Chapter 361: Each their own paths
Han Shiyan found her because she left clues to Han Shiyan when she smelled the fragrance and knew she was being tricked.

An absolutely foolproof clue that only the two of them knew.

Gu Shiwei thought, reaching out and gently touching the hairpin on his head.

Those were a pair of hairpins. Although she couldn't say that she was the smartest person in the world, she was not so dull that she didn't even know this.

She could tell it from the bucket of golden sore medicine, from the burning eyes of Han Shiyan in the peach blossom forest under the cliff, and from the base of his ears that turned red countless times.

They are best companions.

Gu Shiwei thought to herself that she would never meet someone who was so compatible with her in this life.

She has lived to this day and has many regrets, and this is just one more thing to add to her list.

The more deeply in love Han Shiyan became, the less able she was to take a step forward.

After all, she didn't know how much time she had left.

I don't know how long she can hold on with her tattered body that crawled out from the pile of dead people and was patched up by an old man.

She knew her own body well, and so did the old man who was a doctor.

"Maybe you will die if you don't survive until the day the truth comes out."

"I think your father doesn't want to see you living in hatred and spending the life you finally saved on revenge."

"You're going to die, in the not-too-distant future."

That's what the old man said when she left Yizhuang with Shili.

She and Han Shiyan were not on the same path from the beginning.

They just met by chance, and then started their own lives.

The Shiyan is a grand night banquet held by the nobles of Bianjing.

And the smallest amount is the free dust particles scattered by the wind on the road.


The secret room was still quiet, and the old man had already fallen into the regret of "I really deserve to die."

Gu Shinwei looked at him and shook his head, but did not comfort him.

The quiet darkness made it easier for her to calm down and think about the entire case.

Earlier, when she was listening to Madam Hu talking at the meatball stall, something flashed through her mind but she couldn't catch it. What was it?

She thought for a while, but still had no inspiration.

Then he put this matter behind him and re-analyzed what happened today.

She was not surprised. There were two people investigating the Feiqiao case, but she was the only one who was attacked and trapped in this place, but Han Shiyan was not.

Han Shiyan has an extraordinary status and has to go to court every day. If the eldest princess is missing, the entire Bianjing will be overthrown.

But she was different. Because she was injured, Zhang Chunting gave her a long leave and she was taking a rest. After she disappeared, no one except Han Shiyan would cause trouble.

But it would be okay if Han Shiyan didn't make trouble, but once he started making trouble and put all his thoughts on finding her whereabouts, the person behind the scenes would succeed in delaying time.

There was just one thing that Gu Shiwei couldn't understand. This so-called "ten-day deadline" was set privately by Han Shiyan and Han Jingyan.

If the person behind the scenes is the Han family, it is a matter of life and death for the Han family... Han Jingyan didn't investigate the case carefully and wanted to end the Feiqiao case quickly. He was obviously already screwed up, so why did he listen to Han Shiyan and delay it for ten days.

If he closed the case immediately, it would be unnecessary for the people behind the scenes to trap her here and disrupt Han Shiyan's investigation rhythm.

So why did things turn out like this?
There is only one possibility. Han Jingyan resisted the pressure and refused to close the case.

Thinking of this, Gu Shiwei couldn't help but re-examine the future "prime minister" of the Han family. His behavior was really contradictory.

With his calmness and intelligence, he could obviously do it more naturally and completely. He would go through all the procedures of the investigation in an orderly manner, ask all the questions that should be asked, and then give a solution to her and Han Shiyan's plans. It's hard to pick out the prickly results.

But he didn't, he was full of flaws like a newbie.

She and Han Shiyan noticed something was wrong at a glance and learned about the Fei Que case and the case within the case.

Moreover, he also handed over the very critical fragmentary evidence of the account book in his hand to Han Shiyan, which was simply inconsistent with his words and deeds.

Han Jingyan was asked to close the case quickly, but he himself did not want to do so.

Who can let him do this?

Official? The Han family? Or those venerable old men in the Privy Council?

Gu Shiwei thought and silently lowered the possibility of the Han family by a few points.

The ancestral graves of the old Han family were so badly buried that the two most outstanding juniors of this generation were both rebels and they wished the whole family would be wiped out!
Forget about Han Shiyan, every bone in that man's body might have grown backwards.

But Han Jingyan was different. He was the direct grandson of the eldest son, and he would be the head of the family in the future. If he said that he did not care about the survival of the family, but instead cared about her as an avenger whom he met for the first time, Gu Shiwei would not believe it.

So she can only think this way, Han Jingyan does not think the Feiqiao case poses any threat to the Han family.

Either Han Jingyan didn't know that his family was behind the scenes, or the Han family was not behind the scenes at all.

The reason why Han Jingyan passively handled the case was entirely because the emperor's order could not be violated!

Gu Shiwei thought to himself that this was not impossible. When the Fei Que case was first closed, wasn't it because the officials did not want to cause turmoil in the court and just hastily convicted it?
But if there is no problem with the Han family, then Tao Ran who guided them to the Han family is not so trustworthy.

And Tao Ran was suspicious. This was confirmed by the fact that she was attacked immediately after pretending that she had the ironclad evidence left by Jiang Xun.

The reason why they deepened their suspicion of the Han family was because Tao Ran said that Jiang Xun's mentor was Uncle Han.

If Tao Ran was also a bastard of the people behind the scenes and participated in the tax and bank case together, then why did Yuan Huo die, Jiang Xun and Li Jingzhe die, but Tao Ran didn't have to die?

Moreover, Yuan Huo has done so many things for the people behind the scenes, but he has never been promoted.

But Tao Ran can rise to prominence? There are many people who have made meritorious deeds in suppressing bandits on the canal. Yuan Huo not only suppressed bandits on the canal and saved the girl Lu Yi, he even has a relationship with the Queen Mother. No matter how you look at it, he has a much greater advantage than Tao Ran.

But after all these years, Yuan Huo was still the deputy chief of the front office of the palace.

And Tao Ranqi rose from a demoted military officer to the sky.

What is the difference between Tao Ran and Yuan Huo?
Just as Gu Shiwei was thinking about it, he heard the old man murmuring and complaining, "This apricot blossom cake is so sweet, that's why you like it."

"I still prefer our blood duck in Yongzhou. By the way, you can eat blood duck in Yuezhou? They are both on Jiangnan West Road, not very far apart. I haven't been back for many years, and even the blood duck has almost forgotten what it tastes like. ”

Gu Shiwei's thoughts were interrupted and he looked in the direction of the old man.

She shook her head and said with some regret, "Although the Gu family's ancestral home is in Yuezhou, I was born in Bianjing. I can't even speak Yuezhou dialect, let alone know the delicious food you mentioned. Then I'll ask Han Shiyan , he might be able to find a small Yongzhou for you in Bianjing."

As Gu Shinwei spoke, his fingertips moved slightly and suddenly froze in place.

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