Zhao Jin asked himself, before today, there were only a few people in the world who knew that he possessed peerless martial arts.

How did Gu Shiwei know his identity?

"The second time I doubted you was when we briefly fought against each other at Lu Ning's house. Do you think that I released insects to bite people and made such a big fuss just to teach Yelv Xun a lesson?"

"It's just to find the person whose leg hair was shaved off by my long sword! There are only six people who are not allowed to check, and you are among them."

Gu Shiwei looked at Zhao Jin quietly.

"If I were the King of Qi, I would also arrange for you, a bastard with strong martial arts skills, to do the task of snatching the national seal. Firstly, the national seal is very important, so I must have close friends around me; secondly, I can keep you far away, so You wouldn’t kill your father and brother to pick peaches at the last moment.”

Zhang Chunting sent her and Wei Changming to steal the national seal. If the person behind the scenes was really determined to get the national seal, he would have to at least send two Tianzihao masters who were equally matched with them.

Fang La and Wei Changming were half a catty against eight liang, so there must be another person with a higher ranking dormant near them.

She had such suspicions as soon as the list of six people came out, among which Zhao Jin ranked number one.

They analyzed early and came to the conclusion that the person who could lie dormant for many years and cause the weapon-breaking case, the tax bank shipwreck case, and the flying bird case was definitely a person in a high position. Those who covet the throne are most likely relatives of the emperor, or they are military generals in charge of one side.

As for the civil servants, to put it bluntly, being the head of the civil servants in the Yong Dynasty was more comfortable than the emperor.

In addition, it was the first time Han Shiyan saw the runes formed by the flying bird mask when it was turned upside down, and he felt familiar as if he had seen it somewhere before. What if he had met him in the palace of Prince Qi, who was also a relative of the emperor?
Although there is no concrete evidence, it has to be said that Zhao Jin and Qi Wangfu are consistent with everything.

Gu Shiwei recalled the strangeness of Zhao Jin when the snake exorcist knocked him out, and he had an idea in his mind.

"I'm sure you have a problem. It was when you and I passed each other in the inn that day and you said I was kind."

When Zhao Jin heard this, he couldn't help but feel shocked and angry. What shocked him was that according to the saying that he had little care, he had flaws all over his body. What made him angry was that Bianjing's great cause was about to happen, but he was still trapped by the imperial seal. Here it is...

On weekdays, he could only comfort himself that his father valued him, but deep down he knew that just as Gu Shiwei said, his father, King Qi, simply regarded him as an outsider and was afraid of him.

It's now!

Gu Shenwei noticed that Zhao Jin's expression was distorted for a moment. The long sword in her hand shook, and it almost shook out the afterimage... Standing on the bank of the river, Han Shiyan couldn't believe his eyes. On the surface of the river, it seemed as if Suddenly several Gu Shinwei appeared with long swords in their hands...

They all raised their swords and stabbed at Zhao Jin from all directions.

In this battle, the two fought more than a hundred moves in one go before they regained distance.

Han Shiyan first looked at Gu Shiwei and saw a cut on the upper side of her left arm. The blood flowed down, making her red robe appear darker. There was also a light cut on her neck. bloodstains...

Han Shiyan looked at it, clenched his fists, and looked at Zhao Jin again.

Zhao Jin's clothes were in tatters, his hair was down, and there was a serious wound an inch away from his heart. The dagger he was holding was hanging down and bleeding. The ordinary dagger from before, Although it was stained with blood, it suddenly turned scarlet.

There were a total of five wounds on his body, and each one looked serious.

"I underestimated you. It seems that you were able to survive in the mass graves because of your true ability. The name of my dagger is Impermanence. If it turns red, someone will die that day."

Zhao Jin saw that Gu Shiwei's expression was indifferent, and he looked at Gu Shiwei with some disbelief, "He is also a killer who uses a dagger. Do you know that the person who fought with you at Lu Ning's house that day was not Fang La but me?"

As Zhao Jin spoke, a subtle feeling suddenly arose in his heart. He reluctantly pulled out the word "leg hair" from the nook and cranny in Gu Shiwei's words.

So, he lost because of his "leg hair"?

Gu Shinwei saw through Zhao Jin's thoughts at a glance. She did not answer the conversation. Although she was calm on the surface, she was like a cheetah, trying hard to find opportunities for Zhao Jin to relax.

Although it looked like the two of them were talking very closely, they were talking non-stop.

But she knew that now she and Zhao Jin were staring at each other fiercely, waiting for an opportunity to kill him with one blow.

Fang La had torn off his trouser legs without hesitation before. His behavior was magnanimous and he didn't think about the hair on his legs at all. Besides, it turned out that his legs were intact. Before he died, he didn't take out the weapon she had seen before. Blood red dagger.

No matter which point it was, it proved that her previous suspicions were not wrong at all.

There are two Tianzihao killers hiding beside them, one is Fang La and the other is Zhao Jin.

Then Han Shiyan was frightened and gave Zhao Jin another heavy blow.

Ma'er is so good, but she can't be frightened by watching her kill Fang La... The others are all people who can be trusted at the risk of their lives. Only the "outsider" Zhao Jin who is closest to Ma'er has the possibility of committing evil acts.

What's more, if Zhao Jin was really a powerless scholar, how could he catch the carriage so easily and accurately and follow Han Shiyan.

Seeing that Gu Shiwei refused to answer the test, Zhao Jin added, "Why would you be sure that there is something wrong with me if I say you have a nice face? This is outrageous, isn't it?"

Gu Shiwei raised his eyebrows, and she moved her feet slightly. Zhao Jin on the opposite side did not relax his vigilance. The two of them just faced each other and circled on the river.

Moreover, he had asked before why Gu Shiwei had grabbed his arm while he was in mid-air, but suddenly let go and kicked him down.

"Tsk tsk...what are you testing?"

Gu Shinwei took a sudden step, drew a straight line on the river, and ducked directly in front of Zhao Jin. The long black sword in her hand made a clear sound with Zhao Jin's dagger with red eyes...

Then the sound kept coming, like someone frying beans in a pot.

Gu Shiwei found a flaw and slashed towards Zhao Jin's neck with the long sword. Zhao Jin could not avoid it and sank into the water with all his strength. The long sword grazed the top of his head and slashed him. A piece of hair was cut off, revealing a white scalp.

Zhao Jin didn't care about the beauty and ugliness now. He suddenly jumped into the air.

While Gu Shiwei was adjusting his sword posture, he kicked his foot in mid-air and kicked the water droplets directly towards Gu Shiwei's face.

Gu Shiwei turned her head to dodge, but the dagger fell from the sky and swiped directly towards the neck that was exposed when she tilted her head...

Zhao Jin was overjoyed when he saw this. He had waited for so long and finally found Gu Shiwei's flaw. The moment the dagger scratched Gu Shiwei's skin, his heart dropped to his stomach, but before he could relax, He breathed, but felt a pain in his chest.

Gu Shiwei's long sword pierced his abdomen and headed towards Dantian at the same moment.

"You said I would cut off your head and place it on the ancestral grave of the old Gu family. Will Old Thief Gu thank me for letting you recognize your ancestors, little uncle?"

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