Chapter 313 Zhang Chunting ()
"Hey! Kid, are you still alive?"

The young Zhang Chunting's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he opened his eyes with some difficulty. His vision was a little blurry. The man in front of him seemed to be integrated with the osmanthus tree above his head, exuding a small and gentle but sweet scent like an osmanthus. Shining light.

It was very much like the spring stars he saw when he was locked in the small courtyard.

Xiao Chunting tried her best to open her eyes wide, and her vision finally became clear. It was a face full of contentment, like a lark in the sky or an eagle spreading its wings.

He had to learn such an expression in front of a bronze mirror, but he would never be able to learn it.

"Ahem..." Xiao Chunting coughed a few times, and there was burning pain all over his body. With such a cough, his whole body seemed to fall apart.

"My name is Gu Younian, where is your father? Why are you here alone?" The man said, his ears moved, and there was the sound of horse hooves and shouts coming from far and near, "Someone is chasing you. ?”

Xiao Chunting blinked heavily. Before he could speak, he felt the world spinning. The man named Gu Younian hugged him directly.

"Boy, stop meddling in other people's business...put this kid down, or I'll tell you how to write the word "death"!"

Xiao Chunting's heart was shocked. At that moment, he had an inexplicable feeling that the dust had settled. He was not a child worth looking forward to. He should have been beaten to death when he was born. How could he survive for so many years? It is already considered a gift from God.

No, being trapped in that mansion and never being able to get out is not a gift.

It would not be a bad thing if such a life ended.

"Put me down and leave quickly. They are here to kill me. You are just a passerby, there is no need... um..." Xiao Chunting's eyes suddenly opened wide, and his mouth was touched by a big rough hand. Covered...

"Well..." Although he couldn't survive today, he never thought about being muffled to death!

Xiao Chunting's face turned red, and she almost lost her breath! Could it be that he had made a mistake, that Gu Younian was not a kind-hearted passerby at all, but another group of people who came to kill him?
Just when he was about to struggle, Gu Younian's hand loosened, and the big warm hand fell on his head, and the osmanthus sugar directly stuck to his hair.

"Do you know me? Otherwise, how would you know that my last name is nosy? How shameless, a bunch of big men are chasing after a little kid for doing nothing."

"You can just learn how to write the word "death" yourself. After all, you will need it! I don't need it, young master! After all, the person who can let me meddle in my own business has not been born yet! Besides, this is not what you are looking for. Man, this is my son’s responsibility!”

Zhang Chunting took a deep breath... Hearing his new name, his breath was stagnant. Who wants to be called Guan Bao by such an unpleasant name?
As he was thinking, he heard Gu Younian lower his voice and shout, "Hold tight, kid!"

Before Xiao Chunting had time to react, he saw Gu Younian flipping him over and clamping him directly under his arm. The string of dumplings in his hand was thrown forward, directly piercing the steel knife that was slashing towards them. Then, like a magic trick, a dark long sword appeared in his hand.

The long sword didn't look good at all, it looked like a fire stick in the kitchen.

The edge of the sword also looked dull, as if it had never been sharpened.

"Boy, I think you are looking for death! Let's kill both of you together without mercy!"

Zhang Chunting's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but feel sad. He could just die alone, but it was really a heinous crime to take someone else's life.

As he was thinking this, he saw Gu Daxia, who was holding the dumplings earlier and seemed to be out of his mind, rushing toward the group of people like a gust of wind. He was like a hungry wolf jumping into the herd of sheep. …

Xiao Chunting's eyes lit up instantly!
" awesome!" Gu Younian laughed after hearing this, and with one movement he threw Xiao Chunting onto his back. He put the long sword back into its sheath and ran away...

Where is the previous master's demeanor of fighting one against a hundred...

Zhang Chunting swore that this man ran faster than when Lu Guogong drove him to escape in a carriage!

"Did you kill all those people?" Xiao Chunting looked at Gu Younian curiously, and then looked around quietly. This should be a small fishing village. Fishing boats of all sizes can be seen everywhere. The smell of aquatic plants and fish goes straight to your nose, which is extremely uncomfortable...

"Does this boat belong to you? You don't look like a fisherman."

Gu Younian clicked his tongue twice, took out a small white porcelain bottle from his arms, took out a red pill and stuffed it into Zhang Chunting's mouth without any explanation.

"You kid, why do you have so many questions to ask? I haven't even asked you why those people are chasing you."

"I saw that they were very skilled, and they didn't use martial arts tricks. I'm afraid they are not from the government. If I kill them, wouldn't they get into big trouble? Although they draw their swords to help when the road is rough, there is a saying that the people are not willing to do anything. Fighting with officials?"

"What do you do at home? Did you commit anything? Don't thank me, I can't just die without saving you. Even if it wasn't you, I would still save you if it were your brother and your father!"

Zhang Chunting looked at the person in front of him seriously.

His voice couldn't help but become a little softer, and his whole body became softer. I don't know what kind of medicine the red pill was. After taking it, it didn't hurt at all.

"Good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years. You'd better not be a bad person in the future, otherwise you'll die early. I asked you to leave at first but you refused to leave. Now that you're with me, you're in big trouble."

"You throw me to the county government office..."

Before Zhang Chunting could finish his words, he was blocked by a big soft steamed bun.

"How old are you, silly kid! Why does your mouth look like it's painted with crane's crown red? I saved you and you cursed me to death! If you were my son, see if I didn't beat you up. A child's mouth is used to call dad and mom again. Including those who have food, let alone those who have it.”

"Why do you think so much about someone as big as a soybean? When your injuries get better...if you are separated from your family, I can take you back."

"If you don't have anywhere to go, well... then I'll help you find a place to go. Fill your stomach first and then..."

Call me daddy... family...

Xiao Chunting's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he responded muffledly, "Yeah."

"Where are you talking about going? Are you fishing on this boat with me? You are not a martial artist, why are you still fishing?"

Gu Younian laughed as he listened.

"Don't the heroes of the charlatan have to eat, sleep and marry a wife? Otherwise, where do you think the money comes from to act like a rich man in a wine shop with a pound of beef and three bowls of wine...all of them are rich!"

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