei Changming's head."

"We don't want to make things worse or do anything bad! Erlang just wants Wei Changming to be charged with poisoning, so that not only will he not be able to go north, he won't even be able to stay in the Imperial City Department!"

"We'll see what else he can be arrogant about then! Erlang doesn't want Wei Changming to die, he just wants to drive him away."

Gu Shiwei listened and sneered.

“Slandering someone as a murderer for no reason and how dare you say it’s not a bad thing?”

The boy was trembling with fear. He raised his hand and slapped himself hard.

"Sir, you don't need to do anything, I'll whip myself! I said the wrong thing! Stop hitting me! The little guy felt like his brain was about to come out when you hit me, and you can even see our ancestors with your eyes!"

Gu Shiwei was stunned, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

She cleared her throat, and even if she didn't turn around, she could feel Han Shiyan holding back a smile behind her.

Wu Jiang on the side was not so polite. He burst out laughing and said, "You are a little bitch, but you have some discernment. Only after being beaten once, you know how good we are at caring for our relatives!"

Gu Shiwei cleared his throat heavily, thank you! There is no need to flatter me!

She felt that the reputation of the Imperial City Division had hit rock bottom!

But the boy couldn't laugh at all, "Erlang made a promise to me before. He said he would sit at the table and eat the leg of lamb, and then wipe some blood from the corners of his mouth. When I came in, I saw he was bleeding from all his orifices, and he was also As if he was acting..."

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