Chapter 335: Go catch the murderer
"Man! How ugly!"

"The official Zheng Dong was drunk and unconscious... In order not to affect her, Qiuniang said that Zheng Dong was a policeman and she was Zheng Dong's wife... Zhang Laoqi simply turned a deaf ear as if the matter had nothing to do with her. …”

Wu Jiang wants to argue that Zheng Dong is a good person.

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them out.

"I was taken away by those people. They covered my face with a black cloth and took me back to their boat. The second in charge... then they tied me up, fearing that I would escape and use The nails tied me to the deck."

"When I thought I was about to die, Yuan Huo's ship passed by, and it was he who saved me."

"As fate would have it, Yuan Huo and I fell in love at first sight... I often think about how great it would be if we had met earlier, not too early, just before I was captured by the gangster."

"I was still innocent at that time. I had not yet become the courtesan of Furong was just one step away."

When Lu Yi said this, he sighed, but did not continue.

As Gu Shiwei listened, he couldn't help but think of what the doctor named Yan said before. He said that Yuan Huo liked Lu Yi, but he did not save Feng Chen for the sake of his future.

Although he had expected it for a long time, after hearing what "live mouth" Lu Yi said about Yuan Huo's "murder motive", Gu Shiwei couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The person behind the scenes really arranged every little detail. All right.

Anyone who doesn’t think so after listening to this:
Yuan Huo saw that his sweetheart Lu Yi's time was running out. He thought of the past and blamed the people who pushed Lu Yi out on the boat that day. So Qiuniang was killed that night... The same black scarf wrapped her face, the same ropes tied with five stripes, the same nails...

Don't talk about them, Gu Shiwei dared to believe it. Now Lu Yi might not all think that Yuan Huo killed those people for her.

"Yuan Huo threatened the people on the ship not to tell anyone about my abduction, and broke one of Xu Dayong's legs... Later, when Sheng Furong found out, she sold them all. Qiuniang was sold to Chun Xiulou works as an embroiderer, and I have seen her before.”

"As for the others, I have never seen them again."

Gu Shiwei glanced at Han Shiyan, and both of them were extremely sure.

After hearing so much, it did not make them think that Yuan Huo was the murderer. On the contrary, it further proved their suspicion that Yuan Huo was not the murderer at all. This was a dead end set by someone against Yuan Huo.

Yuan Huo didn't see the person he wanted to see in that alley. Instead, he saw Zheng Dong who was crucified. He remembered what happened to Lu Yi back then and instantly understood that this was a game against him. If he stayed He couldn't wash himself off even if he jumped into the Yellow River, so he ran away anxiously.

Gu Shiwei thought and sorted out his thoughts. The most urgent task was to find the murderer and Yuan Huo.

"Did your father leave anything to you? Or in other words, did those people take anything from you? It doesn't matter."

Lu Yi frowned slightly, she thought for a while and shook her head, "I had nothing at that time, except for a purse with a handful of my fetal hair and a peace charm. The purse was the one I was born with. My grandma embroidered it for me back then, and as for the peace charm..."

"Every year on the first day of the first lunar month, my father will go to Qingyuan Temple to ask for a peace charm for me. Once I wear it, it will last for a whole year."

"My other belongings were all bought for me by Sheng Furong after she bought me."

"Not only do I have one, my sister also has the same one."

Gu Shiwei listened calmly, "Is this thing still there now? Yuan Huo saved you, can you get it back? Did he kill all the water bandits at that time? Is there any way to escape? "People?" Lu Yi shook her head and said with some uncertainty, "They should all be killed. I was so scared that I didn't pay attention to this."

"Yuan Huo burned the ship directly, and my wallet should also be burned..."

When Lu Yi said this, her whole body seemed to have been drained of all her strength. She took a deep breath and couldn't help coughing violently!
"My lords, Lu Yi is really not in good health. If I finish asking her questions, why not let her drink the medicine and lie down to rest as soon as possible."

Gu Shiwei followed the sound and looked toward the door, and as expected, he saw Sheng Furong rushing over.

Although Furong Lane was crowded at this time, she was dressed up, and even her hair was exquisite.

"Do you have anything else to ask? I don't have any more."

Gu Shiwei stood up and looked at Han Shiyan and Wu Jiang.

Han Shiyan shook his head, Wu Jiang looked at it and shook his head too...

Smart people don't have anything to ask, so why does a fool like him get the limelight!
Wu Jiang thought and silently followed Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan down the small building. The sun shines brightly outside Luyi Building. The alley is full of unknown flowers and plants, and the gaps in the middle of the bluestone road are all red and pink.

Being blown by the warm southerly wind, Wu Jiang had a little sweat on his forehead.

The weather has warmed up by this time, and it's almost time to change into thin clothes. They had just returned from the Northern Dynasty and had not thought about changing their clothes. In addition, he was wrapped tightly by Dr. Yan, and now his whole body was getting hotter and hotter.

"Gu family, Brother Shi Yan, where are we going now? Are we going to Kaifeng Mansion Office to see the corpse? Ask my uncle if anyone knows about last night's mission arrangements?"

Gu Shiwei shook her head. She first looked at the owner of Xiulou, Po Xi, who had bright eyes and wanted to stick to her body. "You go back to Chunxiu Tower first. If anything happens, we will look for you again."

Po Xi knew that Gu Shiwei still had official duties, so he glanced at her reluctantly, "You must come!"

As she spoke, she turned back three times and headed towards Mirror Alley.

Han Shiyan, who was watching on the side, couldn't bear it anymore. He took a deep breath and said to Gu Shinwei, "You are really good at taking care of your relatives. Even this young lady who meets you for the first time treats you with such enthusiasm."

Upon hearing this, Gu Shiwei patted the sword on his waist and said, "Don't be envious. Even if you start practicing martial arts now, you still won't be able to catch up with me."

Han Shiyan was angry and funny, "Wujiang, please ask people from Kaifeng Mansion to check and see where Zhang Laoqi and Qin Niang Guan Yang are now? It's best to take Lao Zuo with you, they are most likely dead." "

"Gu Shiwei and I will not go to Kaifeng Mansion now, but will go directly to arrest the murderer."

Wu Jiang jumped three feet and couldn't believe his ears, "The murderer? Do you know who the murderer is? Where are you going to catch the murderer now? This is simply outrageous! I was still thinking just now, we know that this is behind the scenes The trap was set by someone else, and he obediently put his neck in to let others trap him.”

"Although I know that Yuan Huo may have been framed, I have no clue as to the murderer!"

"Now you tell me that you are going to catch the murderer?"

Gu Shiwei raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "We have all seen the murderer. He was the gatekeeper who spoke to us when we entered the city yesterday."

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