The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 334 Horrible Night on the Boat

Wu Jiang said, turned around and walked backwards, making a face at Han Shiyan, then jumped up and hit the door of Luyi Tower directly, making a loud bang and a lot of dust falling.

Gu Shiwei, who was walking at the front, saw what was happening, stepped lightly, grabbed the waist of the shopkeeper, Po Xi, and pulled her back together.

Wu Jiang, whose face was choked by dust, bent over and coughed violently with his eyes closed.

"Brother Shi Yan, you are too cruel! Look at me banging on the door without making a sound!"

Han Shiyan silently took a few steps back and said calmly to Wu Jiang, "Well, after all, I am a stingy person."

The door opened, and a girl with a bun stuck her head out. She was startled when she saw Wu Jiang, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to close the door.

Wu Jiang spat out a few mouthfuls of dust, and got his hand stuck in the crack of the door. His hand was wrapped in a bandage, and there was still blood stains on it. The girl didn't dare to pinch it, so she let go of her hand and jumped back a few steps.

"Everyone, my wife is seriously ill and cannot get up. I'm sorry that we can't receive guests in Lvyi Tower today."

Wu Jiang pushed the door open, "I'm not a guest. Kaifeng Mansion is investigating the case. I have something to ask Miss Luyi."

The girl was in a dilemma, not knowing how to answer the question, so she looked toward the stairs eagerly.

"Rui Huan, let the adults come up. You can go and invite your mother." Hearing the green voice from upstairs, the child named Rui Huan breathed a sigh of relief and ran out the door. .

Furong Lane is full of small buildings, and in each small building there is an oiran lady, all of whom are talented and beautiful.

The old madam Sheng Furong lived at the entrance of the alley. There was a huge restaurant there. Judging from the appearance, it was not inferior to Fan Tower at all.

This is not the first time Gu Shinwei has come back to Luyi Tower. She had been here before when Guan Yushi was assassinated. It was the first time she and Han Shiyan worked on a case together.

Because a murder had occurred in that room, Lu Yi's bedroom was changed to a much smaller one than before.

When they came in, she was sitting on the small couch by the window. She hadn't seen her for a few months. Lu Yi looked haggard. At first glance, she looked like a skull dangling in her clothes. .

There were blisters on her lips, and some of them were broken and bleeding.

When we met Wu Jiang face to face, we were like brothers and sisters crawling back from the grave together.

"What bad news do the three of you want to tell me today? My Xia family has died, and I am the only one left alive. Why do you want me to see that letter? I had already accepted my fate, but then again Let’s have a glimmer of hope that maybe we’re mistaken.”

"Dad was wrongly accused, and we still have a chance to start over. As a result, my sister died, my brother-in-law died... The case was re-investigated, and there was no mistake. My dad is the one who deserves to die. You think it's ridiculous or not? , Ridiculous or not?”

Lu Yi said, coughing violently.

She covered her mouth with a handkerchief, and when she took it off, the corners of her mouth were a little scarlet.

Seeing her like this, the three of them all felt heavy in their hearts. Wu Jiang opened his mouth and didn't know where to start. He was stunned for a moment.

The last time she came back, Lu Yi was still a beautiful court lady. She was still telling lies to hide the truth about Guan Yushi's death, and wanted to clear her father's wrongdoing. At that time, she was in jail, but she was full of vitality. .

At this moment, she was like a flower that had failed to bloom, lifeless. "We are here to ask you about a serial murder case in Bianjing City. Yuan Huo, Zheng Dong, Qiuniang, Cripple... Do you remember what happened on the way to Bianjing City from Suzhou?"

Lu Yi's somewhat distracted eyes gradually regained some spirit. She couldn't help but repeat Gu Shenwei's question, "Who are you talking about? Yuan Huo..."

She subconsciously licked the wound on her lip, and after thinking about it for a moment, her whole body became excited. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Gu Shiwei, "Serial murder case... you mean they are all dead? Yuan Huo is also dead?"

She is now lingering on the sickbed, ignorant of many foreign affairs, and has never heard of any serial murders in Bianjing City.

Gu Shiwei looked at her quietly and shook his head, "Yuan Huo is not dead. He has become a suspect in this murder case..."

Lu Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, but she covered her face and started crying.

She cried for a while, wiped her red and swollen eyes with the bloody handkerchief, and pointed to the seat next to her in a hoarse voice, motioning for Gu Shinwei to sit there.

"I deeply felt that my time was running out. I wrote a letter to Yuan Huo about half a month ago, hoping that he would come to see me, and he came."

"After my father's accident, my sister and I fell into disgrace. At that time, Sheng Furong, the madam of Furong House, bought me and found two people to escort me to Bianjing City. One of them was named Xu Dayong, and the other was named Mr. Zhang. Seven, they are all thugs from Furong Tower."

"She had just bought Furong Lane at that time, and it was the time when the court was looking for courtesans. She arranged for me to go to Beijing, but she went to Yangzhou."

"Qiu Niang is a Su Xiu Niang she bought. In addition, there is a Qin Niang named Guanyang..."

Lu Yi said, smiling self-deprecatingly, "It's true that people are good at talking when they are about to die. I never imagined that there would be a day when I could directly tell this horrible thing."

"Sheng Furong hired a merchant ship. In addition to the five of us, she also bought a lot of fabrics, silk threads and other things. In addition, the sailors on the merchant ship also served as bodyguards. When the ship was about to leave, she also took a person with her. That’s Zheng Dong.”

"At that time, he was still the head catcher in the Suzhou Yamen, and my father was the county magistrate. I had a relationship with Zheng Dong before. At that time, Zheng Dong's wife ran away with money, and he didn't want to stay in Suzhou, so he didn't want to stay in Suzhou. I don’t know what route I took, and I want to come to Kaifeng Mansion to work as a police officer..."

Lu Yi hasn't said anything in detail yet, but several people present have guesses in their minds.

Something big must have happened to them on the way.

"We met water bandits on the road. They appeared out of nowhere, all with their faces covered and holding bright swords in their hands. They only wanted money and not murder. When the people on the boat heard that they did not want to lose their lives, they all Surrender and let them tie us up."

"After the cargo on the ship was removed, I thought we were safe, but the second-in-command of the water bandits was lustful and moved on us. He originally wanted to kidnap all of us women."

"But he was stopped by the boss... He said he could only take one away..."

"The Guan Yang who played the piano was Xu Dayong's cousin. He was worried that something might happen to Guan Yang, so he immediately pointed at me and said that he used to be an official lady, and then he was going to be an oiran. Instead of riding with thousands of people, it would be better to be a water bandit. Mrs. Yazhai is the best of both worlds.”

When Gu Shiwei heard this, his heart sank.

It is difficult for a woman in this world to walk outside. Lu Yi has no skills and no one to protect her. She is simply a piece of fish on the chopping board to be slaughtered. (End of chapter)

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