The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 261 An accident in the capital

Liu Fu's desire to fly back to the capital was palpable. Along the way, the Northern Dynasty's motorcade seemed like someone was beating war drums behind them, and several wheels flew away.

The Dayong envoy was very angry because of Yelu Xun. They secretly wanted to compete with each other, and even threw sparks from their feet.

In this situation, not to mention testing the five people, even going out to Gong would have to rely on running.

Gu Shiwei opened the curtain of the carriage and looked out of the carriage. He saw that the capital of the Northern Dynasties was far less prosperous and elegant than Bianjing, and the whole style seemed particularly rough.

In the short distance between entering the city and the inn, we saw big-shouldered men fighting each other three times, strong young ladies beating their husbands four times, and no less than five times when a group of people rolled up their arms and blushed. .

The chatter was so quick and urgent that the whole street seemed to be frying beans.

Gu Shiwei looked at it with great interest. Everywhere on this street were shops selling roasted mutton steamed buns with mutton soup. They were similar to those in Bianjing City. Here, they also picked fresh beef and sheep and hung them at the door of the shop. Huamenlouzi carries the wine flag...

And the girl in sheepskin and braids was shouting like she was singing!

The entire sky above the royal capital seemed to be filled with the smell of meat.

Gu Shiwei sniffed and was keenly aware of a line of sight. She immediately looked over to the other side. She couldn't help but feel an inexplicable feeling of familiarity in her eyes. When she first arrived in the border town, there seemed to be a scene like this.

The familiar thorn flag, the familiar caravan.

They walked under the stars and the moon, but actually fell behind Mrs. Wang's caravan. This team met the first time when they left Bianjing, the second time in the border town, and now when they arrived in the royal capital, they met again.

Sensing Gu Shiwei's strangeness, Han Shiyan also came over.

When he took a look at the gap, he was a little surprised.

"Mrs. Wang's caravan can indeed reach the royal capital. My mother-in-law said that wherever money can be made in this world, wherever there is the thorn flag, there will be Mrs. Wang."

"It's just that they go faster than us, which is interesting."

Han Shiyan said, but changed the subject and narrowed his eyes, "I'm afraid this peace negotiation will be a tough nut to crack. Have you seen a few people over there?"

Gu Shiwei followed the direction of Han Shiyan's finger and saw a few people dressed in Xixia costumes strolling through the market. When he saw a motorcade entering the city, he stretched his neck and looked around curiously.

When they turned around, Gu Shiwei realized that standing among these Xixia people was a bejeweled little girl.

She was wearing a red dress, with a riding crop hanging from her waist, and her chin raised high, making her look arrogant and domineering.

"That is the dress of the Xixia royal family. If I guessed correctly, that girl should be the little princess of the Xixia king. It seems that the Northern Dynasty asked Liu Fu to get angry and take us to the capital quickly because the Xixia team arrived first. ."

Han Shiyan said, his face a little ugly.

Because they didn't receive any information in advance.

Gu Shiwei listened and smiled sarcastically, "They have a big appetite. They want to reap the benefits, but they don't care whether they have the ability or not."

While the two were talking, they saw the little princess of Xixia suddenly looking over and grinning at the motorcade. Then she took out a slingshot with lightning speed and pulled it fiercely towards Han Shiyantong. The window of the carriage where Gu Shinwei was was shot over.

As soon as she made a move, she made a face at Gu Shiwei and raised her chin towards the sky, wanting to poke a hole in the sky!

Gu Shinwei looked amused, and casually grabbed a dried longan from Han Shiyan's dried fruit box and flicked it... The ordinary dried longan instantly seemed to have been opened up to Ren and Du's two veins, and he quickly moved towards it. The stone hit by the slingshot hit him. The stone was knocked away and fell on the bluestone floor with a thud, and then rolled gurglingly.

The little princess of Xixia looked at it and stamped her feet in annoyance.

She thought about picking up the slingshot again, and wanted to try it again, but before she could pull it away, she felt an earth-yellow shadow rush over quickly and directly hit her open mouth.

The impact was particularly hard, hitting her throat directly.

The little princess only felt a sharp pain in her throat, and then a feeling of vomiting rushed straight to her forehead. She couldn't help but bent over and vomited desperately.

She suddenly lost control and sprayed the trousers of a shirtless man passing by. The strong man from the Northern Dynasty exploded at the sight of her and started cursing on the street.

At this time, the carriage of Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan passed by the princess. Gu Shiwei's eyes moved and he said to Han Shiyan, "Where did you buy these dried longans? How come there are nine out of ten of them?" Rush and still move..."

As she said this, she lowered the curtain of the carriage, and as expected she heard a new round of violent vomiting.

Gu Shiwei curled his lips and turned around imitating the way the little Xixia princess raised her chin.

This time he turned around and met Han Shiyan's eyes, almost touching the front of his clothes.

As Han Shiyan watched, his whole body turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. He suddenly stepped back and returned to his previous posture of sitting upright.

Gu Shiwei felt that the hot and sweet smell suddenly pulled away from the tip of his nose, as if a thread was being pulled out...

She covered her nose and couldn't help but sneeze. Then she looked Han Shiyan up and down suspiciously, "Don't you think that the Princess of Xixia is a beauty, so you want to marry her, and then kill the whole of Xixia?" It’s the royal family’s plan!”

"It's a clever idea, but I'm worried that your mysterious method will only work in Dayong, and you won't be able to adapt to it if you go to a foreign country!"

The ripples in Han Shiyan's heart dissipated instantly. He looked at Gu Shiwei speechlessly, gritted his teeth and said, "Am I the only one who has this plague-like effect in Gu Shiyan's eyes?"

Gu Shiwei shook his head.

Han Shiyan felt slightly relieved, but he heard the man in front of him say unceremoniously, "It would be great if you could do this. Then wouldn't I, Dayong, punch Xixia and kick Northern Dynasty without any effort? You may not necessarily Yes, I have!"

Han Shiyan fell back in anger.

Gu Shinwei looked at his livid face and looked like he was about to die of anger, and finally couldn't hold back and laughed.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry! This atmosphere is too dull to tease you! Han Yushi is the backbone of my Dayong, and his role is to stand up to the heaven and the earth!"

Han Shiyan's previous anger was relieved almost instantly.

He was happy at first, but then his own sullenness arose in his heart. He could see his worthless appearance without looking in the mirror.

Gu Shiwei's careless look was clearly just a casual remark, but he was filled with joy after hearing it! It’s really hopeless!

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