Chapter 314 Zhang Chunting ()
Seeing Xiao Chunting stunned, Gu Younian's laughter became even louder.

"Actually, I don't really make a living by fishing, but I prefer living on a boat than in an inn. Wouldn't it be nice to listen to the waves and watch the moon and drink at night?"

"You will know how interesting it is when you grow up."

Gu Younian said, taking a look at the rags on Xiao Chunting's body, he scratched his head, "You stay here, I'll go find someone nearby to find something you can wear. Before you go back, He is my son. Remember, my name is Guan Xian, and your name is Guan Bao."

Zhang Chunting lowered his head and looked at the steamed buns in his hands...

So are the steamed buns enough?
He was thinking, and when he saw Gu Younian about to jump out of the boat, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Gu Younian paused and knelt down. He stretched out his hand and gently touched Zhang Chunting's head, "Don't worry, I won't leave you alone."

Zhang Chunting sniffed, lowered his head, and quickly retracted his hand. He bit his lips to prevent his tears from falling.

This fishing boat was very small, smaller than the Sifang Tiandi that had been shutting him in, but he inexplicably felt that this swaying boat was safer than the impregnable small courtyard...

When he woke up again, it was already dawn the next day.

Many fishing boats on the water have left the port, and the songs of the fisher girls are clear and long.

Zhang Chunting looked at his clothes. They had washed them white and there was a patch on them. However, the person who mended the clothes had such fine stitches that it was hard to tell. He walked slowly towards the bow of the ship...

Gu Younian was sitting there wearing a bamboo hat and fishing with a fishing rod in his hand. The small fishing boat had floated to the center of the water at some point.

The morning sun fell on his back, making his whole body seem to be covered with a layer of golden light.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Gu Younian turned around and waved, "You're awake, come here and sit in the wind and bask in the sun. Have sugar and oil cakes for breakfast, take some from the small table when you pass by."

Zhang Chunting sat down as he said, and the morning breeze blew in his face, which made him have an inexplicable idea, how wonderful it would be if his whole life passed by like this. Sitting on a fishing boat, he lived like a wandering cloud and wild crane.

"My name is Zhang Chunting."

"My father's surname is Zhao, and he comes from a wealthy family in Bianjing City. My mother is a maid in the family. She was ostracized because of her beauty and was sent to a remote courtyard to work as a roughneck. One spring day, my father accidentally entered the house while drunk. With me."

"I was born with a disability and could not continue to have children, and my mother died in childbirth. My father thought it was very unlucky and never acknowledged me."

"My surname is not Zhao, but my mother's surname is Zhang. I also don't have a name. Spring Courtyard was given to me by my mother's aunt. She said that my mother was always grateful for meeting my father in the Spring Courtyard."

"Although I don't think this is something to be grateful for, the name Zhang Chunting is at least better than Guan Bao, so I called him this."

Gu Younian held the fishing rod and fished seriously as if he hadn't heard anything.

Zhang Chunting didn't look at him and continued to talk about his life experience.

"I have been living in the small courtyard where my mother once lived and never left the house. My father has never come to see me, and only my aunt takes care of me."

"In the past, when he was young, he had many wives and concubines, but he was still worried about having no children? Now that he is old, he found that besides me, he only had one son, so he thought of me again. He started to visit me, brought me many books, and would praise me. I am extremely intelligent..."

"I thought I was finally going to have a father, but unfortunately, people like me probably have no way of owning anything." "My father's beloved concubine became pregnant after many years, and my father was ecstatic... I didn’t know why at the time, why my father didn’t come to see me again. My aunt was seriously ill, and I wanted to seek medical treatment for her, so I climbed over the courtyard wall and ran out..."

"Auntie also left..."

Zhang Chunting's voice was exceptionally calm, without any emotion at all, as if he was telling someone else's story.

Gu Younian moved his hand holding the fishing rod, but said nothing.

"He realized that I had grown up and had resentment in my heart, and it was time to make a decision. You are right, my mouth was not nearly stained with crane crown red. My aunt held it in front of me, That’s a bowl of almond butter…”

"When the bowl reached my mouth, Uncle Wei was ordered to come in and take me out of the house. We went all the way south to here."

"Later, you saw that although I didn't pose any threat, there were still people who wanted to eradicate the roots. I don't know if someone was worried that I would compete for the property in the house and didn't want me to grow up. Or maybe he regretted it again and didn't want to keep me. Such a shameful son in this world..."

"Fish! Fish! Fish!" As Zhang Chunting said this, he suddenly stood up and shouted excitedly when he saw a sudden ripple on the water.

"Quick, quick, quick! It turns out you can really catch fish!"

Gu Younian glanced at him and saw that his attention had been completely absorbed by the fish, and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Help me! This is such a big fish! Whether we can go to the city to buy Caoji Roast Chicken all depends on this shot!"

Zhang Chunting's face turned red with excitement. He looked around and saw the fish copy on the side. He picked it up and followed the fish in the water without blinking...

Gu Younian's eyes moved and he shouted, "Come here, come here, fish it out quickly!"

Zhang Chunting could not remember his life experience at this moment. He still remembered that he was a child with small arms and legs. He suddenly fished it forward...

Gu Younian looked down and was surprised to find that he had really caught it. He looked up and down and Zhang Chunting gave a thumbs up, "Good boy, you are a good martial artist! You have sharp eyes and quick hands!"

Zhang Chunting had never been praised before, and he was so happy. He thought about lifting it up with all his strength, but he didn't want the big fish in the net bag to flap its tail a few times, and a force of gravity hit him. and fell into the water...

"Hahahaha!" Gu Younian's laughter rang out. He reached out and scooped up Zhang Chunting, who was flopping in the water...

Xiao Chunting was covered in water, as wet as a drowned rat, but he still held the flapping fish tightly in his arms, "Fish!"

Gu Younian was stunned, and he carried him onto the boat. He took off his robe, covered Zhang Chunting, and rubbed his hair, "What a boy! He is a ruthless character! You don't even know how to swim." , I’m about to die, and I’m still thinking about catching fish!”

Zhang Chunting's hair was rubbed into a mess by him, and his soaked clothes stuck to his trouser legs and felt extremely uncomfortable, but he showed a big smile.

"Can you teach me martial arts?"

"Practice martial arts is hard."

"I'm not afraid of hardship. I know you won't stay here for long. When you leave, when Uncle Wei leaves, I can only rely on myself. I thought it didn't matter if I died before, but I don't want to die now. ”

"Okay. If you don't want to die, why should you die? It's them who deserve to die."

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