Gu Shenwei was surprised for a moment, and immediately remembered the senior sister Lin Du Po said who massacred the whole family and then defected.

This inhumane style is exactly what Chu Liangchen calls his aunt.

When Chu Liangchen heard the two people stop, he turned around in surprise. The green snake Yuxi seemed to be spiritually enlightened and turned around with him.

The eyes of the man and the snake overlapped, and they were both indifferent. No, it should be said to be indifferent.

"So why did your aunt do this?" Gu Shiwei stepped forward and asked.

Chu Liangchen became panicked after realizing it. He looked at Gu Shiwei nervously, "Mr. Gu, I am not a cold-blooded person. I have lived with others since I was a child and have never met my parents. When I saw them, I felt... I’m more scared than sad.”

"I ran away at that time. If my aunt could take me to see such a secret, she had murderous intentions towards me."

"But I was no match for her, and I was caught again."

Chu Liangchen thought and looked at the little green snake on the ground. The green snake seemed to feel the mood of its new owner. It swam back and stuck it on his trouser leg, and then continued to swim forward.

Chu Liangchen was stunned for a moment, and the three of them continued to follow.

"I thought I was dead at the time, so I asked her this question. She said that my father and mother were hypocrites. She always disliked her for being violent and ruthless in doing things. She also specialized in poisonous techniques and killed innocent people indiscriminately. …”

"Their siblings have been incompatible with each other since they were children, and they hate each other even more when they grow up."

"Later, my aunt found someone she loved, but my father interfered with the marriage, so what happened next..."

As Chu Liangchen spoke, the scene at that time appeared in his mind. It had happened many years ago. Since he took Wang Jing in three years ago, he had never thought about this horrific experience again.

"My aunt hates them, and she also hates me. She raised me because she wanted me to become the same person as her, which is the person my father hates the most."

Chu Liangchen said, shaking the chain on his hand, and smiled bitterly, "Now it seems that she succeeded."

Gu Shinwei shook his head, "She almost succeeded, but you met Wang Jing and she failed at the last moment."

Chu Liangchen's pupils trembled, and he nodded gently, his tone became relaxed, "Yes!"

"After she said this, she threw me into the snake cave. Fortunately, I have some talent in driving snakes... I don't know how many days I fought with those snakes, and then I escaped from the snake cave. .”

"Anyway, when I came out, there was no one in the courtyard. My father and mother died on the recliner, and my aunt was nowhere to be seen."

"After I buried them, I left there and started living alone. I was worried for a few years at first, thinking that my aunt would come to kill me, but I never saw her again after that."

Gu Shiwei sighed as he listened, "Do you know your aunt's name?"

Chu Liangchen shook his head, "I don't know, I'll just call her aunt."

He said, stopping in his tracks.

The green snake led them all the way and stopped in front of a small courtyard.

It is quiet all around here, and is a small courtyard of a farmhouse that looks a little dilapidated. The earthen wall is missing a piece here and there, and it looks a bit mottled. There is a fence surrounding the small courtyard, and the fence is covered with morning glory vines.

The morning glories did not open until early in the morning, but now they were curled up into a ball, looking dotted with stars. The yard was in a mess, dried vegetables were scattered all over the floor, the bamboo poles used to dry clothes were knocked over, and clothes fell on the ground in a mess without being picked up.

Gu Shiwei looked around and saw that there was only one house nearby, the others were further away.

Gu Shiwei sniffed, and a vague smell of blood mixed with the residual fishy smell lingered at the tip of his nose, making him very uncomfortable.

She frowned and looked at the iron chains on Chu Liangchen's wrists. Because it was a night break, the escorting officer removed his shackles.

Gu Shiwei made a gesture to Chu Liangchen and took the lead into the small courtyard with a slight leap.

The door of the dark stove room on the side was open. She glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw several corpses lying in a mess beside the stove. At first glance, they should be a family of five, a young couple plus two old people, and There was a child about three or four years old.

Gu Shiwei's heart trembled, and anger surged into his heart.

She thought about it and stopped being cautious. She took out her sword and kicked towards the closed door of the hall.

There was no way the door of this rural courtyard could withstand such a kick from her. The whole door collapsed with a bang, and even the adobe bricks that made up the wall fell. Several pieces of the adobe bricks that were used to build the walls fell. The house that was already in dilapidated shape suddenly collapsed. It was crumbling and became a dilapidated building.

The corners of Gu Shinwei's mouth twitched and he didn't dare to look back at all.

Han Shiyan won't call her Gu Manniu in the future, right?

She was thinking randomly, holding her sword and looking into the room, only to see a woman sitting on a chair in the center of the room.

She was wearing a green skirt and looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a hint of Chu Liangchen visible on her face. Although she looks like a woman, she is still wearing the same robe as Zhao Jin.

Her eyes were wide open, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Gu Shiwei remembered her face. After all, just today during the day, she saw the portrait of the person in front of her in Han Shiyan's cage.

This dead woman was the elusive tea girl depicted in the file based on the survivor's description.

There were several bloody holes in her chest, and the blood dyed the entire skirt red.

Gu Shiwei pricked up his ears and listened, then scanned the surroundings vigilantly. The room was not big, and there were not many decent furniture. You could basically see the head at a glance, and there was no place to hide people.

She thought, her eyes darkened, and she gestured to Han Shiyan and Chu Liangchen who were standing in front of the small courtyard.

When he reached the door of the main room, Han Shiyan also stopped, looked towards the kitchen, and sighed softly.

As soon as he paused, Chu Liangchen took the lead to walk in. His pupils shrank suddenly and he exclaimed, "It's my aunt who is right! In my impression, her appearance has never changed. As she gets older, she never changes."

"She knows the art of disguise, so she hasn't changed. She was killed, and the murderer left for a while."

"It should be that after sending Liu Fu back to the camp, she drove the snake to attack people and left the camp in the chaos. She returned here and was killed."

Gu Shiwei said, getting a little closer, and looked at her wound carefully. It was late at night, and although there was moonlight coming in, it was still not bright enough. Just as she was thinking, she saw Han Shiyan who didn't know when. He took out the fire stick and lit the oil lamp in the room.

"The murder weapon that killed her should be the Emei thorn."

Gu Shiwei looked at Han Shiyan. Although he didn't specify it, a person's name appeared in their minds at the same time, Mian Jin.

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