Fang La glanced at the mask that fell on the ground, and his eyes suddenly became extremely fierce.

He looked down at his knees that had been injured by Gu Shinwei's sword energy. Not only was his robe cut off in half, but even the fur trousers inside were torn and half hanging on the ground. Fang La bent down and pulled hard, tearing off the obstructive half of his trouser leg and throwing it aside.

He raised his head and looked at Gu Shiwei coldly.

"Gu Shiwei, you knew my identity early on, right? Why? The door needs to be searched, so I asked you to send things out of the dog hole. This is obviously very reasonable, isn't it?"

Gu Shiwei knew about it early on, so he handed over a smelly stone wrapped in cloth.

That's why I asked him as soon as they met if the gift he gave was not what he wanted.

"But what does it matter, because today is the day of your death, and the dead cannot speak."

Gu Shiwei glanced at his legs and raised his eyebrows.

"It's just because it's too reasonable that it's unreasonable."

"The rebels of the Northern Dynasty are not roundworms in your belly. How come they cooperate so seamlessly with you and work with you to defraud important things from our innocent Lord Wei."

"If you were not a traitor in Dayong, how would you know about the mission of the Imperial City Division and that we have something to hand over."

"These days, the rebels are too useless, so they can only collude across borders? How pitiful! Although the King of Qin and Yue in the Northern Dynasty lost a hand, he has already started to rebel. You useless old turtle has been dormant for many years, tiger You’ve become an old turtle, why don’t you still dare not take action?”

"Don't worry. When you die, I will burn paper and tell you how he was so cowarded that he didn't dare to take a step even after he went to hell..."

When Fang La heard this, he was like a thousand arrows piercing his heart!
Gu Shinwei's words simply stuffed a hornet's nest into his heart!

He has a lot of abilities, but for the sake of dormant, dormant, dormant... he dare not show even half of it... But he dormant day after day, year after year...

Fang La was so angry that the dagger in his hand seemed to be on fire. He swung the dagger in his hand without hesitation. The dagger suddenly split into two parts and turned into two daggers.

He held one on each side and suddenly disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was already behind Wei Changming.

Fang La was overjoyed when he saw that Wei Changming didn't seem to notice and didn't move at all. The dagger in his right hand slashed Wei Changming's throat, but the dagger in his left hand scratched the bamboo hat belt on his back.

But at the moment when the dagger was about to cut Wei Changming's throat, Fang La felt a sharp pain in his heart.

The unaware Wei Changming in front of him turned around and missed the dagger. He also picked up the corners of his eyes and mouth with his hands and made a face at him. The bamboo hat on his back fell down, and half a blue brick was placed heavily inside...

"Do you think you would kill me so easily? I just firmly believe that I will kill you before you kill me..."

"Slightly, slightly, slightly~" Wei Changming stuck out his tongue and changed his face again...

Fang La's eyes gradually lost their sparkle, and his eyes became a little blurry. He could not even see clearly the appearance of Wei Changming in front of him. He slowly lowered his eyes and could only vaguely see the tip of Gu Shiwei's sword!
Wei Changming was right, Gu Shiwei was faster than him... No, it should be said that he was much faster than him.

He had no idea when the man came behind him or when he drew his sword and pierced him.

Gu Shiwei glanced at Wei Changming with disgust and said, "Childish! You are still the commander of the Imperial City Division, and you still have so many people under your command! How come Zhang Chunting's right-hand man, Li Sansi, whose right arm is so thick and strong, is on your left? The arm is like a noodle..." Wei Changming corrected himself. There was blood on his face and body, and the wound hurt when he moved it, but he didn't care at all.

In the past, the injuries on my body were much more serious than this.

"I won't be happy if Gu Qinshi says this! Ah! Mr. Zhang is really wise and powerful. He just saw that my left arm was a little thinner, so he found Gu Qinshi again. In this way, we have two swords, but we are not the same. Li Sansi is just as strong!"

Gu Shinwei twitched the corner of his mouth and suddenly drew out his sword.

She dared to tell Zhang Chunting to fart, and Wei Changming would have slapped his hands and exclaimed that Mr. Zhang was wise and mighty, and farts were like thunder that passed through thousands of mortals!

"Fang Fangla... what kind of rebels! Mr. Gu, are you saying that someone in Dayong colludes with the Northern Dynasty to plot rebellion?"

Zhao Jin recovered from the lightning strike and looked at Fang La, who was lying motionless on the ground, his eyes wide open in horror...

Gu Shenwei curled his lips and slowly turned his head to look over, but he heard a horse neighing, and saw the tall black horse pulling the carriage suddenly trembled as if going crazy, and turned straight. Chang Guan, who was sitting on top watching the excitement, suddenly shook himself off.

Then it neighed and frantically pulled the carriage forward.

"What happened, the horse was frightened!" Chang Guan was shaken off, rolled on the ground several times, and shouted hurriedly, "Our young master is still in the car!"

Zhao Jin, who was closest to the carriage, took a deep breath and jumped up suddenly. But he didn't know martial arts. He grabbed the edge of the front axle of the carriage, but he couldn't climb up. He was so crazy that he couldn't climb up. The horse swung in the air...

Previously, the horse could pull the cart behind the bay horse without being thrown away, which showed that it was a powerful horse. Now it seemed to use all its strength to run straight towards the mountain forest.

This sudden scene shocked everyone. Upon seeing this, Gu Shiwei immediately flew in the direction of the carriage. Seeing its owner running, the bay-red horse also started running in the same direction. Gu Shiwei used Qinggong to chase him. After a few steps, I jumped onto the jujube horse running at full speed...

She held the horse's reins with one hand and raised her other hand in a gesture.

The bay-red horse tried its best to catch up and finally caught up.

"Master Gu..."

Gu Shinwei patted the bay-red horse and jumped directly in front of the carriage. She held the reins with one hand and stretched out her other hand to pull Zhao Jin, who was about to faint. Got on the carriage.

The speed of the carriage was so fast that the strong wind hit her face, making it almost impossible to open her eyes. Before Gu Wei could adjust the head of the carriage with a sigh of relief, she felt a strong force pulling downwards. Come over.

The crazy black horse kicked off the air, and the carriage and the man fell towards a canyon...

When the bay horse following behind saw this, its eyes widened in horror. It raised its head and neighed, its front hooves swung in the air, then twisted its butt and jumped back, standing in the canyon. Bian'er.

The bay-red horse was in shock. It stretched out its neck and looked down. Its ears moved, and it couldn't help but take a step back.

Then he stuck his head out to take a look again. After hesitating for a while, the horse looked around, identified a direction and ran towards that end. (End of chapter)

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