The carriage drove all the way to the front of the post house and then stopped.

Gu Shiwei stood on the steps and looked east. Standing here, he could see the rooftops of the Northern Palace.

"Lord Gu! I will go back to the palace to report back to my mother and queen first. After everything is settled, I will come and eat roast lamb with you. I am getting married in a few days, and you must come to watch the ceremony."

"My husband has a sword, which was made by the most powerful swordsmith in my court. Then we will compete with Lord Gu's sword to see who is stronger!"

Gu Shiwei listened to Yelu Yu's words and nodded with a smile, "Definitely."

"With your elbows turned outward, those who don't know may think that Gu Shiwei is your biological father. Yelu Yu, don't forget, you are the princess of the Northern Dynasty."

Yelu Yu was happily talking to Gu Shiwei when he heard Yelv Xun's gloomy voice from the side and turned around impatiently, "My father is your father. Don't you even know your father? Why?" It’s so embarrassing to say such things!”

"Master Gu saved me, so what if I say a few words to her?"

"If you can't do it, you can't do it. It won't affect your ability to eat, drink, and fight. You're already in a weird mood. Mr. Liu is spoiling you, but I'm not."

Yelv Xun's nose was so angry that he gave Gu Shinwei a vicious look, mounted his horse and left the team without hesitation.

Liu Fu, who had just prepared himself mentally and showed a polite smile to Han Shiyan, felt as if he was overwhelmed by a mountain when he heard these words. He looked at Han Shiyan with a bitter look on his face and took a deep breath.

"Envoy Han, arrangements have been made for the post house. You will stay in Dongyuan. Mr. Tan Ming and Qing Tan will be responsible for all the affairs. It has been a tiring journey, so please rest first and let the palace arrange the follow-up matters."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhao Jin, who had gotten off the carriage and walked to Han Shiyan's side.

"Master Zhao is not the first time he has returned to the royal capital. He is also an old acquaintance with Master Tan. I will not delay your rest."

As he spoke, he looked pitifully at the second princess Yelu Yu who was like a hill beside him.

Princess! Give me a way to survive!

I didn’t realize that what you just said attracted at least hundreds of people who were watching the excitement. The fact that he couldn’t find the prince was probably going to spread throughout the entire capital in just one stick of incense.

If he continues like this, his face will be like a footbath, which can't hold such a big bottom!

As Liu Fu said this, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the Xixia Princess running towards her.

He lamented in his heart and hurriedly shouted to Yelu Yu, "Your Highness, don't wait in the palace for a long time."

As Liu Fu spoke, he started running without waiting for Yelu Yu's reply. He quickly got on the carriage and felt as if he was running away.

Yelu Yu looked at it, scratched his head, glanced at Gu Shiwei reluctantly, and then chased Liu Fu.

As she walked away, she said in a loud voice, "Mr. Liu, you are not Gongtong, and no one wants to be Gongtong. Why are you in such a hurry? Yelv Xun doesn't dare to say bad things about us in front of the emperor! Brother Huang doesn't believe it. He believes in me!"

Liu Fu felt like he was sitting on pins and needles in the carriage.

He wanted to silence the second princess, but he didn't dare.

He thought, raised the curtain and looked at each other with Han Shiyan, and then looked at Wu Jiang in front of the post house. The bruises on this guy's face had spread over the past few days, and he looked like a ghost with a green face and fangs. More and more ferocious!

But this guy didn't seem to notice at all, and he was already talking enthusiastically with the people at the Beichao Posthouse who came to greet them.

He felt that if the journey was a few days longer, he and the Han envoy from Dayong might not become close friends and agree to never look after children again in this life, especially the culprit who wanted to die!

Han Shiyan looked at the eyes that held a thousand words and twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly.

"Master Han, the Xixia people live in Xiyuan. They were in the royal capital where we arrived the day before, and we were not notified in advance. The envoy's name is Liang Zan, and he brought the princess with him. He has not entered the palace yet." "I I just asked Tan Mingqing and he said that he has not received any orders for us to enter the palace yet."

Han Shiyan retracted his gaze from watching Liu Fu go away and looked at Zhao Jin who was talking next to him, "No problem, let's go in and sort things out first. Now that the three parties are here, we can enter the palace tonight!"

Han Shiyan said and looked towards Princess Xixia.

The princess was dressed in red and was lying on the horse. Her face was a little pale because she had vomited earlier. She turned over and fell off the horse and raised her riding whip to chop her. However, when she saw Han Shiyan from close range, she was stunned. , took the whip back in a panic.

She pulled back too hastily, and the whip flicked, hitting the back of her hand, and a bloody mark was drawn from her.

"My name is Li Yan, and I am the princess of Xixia. What's your name? Are all your bad old men in Dayong dead? Finally, a beauty like you is sent out! Do you want to follow me back to Xixia to be your consort?"

Li Yan's 180-degree turn was so sharp that Gu Shiwei didn't even recover!

She looked towards Han Shiyan, and happened to see Han Shiyan looking back at her.

Han Shiyan moved his eyes away and looked at the Xixia princess in front of him calmly, "You have a filthy air on your body, please don't stand within a certain distance. The saint has taught us that we humans cannot intermarry with birds, please respect yourself."

Princess Xixia froze on the spot for a moment.

She couldn't believe her ears.

Then Li Yan came back to her senses and remembered that she had vomited just now. She couldn't help but lift her sleeves and smell it. Her eyes turned red instantly and she started to cry.

Han Shiyan didn't even look at her, but said to Chang Guan, "If you encounter an evil wind today, remember to smoke mugwort for a while. Don't get contaminated."

Princess Xixia felt like she was struck by lightning. She covered her face with a scream and ran into the post house.

Gu Shiwei looked at it and said, "Yu Shi Han is too cruel and ruthless!"

Listening to Gu Shiwei's teasing, Han Shiyan turned his head dissatisfied, only to see her thumbs up and a smile on her face.

Han Shi's banquet didn't show on his face, but he was happy in his heart. He nodded slightly and walked towards the post house.


The night in the capital seemed to get darker later than in Bianjing. The dinner had already been served in the main hall, and it was just time to turn on the lanterns.

Gu Shiwei and Wei Changming stood behind Han Shiyan, looking around silently...

Han Shi's banquet was in full swing. They had just settled down in the post house and waited for the envoy to come to the palace.

Gu Shiwei never thought that the first palace she entered was not the Dayong Palace, but the Northern Dynasty Palace.

"The Queen Mother has arrived..."

At this moment, there was a sound and everyone stood up.

Gu Shiwei stood behind Han Shiyan and looked over. She only glanced at him and then quickly lowered her head.

Yaoshou! She must be blind, right? She didn't pay attention to what the Queen Mother looked like, but she knew the person next to the Queen Mother who was a well-painted favorite, even if she turned into ashes!

That ordinary to unremarkable face is not their soft armor... bah bah... isn't it the colleague from the Imperial City Division whom they just met?

Gu Shiwei screamed in his heart: Lord Crested Ibis, you really sacrificed your life for the country! (End of chapter)

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