After coming full circle, we are back to where we started.

Gu Shiwei looked at the dead body in front of him, and the clues returned to Mian Jin who had never seen the dragon before it was seen.

She has appeared three times so far.

The first time was to bribe Chu Liangchen with a lot of money, instructing him to kill Wang Quan, and take away the secret letter that Chen Shenji gave to Wang Yushi.

Her purpose was to prevent Li Zhenxian from being exposed to others, so that Chen Shenji would not be involved in the old incident of the weapon breaking case.

The second time was when Chu Liangchen's fake death was exposed. She sent Ouyang Zhitong and Chang Yi to kill Chu Liangchen and silence him in order to get back the vital ingot of gold. After the mission failed, Mian Jin killed Ouyang Zhi in Wufu Temple and deliberately hid him under the carriage of the Duke of Lu.

Almost at the same time, she got a hint from Wu Jiang's sister Wu Wu about Princess Fushun's Buddhist beads.

It was also during this confrontation that they exposed the secrets between Lu Guogong's wife and Princess Fushun, and forged a grudge against Concubine Su's party.

This is the third time.

Gu Shiwei sorted out today's events. Their peace negotiation team was probably a huge conspiracy from the beginning.

The people who were sent to the frontier were not only her and Han Shiyan, but also the annoying Wu Jiang, as well as the future Duke of Lu, Xu Yi, and even the snake driver himself.

Xu Yi was inserted into the team, not because of military merit, but as a sacrifice whose death date had been set long ago. It was used to intensify the conflict between the Duke of Lu, Su Guifei and others, and the Imperial City Secretary Zhang Chunting. Huge contradiction...

When they returned to Bianjing, the people behind the scenes used the ghost in the Imperial City, the masked man, to forge letters and make the first move against Zhang Chunting.

Now Xu Yi is swinging the second sword towards the Imperial City Division. As long as this hole is torn open, there will be a violent storm of attacks.

Gu Shiwei thought, her heart sinking. She could almost imagine that she and Wang Jing would become one of the weapons used by those people to criticize Zhang Chunting.

As for the snake exorcist, she was most likely a discarded child who was sent out.

Han Shiyan set out to get the weapon-severing case file. It was obvious that the three of them would target the weapon-severing case, find the snake driver based on the portrait, and then follow the clues to find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

The people behind the scenes have already learned how capable she and Han Shiyan are. As long as the snake exorcist is still alive, it will be a matter of time before he is found.

But thinking about it on the other hand, if the snake driver dies, then their investigation clues about the weapon-breaking case will be cut off.

If these were just conjectures before, then the bloody corpse of the snake exorcist has now proved their conjectures.

Mian Jin always kills people every time she appears. It is no accident that she appears here waiting to kill the snake driver, but she has been ordered to do so early in the morning.

Gu Shiwei thought so much, but it was only in the blink of an eye.

Chu Liangchen was still standing aside blankly, looking at the snake driver's face with a particularly complicated expression. After a long time, he breathed a long sigh of relief. He stepped forward and stretched out his hand to gently caress the snake. The terrifying eyes of the snake driver.

As soon as his hand touched his eyelashes, Gu Shiwei's expression changed drastically, and the long sword was pointed towards his arm.

"Get out of the way!" Gu Shenwei shouted, and Chu Liangchen reacted quickly and moved his hand away, but it was too late. He saw the red blood hole on the snake driver's chest suddenly appeared. Here comes a snakehead!

The snake was completely black, with blisters stacked on top of it. It looked as if a toad had married a snake and had just given birth to such an ugly thing.

As soon as the snake's head came out of the bloody hole, it suddenly opened its mouth wide. It looked at the small one, but it could swallow a person's fist when it opened its mouth. It looked very scary. Chu Liangchen's expression also changed drastically. Even people who didn't know anything knew that if he was bitten by this snake, he would definitely die immediately without any discussion.

He moved his hands in a hurry, but it was too late now...

Gu Shinwei, who was watching from the side, was even more anxious. At this moment, a green figure suddenly rose up from the ground like a ray of light, and hit directly under the black snake toad snake, right under the bloody big teeth. The moment when Chu Liangchen is about to be bitten...

The black snake was pushed out and fell to the ground with a thud. Its mouth opened, but it didn't move.

Han Shiyan, who was standing at the back, woke up from his nervousness and passed the lamp in his hand forward. Only then did the three of them see clearly that the black snake had already been cut into two pieces, leaving only half of its body. Taking his last breath.

"This is the king snake raised by my aunt, and its name is Tian Chan. I have seen it before."

Chu Liangchen took a step back with lingering fear. He squatted down, picked up the little green snake that he had knocked dizzy, and put it back into his sleeve pocket.

Gu Shiwei put back the long sword in his hand and looked at Chu Liangchen with a flick of his eye, "Don't tell anyone that you know how to drive snakes away. This little green snake is quite spiritual. You can take it with you, but don't let it go." Others have discovered it. It’s best not to let it show up until you reach your destination.”

"It is very smart, let it hide. Otherwise, you will be like yellow mud falling into your crotch, and you will get into trouble."

"Snake exorcism is your aunt's business, and it will be rotten in her belly. Don't mention it again from now on. If others ask me why I am looking for you, just say that I asked you to help me find someone in the place of exile. , no need to say more specific details.”

Chu Liangchen nodded heavily.

After he was assassinated, he originally wanted to find Wang Jing's clan members. This is true, and he is not afraid of verification in the future.

Although he didn't understand why he was still in trouble since his aunt had been caught, what Mr. Gu said was always correct.

As Gu Shiwei said, he did not go forward to destroy the scene, but walked outside the door and said to the empty wilderness, "You stay here and don't let anyone touch the body. Wu Jiang will come over later and you can leave. "

In the middle of the field, a big tree swayed, and a person's head hung upside down and slowly lowered down. As if to say I understand, it slowly rose up silently and disappeared from her sight in an instant.

When Han Shiyan came out, his pupils suddenly trembled. He guessed that Gu Shiwei should have his own power in the world.

At least not alone, so she could collect so much information and do so many things in a short time.

But he didn't expect that she would arrange for someone to follow them all the time, almost like a ghost.

"Let's go back first and ask Wu Jiang to bring someone to carry the body."

Han Shiyan and Chu Liangchen silently followed Gu Shiwei, "Why don't the three of us carry the body back?"

"I don't want to carry a snake nest. If another black snake appears to scare people, I'm afraid I won't be able to control it and kill all the snakes."

Listening to Gu Shiwei's answer, Chu Liangchen clearly felt that the little green snake on his wrist was trembling and no longer dared to scurry around.

He thought and asked tremblingly, "What if Mr. Wu is bitten?"

Gu Shiwei looked at Chu Liangchen speechlessly, "Didn't you see him carrying that bucket of snake repellent powder? That's not a bottle, that's a bucket! A bucket that's scooped with a ladle!"

"I'm afraid he has been pickled for a long time now. Just roll him on the ground. The snake clan will write in the county annals that today the giant clan is attacking. The earth is shaking, the mountains are shaking, and the poisonous powder is covering the sky and the sun. The snake clan is Suffering a once-in-a-century disaster...and has now disappeared from the world."

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