The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 364 The clues she left behind

Chapter 364 The clues she left behind
His heart couldn't help but beat suddenly, and a bad premonition came into his heart.

Han Shiyan held his hand on the door frame and looked towards the bed. His heart tightened when he saw the blood stains on it.

This is very wrong.

There was nothing to arrange at the Imperial City Department, so Gu Shiwei should have gone back to Sangzi Lane after checking out Jing Li, but not only did she not go back, even the old man and Jing Li were missing.

"Sir, are they going to be killed because of their family affairs?"

Chang Guan, who was following Han Shiyan, also saw the blood stains. He quickly drew out his scimitar and looked around cautiously.

"No, they must have been kidnapped. If they were to be killed, Jing Li's body should be lying on the bed."

"Although Jing Li was injured, he was not completely unable to move. The old man said before that he smelled corpses everywhere in the village. Gu Shiwei is even more powerful. The person who can directly kidnap her has not yet been born."

Han Shiyan said with certainty.

He sniffed gently, there was no strange smell in the air.

He frowned as he thought about it and looked towards the back window facing the door. The window was open and the door was open, and the draft at night made people feel chilly.

"There should be some medicine similar to incense. Jing Li's sense of smell is different from ordinary people. He must be sensitive enough to detect ordinary incense. If the house is not big, he can take the old man out. Therefore, it should be a very powerful incense that makes people smell. A medicine that makes you dizzy when you smell it..."

Han Shiyan said, thinking that if Gu Shiwei was injured, he could still pull out the cell door with his bare hands.

He added, "It should be possible to restrict Gu Shiwei's use of internal power, otherwise I can't figure out why she didn't kill the person who coerced her, or break up the place where she was held and break out."

As Han Shiyan said this, he walked directly into the room and looked at the back window.

Chang Guan, who was standing next to him, had a dull expression on his face and followed Han Shiyan calmly.

He has long been used to it and can be Han Shiyan's limbs with peace of mind. After all, he himself has no brain at all.

No, it should be said that he does not have such a smart mind.

If you open your mouth and ask, it is like an unenlightened child asking Confucius, and you will not understand what he is saying.

Han Shiyan's mind was spinning rapidly and he frowned tightly. Gu Shiwei was not the kind of person who would be taken away without any resistance. Even if she was in a bad situation and fell into the trap, she must have left a clue for him. Where was the clue?

He thought, walked to the window and stuck his head out, and sure enough he saw a fat cat lying under the window.

The cat was lying on the ground motionless, its posture looked a little twisted, and its belly rising and falling showed that it was still alive.

"The cat is very alert. We are all talking here. It is motionless and has obviously fainted. It must have accidentally inhaled the aroma emanating from the room."

As Han Shiyan said, he stretched out his hand to retract the window, and sure enough, he found a mark burned by incense in an inconspicuous corner on the lower right side.

His guess was not wrong.

He thought, clenched his fists, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Where are the clues Gu Shiwei left for him?

Han Shiyan thought, turned around suddenly, and walked quickly towards the door.

The confused Chang Guan immediately followed him. Didn't he say that his young master was pacing around here in the middle of the night? "Gu Shinwei is more alert than a cat, so she should have noticed something was wrong as soon as she arrived at the door. The smell in the room was strong, and there was blood on the bed but no one was there. She would not enter the room, so..."

Han Shiyan thought about it and looked firmly at the door frame. As expected, he saw a few brand-new scratches on the door. If he hadn't stared at it, he would never have thought that there were clues left here.

Han Shiyan took a closer look and saw that it was a character, a cursive character for horse.

Gu Shiwei wrote in a hurry. At a glance, he thought they were zigzag and irregular scratches.

"Sir, is this the word "horse"? Is the person who kidnapped Master Gu the person she knows named Ma? Or are you asking us to find someone named Ma?"

" you mean General Ma?"

Ma Hongying was famous in Dayong when she fought at the border, so Chang Guan was quite familiar with her when he followed Han Shiyan.

General Pony sounded a little weird, so he always called her Little General Ma.

"Isn't it like this in storybooks? That person left a surname before he died, but others misunderstood that the benefactor was an enemy?"

Han Shiyan was speechless when he heard this, "If you don't mind, don't read some messy notebooks."

He thought about it and pondered the word "horse" for a while, and his eyes gradually lit up.

"No, it's not the person named Ma, but he asked me to find a horse, that Gu Shiwei's horse that rolls its eyes and looks so mean!"

Han Shiyan said and trotted towards the carriage quickly. He wanted to go to Sangzi Lane again to find Xiao Zaohong.

Others didn’t know what was going on, but he knew!

When he was in the Northern Dynasty, he and Gu Shiwei fell off a cliff, and then floated down on a bamboo raft. He didn't know how many miles they traveled, and it was such a long distance, but the horse looked like a naughty child. However, he was able to accurately find Gu Shiwei thousands of miles away.

Although he didn't know why the horse was so smart and humane, he knew that the word "horse" that Gu Shiwei left for him was to let him lead the bay-red horse!
The door of Gu's house in Sangzi Lane was not locked. As soon as he heard the sound of the approaching carriage, the door was opened immediately.

Shili poked his head out and saw Chang Guan driving the car and shouted in surprise, "Chang Guan is here, have you picked up my girl?"

Chang Guan was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to explain. He only dared to sigh and stop the carriage.

"Miss Shili, please bring out Gu Shiwei's little maroon horse. There are important things that need to be done with it. When the matter is settled, Gu Shiwei will come back and explain to you. Don't worry, you don't know her abilities yet. ? Jinjing is young and has not practiced walking enough, so Miss Shili advises him to rest first. "

Shili originally wanted to ask more questions, but when he heard what Han Shiyan said, he nodded quickly and went to the stable to bring Xiao Zaohong out.

The maroon horse walked out sleepily and yawned. When he reached the door, he poked his head around and looked around. He didn't see Gu Shinwei but saw Han Shiyan. It snorted decisively. He rolled his eyes and turned around to go back to the stables.

Seeing this, Han Shiyan reached out and grabbed the horse's rein.

He took a step forward and got close to the horse's ears. Little Zaohong took a look and immediately twisted his neck to the other side.

Han Shiyan fell back in anger, but he still needed the help of the old man at this moment. He turned around and changed to the other side, grabbed the horse's neck, and said to the horse forcefully, "Aren't you extremely smart? Take me to find Gu Shiwei."

"Just like last time, do you still remember? If you find it, I will give you a basket of fruits."

The little bay-red horse pulled its neck hard and did not move. It raised its hooves impatiently. When it heard Gu Shiwei... Guozi... then it rested its strength and became obedient.

Han Shiyan breathed a long sigh of relief and got on the horse. He touched the little bay red horse's head and said, "It's up to you!"

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