The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 365 Let’s go! Little red dates

Chapter 365 Let’s go! Little red dates
Han Shiyan sat on the horse, and the night wind blew his clothes.

Although he was extremely anxious in his heart, his brain was extremely calm. No matter how powerful Little Zaohong was, it was just a horse.

Although the ancients said that old horses know the way, it means that horses have the ability to discern, and this ability of little Zaohong is particularly amazing! Like its owner, he is usually the best in the world.

But Bianjing City is so big that just looking for it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Han Shiyan thought about it and made a decision in his heart. He rode Xiao Zaohong and drove Chang Guan all the way. When he arrived at the gate of the old man's village, he reined in the horse and said, "Let's start looking from here, Gu Shinwei." It should be around here.”

Chang Guan couldn't hold back when he heard this while sitting in front of the carriage.

He looked at Han Shiyan in disbelief, saying that beauty can mislead people, and talking about love can make people stupid! It's true!
"Sir, you don't really want a horse to find someone, do you? How is this possible? If the horse can find Mr. Gu who was kidnapped, then I can go through the wall and enter Dayong's treasury to carry a box of gold for him! "

"Sir! Calm down... What's the difference between this and Wang Fuyin secretly worshiping all the gods in the world..."

Before Chang Guan finished speaking, he saw a man and a horse who had looked at each other with disgust before, turning their heads towards him with very unkind eyes.

"No one will think you are mute if you don't speak."


Chang Guan pointed at the bay-red horse with a shocked expression, Damn it! There must be a person hidden under this horse! Master Gu rode a man from Bianjing to Northern Dynasty, right? Although the horse couldn't finish its sentence, Chang Guan swore that it had just said 10,000 words that were not very clean!

He cleared his throat and abruptly changed the subject, "Sir, why are Master Gu and the others nearby here instead of somewhere else?"

"How about... let's go to the Imperial City Department to report to Lord Zhang! After all, Lord Gu and Lord Jing are both from the Imperial City Department."

"Although Mr. Zhang kills people like crazy, he won't just watch something happen to them. And doesn't this mean that he doesn't take Mr. Zhang seriously? After all, it's easier to find people when there are more people..."

Han Shiyan shook his head gently. He patted the little bay horse's head and said, "It's time to get to work!"

The bay-red horse sniffed on the left side, sniffed on the right side, and finally pointed towards the north and led Han Shiyan into a trot.

Seeing this, Chang Guan quickly raised his whip and followed in his car.

Because she had to know the way, little Zaohong didn't run very fast. After a while, she stopped and sniffed her head left and right, and then started running again after a while.

Han Shiyan saw that although it was twisting its buttocks and its four legs seemed to be running in different directions, it was indeed very organized and seemed to be confident. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then he decided to answer Chang Guan's question.

"The Imperial City Department is now hunting down the remnants of King Qi everywhere. Since Gu Shenwei has arrangements, why bother creating complications? The people behind the scenes are afraid, and have no intention of killing Gu Shen and the others, but want to trap her and quietly Wait for ten days to pass."

Although Han Shiyan didn't say why the man didn't kill Gu Shiwei, he had a guess in his mind.

First of all, it was because of him. If something happened to Gu Shiwei, he would go crazy.

Secondly, it was because of Zhang Chunting that he realized some things on the way back.

He figured out why Zhang Chunting was so angry and disliked him when he mistakenly thought Zhang Chunting was inviting him to eat dumplings at the dumpling shop. Because he also ordered a large pot of family happiness, just like Gu Shiwei. He was mourning Gu Younian.

Gu Shiwei's father likes dumplings the most.

Although he didn't know what the connection was between Zhang Chunting and Gu Younian, they definitely had a close relationship. Calculating the time, Zhang Chunting seemed to have suddenly appeared as an envoy to the imperial city. It was at the stall where Gu Younian and Gu Shiwei had an accident during the Fei Que case.

It was also he who recruited Gu Shiwei into the Imperial City Division. So it was good that Gu Shiwei was alive, and Zhang Chunting had never been overly protective of her openly.

But if Gu Shiwei dies, Zhang Chunting will most likely go crazy.

He believed in Gu Shiwei. Since she left such a clue, it must be useful.

Moreover, he even believed that Gu Shiwei was not inescapable at that time, because she even had time to carve words on the door frame. She was probably worried about the old man and Jing Li. After all, one of them was old and the other was seriously injured.

They were kidnapped because of her. She must have felt guilty for her little temperament, and she would definitely act as a hero and make the Dinghaishen needle for them!

That's why she took advantage of the situation and was knocked unconscious and taken away.

The more the person does, the more flaws there will be. This may not be a weird but useful way to solve the case.

"As for why we are near Yizhuang, it's because..."

Han Shiyan's colleagues, one on the ground and one on the ground, Gu Shiwei, answered this question in unison.

"First of all, because he can't control how long I will faint, whether my internal strength will disappear due to the properties of the medicine, and if I wake up soon, wouldn't I catch them immediately?"

"So if I were to choose a place, I would definitely choose it near Yizhuang, to avoid anything going wrong and losing everything."

"More importantly, Yizhuang is not a very auspicious place..."

When Gu Shiwei said this, he felt the dagger thrown by the old man from the darkness.

She chuckled, "Apart from people like me who are rich and noble, people like you who have a long life, and people like Jing Li who are invulnerable to all evil, who would come here? ! Isn’t this a great place to hide people?”

"Moreover, the bad old man and old fox behind the scenes have become a spirit. He will not expose himself after ten days."

"If he drags us into the city, where is the right place to hide us? No matter if we crawl out of someone's cellar, someone's darkroom, or someone's ancestral grave, it won't be appropriate. We can hide in their house and hide it. Say it!”

"Are all the people in this family dead? They couldn't see the three of us being carried in sideways? Can't we just follow the clues?"

Gu Shiwei said and patted his chest again, "If I were him, I would wait until the tenth day to spread the word that someone had dug gold in this area. By then, a lot of people would come after hearing the news. People come here to dig three feet into the ground..."

"In this way, wouldn't it be natural for the three of us to be discovered by strangers and rescued?"

"By then we will have eight heads, and we will not be able to figure out who harmed us and locked us up in this dark place."

The old man was dumbfounded when he heard this, "I think you have eight heads."

Gu Shinwei shook his head, "That won't work. One of the eight heads is resting on the shoulder. The remaining seven are asymmetrical no matter how you divide them. They are not beautiful! They have to have nine heads anyway!"

Listening to this, the old man couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud!

Gu Shinwei saw that he was not panicking now, lowered his eyes, stood up again, walked over to Jing Li and touched his head. It was no longer so hot now. It seemed that her lost internal energy had taken effect, and Jing Li's fever had subsided.

Gu Shiwei felt reassured, and she stood up and stretched her body.

"There is always an entrance to the secret room. Anyway, it's okay now. Get up and stretch your muscles. Maybe we don't have to wait for Han Shiyan to come to rescue us and can go out before dawn! It's a pity that Jing Li didn't wake up. Otherwise, let him smell it and get twice the result with half the effort!"

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