Gu Shiwei felt that he first took off from the carriage, and then fell heavily.

She only felt that she was terribly calm, as if her five senses had become extraordinarily sharp. Her ears moved, and the sound of rushing water came from below. The last time like this was at the mass grave. She clearly heard the breathing of every butcher who wanted to kill her.

One is missing, and another is missing...

But there were still many, many dense sounds of heavy breathing, and they surrounded her, wanting to cut her into pieces.

She had seen this canyon on the map hidden in the secret room of Nanda Palace. Because it seemed like a crack in the ground was split by the great sword of a cultivator, it was also called the Great Sword Valley. There was a river at the bottom of the valley... Will go south.

Gu Shinwei's mind was spinning rapidly and he shouted "Han Shiyan" at the same time.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a white hand sticking out of the carriage. There was a cut on the back of the hand and it was bleeding.

She yanked Han Shiyan out, then kicked the carriage violently and grabbed Zhao Jin's arm. He closed his eyes tightly at this moment, his face was extremely pale, and he looked like he was unconscious. past.

Gu Shiwei glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a jade pendant falling out from around his neck. The jade pendant seemed to have some words engraved on it, but it was hard to see clearly because it was shaking. It just felt like green grass fluttering in the wind.

When Gu Shiwei saw this, he loosened his grip and kicked Zhao Jin in the heart.

Her sudden kick shocked Han Shiyan, who had just been pulled out of the carriage!
But before he could speak, Gu Shiwei had already used the power to jump lightly, kicked the black horse's head, then grabbed him and spun him around in the air, and landed there forcefully. On the gravel ground of the river.

"Stay aside!"

There was only a loud bang, and the carriage hit the river hard, falling to pieces in an instant.

The carriage and its body suddenly sank toward the water, and at the moment when huge waves rose, another vortex rolled up.

Han Shiyan heard Gu Shiwei's sweet shout and looked towards the water. He pursed his lips, tied the baggage on his back, then took out the crossbow he had prepared early in the morning and aimed at the man who emerged from the whirlpool. A pale man flying up.

The man's clothes were all soaked, and his hair was wet and stuck to his head, looking extremely curly.

There was still a gentle smile on his face, but this smile seemed particularly dull and cold like the sunshine on a cloudy day.

It was also Zhao Jin, but the Zhao Jin now was completely different from the Zhao Jin they knew.

Suddenly, his feet moved suddenly, and a dagger appeared in his hand. After catching the first stab from Gu Shiwei, he quickly bounced back.

Zhao Jin clutched the dagger tightly and suddenly spat out a mouthful of water on the river. He looked at Gu Shiwei and said, "Gu Shiqi, you are really cruel and ruthless. You want to go straight to the river without asking a word." Kill me. Aren't you afraid that you will make a mistake and kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

Gu Shiwei looked at Zhao Jin coldly, "No innocent person died under my sword. You should be lucky that I didn't have time to draw the sword at that time."

As she spoke, she stepped forward and stabbed Zhao Jin with her second move... After the exchange of weapons, the two quickly dispersed.

"I originally thought that if Fang La died, you would put an end to your suspicions. In this way, I only need to kill Han Shiyan, take the national seal from the carriage and escape back to Beijing, and then I will be done. I didn't expect..."

"Why didn't you lie to Fang La? When did you start doubting me?" Zhao Jin was a little confused. Gu Shiwei clearly reached out and pulled his arm. She originally wanted to save him, but she suddenly changed. Having made up his mind, he kicked him in the heart, trying to kill him.

This kick was so severe that he almost lost his life.

Zhao Jin felt the fishy sweetness in his throat and couldn't help but stare at Gu Shiwei.

"I can't think of a time when I showed my flaws, except for being a little anxious and saying a few too many words today."

Gu Shiwei tightly held the long sword in his hand. Zhao Jin was very strong, much stronger than Fang La.

"You are a bit of a smart person. You always think you are extremely smart, but in fact you are extremely stupid. You have been the number one suspect in my mind a long time ago."

"When the snake exorcist replaced you, you entered the hut and saw clearly her appearance, her expression of horror imitating yours, and you even turned around. You had so much time, but you didn't scream. After a while..."

Zhao Jin described it in detail at that time. He said he saw the snake exorcist wearing a woman's clothes, holding it against his face, making the same expression as he did, as if he was looking in a mirror. He turned around and was knocked unconscious by her from the back of the head, then stuffed into the cage.

At that time, they were immersed in the death of the snake exorcist and thinking about Ma Hongying. They did not think carefully about the problems in Zhao Jin's confession.

If he was a weak scholar, why didn't the snake exorcist knock him out as soon as he entered the hut, so that he couldn't even see what the prisoner looked like and wouldn't expose himself at all.

If he wasn't, or the snake driver deliberately gave him a long breather, then why didn't he scream?

When people see something scary, their first reaction is usually to scream!

You must know that it was at the inn, and all the people from the mission were there at that time. As long as Zhao Jin shouted, the snake exorcists would not have a chance to replace him.

"He killed Xu Yi, why didn't he just kill you too, and then put so much effort into the cage?"

At that time, she vaguely felt something strange, so she asked Han Shiyan whether Zhao Jin was an accomplice of the snake exorcist, and whether King Qi might be the person behind the scenes. Unfortunately, the conversation did not go further, so she went to look for Chu Liangchen, and they followed The body of the snake exterminator was discovered.

After that, their journey was very uneven and full of twists and turns, so she forgot about it.

"Is it so early?" Zhao Jin had a look of horror on his face, but as he spoke, he dodged and stabbed Gu Shiwei directly in the heart.

Gu Shinwei stepped on the clear water, turned over suddenly, and stabbed Zhao Jin's back vest with the sword upside down.

Zhao Jin turned around sharply, sparks erupted from the dagger and sword again, and the distance between the two widened again.

Using Qinggong to fight on the water is extremely taxing on people. The rushing river water splashes up and wets the clothes again and again, making the whole body become heavy.

"But you should only suspect that there is something wrong with me, and you can't think that I am a Tianzihao killer. Why?"

After all, he was usually weak and powerless. He was a weak scholar who didn't know any martial arts and looked a hundred times weaker than Han Shiyan.

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