Chapter 362 Fellow Countrymen
Is a fellow countryman.

To be precise, we are fellow countrymen who have gone through hardships together.

This was the key point that she hadn't figured out in a flash.

She was not the only Yuezhou native in Bianjing City, so why did Mrs. Hu treat her so kindly and give her wine to drink? It was because Gu Younian had done good deeds to the people of Yuezhou during the disaster years.

She and Han Shiyan had always fallen into a misunderstanding before, that is, the person behind the scenes had the intention to commit treason, so he stole the tax bank and assassinated the officials. Now that the matter was exposed, one of them was killed and the other was silenced.

He indeed tried to silence them, but the only people who could really be judged to have been murdered were King Qi and Yuan Huo.

Xia Zhixian was sentenced to death after being involved in corruption, Li Jingzhe died in exile, and Jiang Xun died of illness before Ma Hongying went to investigate him.

The timing of Jiang Xun's death was too coincidental, and coupled with the man's ruthless behavior, they preconceptionally believed that Jiang Xun's death was the result of silence.

But what if the deaths of these people were not silenced?
Jiang Xun has been depressed since the tax and silver case, and he is obviously feeling guilty and conflicted.

In his behavior, he is as crazy as Han Jingyan. On the one hand, he is like a saint. He does not seek fame or fortune, nor promotion and wealth. He is willing to steal taxes and money for the sake of the people behind the scenes;

On the one hand, he secretly left the ingot of gold that could be used as evidence.

The people behind the scenes obviously didn't know about this ingot of gold. Otherwise, it wouldn't be Ma Hongying's turn to search for it, and it would be taken away early in the morning.

She even thought of another possibility, that Jiang Xun might be willing to die, or even commit suicide.

That man had great kindness to Jiang Xun, which made him violate his principles and conscience and commit tax fraud.

That gold ingot was Jiang Xun's conscience, which was locked up by him and locked into a dark secret room.


Let’s talk about Tao Ran.

They were also working for people behind the scenes, and they were also doing inspections in front of the palace. Why did Yuan Huo want to die, but Tao Ran didn't?

Not to mention that Yuan Huo escorted King Qi, so he was worried that she and Han Shiyan would come to interrogate him. In fact, the two of them had no evidence at all. Yuan Huo could just pretend to be stupid like Tao Ran and get through.

Even before Yuan Huo escorted King Qi, the person behind the scenes had already had the intention to kill him.

Because the serial murders in Bianjing City started before she and Han Shiyan returned to Bianjing. At that time, King Qi did not plot rebellion, and they did not expect that there was a second black hand behind the scenes.

In that situation, the people behind the scenes had already begun to make plans to kill Yuan Huo.

Why is that?
What is the difference between Yuan Huo and Tao Ran?
The difference is that Tao Ran is from Suzhou, and the people behind the scenes have great trust in Tao Ran, just like he trusts Jiang Xun.

If there was no trust, Tao Ran and Jiang Xun should have died "accidentally" and been silenced as early as the case of Shui Yin's disappearance.

They didn't. Until today when she and Han Shiyan came to visit, Tao Ran was still actively directing their thoughts towards the matter of "mentor".

Tao Ran was from the countryside. In his words, he only achieved his current status by killing people one by one and eating soft food one bite at a time.

Such people should cherish their hard-won today.

But after Jiang Xun was implicated in the tax and silver case, he still protected him, and after the person behind the scenes caused him to be demoted once, he still stood firmly by that person.

The man behind the scenes is now a Beijing official, holding an important position. He has probably been living in Bianjing for so many years, which is thousands of miles away from Suzhou.

For two officials, one civil and one military, thousands of miles away, how could they have such deep trust with him?
Otherwise, the person behind the scenes is an official, and there is nothing to say about being loyal to His Majesty.

Otherwise, that person is their compatriot, or even a compatriot who once had great kindness to them in Suzhou.

Just like Gu Younian to Madam Hu, Gu Younian died three years ago, and even now he is still known as a rebel, but Madam Hu still calls him Gu Daxia, remembering that when the three of them came, they would May the family be happy and remember the good deeds he did back then.

...This was a possibility that she had not thought of before.

If this is true, it greatly narrows the scope of that person.

He is a native of Suzhou and holds a high position. He once did a big thing in Suzhou and once wore narcissus jade beads...

When Gu Shiwei thought about it, he felt a little regretful that he didn't lie under the beds of the old men in the Privy Council and listen to their conversations.

No matter how bad it was, she should have flattered Zhang Chunting earlier, so that he might get Li Sansi to tell her the secrets of Dayong officials.

Li Sansi of the Imperial City Department might not even know whether the courtiers have birthmarks on their buttocks!
No matter what happens...

Gu Shiwei thought and couldn't help but shook his head, it would be great if Han Shiyan was here.

As long as they confront a pair, they might be able to find out the person behind the scenes immediately!
Thinking of this, Gu Shiwei, who was not in a hurry before, was now eager to go out and verify her conjecture.

She suppressed her pounding heart.

He continued to think.

Is there anything she has figured out yet?

If that person is not an official, but someone else, then what on earth is he doing this for?

Although he stole tax money and instigated Li Changxing to assassinate officials, he did not seem to have any plans to rebel.

Otherwise, when King Qi was arrested and knew that he was at great risk of being exposed, why didn't he just take advantage of the lack of guards in the palace to start a rebellion? How about a mantis in front and an oriole behind?

In order to lure King Qi to take the bait, the officials actually ordered many of the guards in Bianjing City to leave the city. This time, the only ones who resisted King Qi were the Palace Front Division and the Imperial City Division.

That man was in a high position and knew the plan very well. This was evident from the fact that he had calculated the time to set up a trap to kill Yuan Huo.

Knowing the official's plan and defense, why didn't something happen? Instead, he wants to cover up his past?

If he had no disobedience, why would he instigate Li Chang to assassinate officials?

And why do you want to steal tax money?

The words are divided into two parts.

Over there, Gu Shiwei was thinking about something and thinking about his bald head.

Han Shiyan was absent-minded here. He just wanted to plug his ears and looked out the window.

The crescent moon in the sky looks like Gu Shen's eyes when he smiles.

"The elders are talking to you, what's your attitude? How could anyone like you directly ask your uncle if he made the big mistake of killing the Nine Clan?"

"Master Jiang, Taibao Li, and Wang Fuyin are all here. You ask them to comment? It's really irritating."

Han Shiyan withdrew his gaze and looked towards the hall full of people sitting there.

There is something strange about the Han family. After he separated from Gu Shiwei and Wu Jiang, he did not go back to his own place but came to his home to look for clues. He did not expect that when he broke in, his uncle's study was full of people. .

He just asked, but his uncle has been talking to him here for an hour.

"Okay, Shi Yan's silence is already a shame for your uncle. If he opens his mouth, why don't you scold and cry? The officials won't talk about him, but you, my uncle, have learned a lesson. How come you have been the master for so long? , I can be a teacher to everyone I meet, and I’m not afraid of being disliked by the juniors!”

The person who spoke was Li Taibao. He was the eldest among the group. He was smiling all day long, and the most precious thing about him was his long goatee.

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