The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 394 The shocked Kaifeng governor

"You're not asking to marry me, why do you need to prove it to me?"

"Han Yushi has had everything going smoothly since he was born. Could it be that if you really want to please others, they will want to please you?"

Zhang Chunting leaned against the door frame and looked at Han Shiyan seriously, "If you want to use your power to bully others, then Han Yushi can weigh it and see if it is enough."

Han Shiyan looked directly into Zhang Chunting's eyes without losing breath, "Well, my weight is not enough to give Shi Wei a slap."

It was obvious that Gu Shiwei was the only one who bullied him, but Zhang Chunting could tell from his eyes that he dared to bully others arrogantly.

Zhang Chunting looked at Han Shiyan up and down, speechless.

"I didn't expect that the censor's mouth is as sharp as a razor blade, but his skin is as thick as a city wall. You are really flexible and flexible, so shameless!"

Han Shiyan nodded without being humble or condescending, "Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for praising Han as a man who can bend and stretch."

Zhang Chunting looked at Han Shiyan steadily, thought for a while and said, "My little junior sister is like the free wind, a soaring bird. She was trapped in the world in the past, and finally got out of the cage. She will never be able to do anything in this life. I don’t want to go back anymore.”

"And your Han family is just an older and more gorgeous birdcage than the Gu family."

"Even Bianjing City is too small to accommodate her."

"You, Yushi Han, why bother disturbing people's purity and causing trouble to others..."

Zhang Chunting said, stood up straight and stretched out his hand towards Han Shiyan. Han Shiyan took out the key to the warehouse and put it in his hand.

Zhang Chunting is extremely beautiful, like a breathtaking siren that jumped out of a storybook.

But when Han Shiyan looked at him, he only saw a mouth that was so mean that it could gouge out people's hearts and lungs.

As the saying goes, the way of heaven is reincarnation!

"I have already understood all Mr. Zhang's concerns. It is useless to say more. The days ahead are long, and my heart can be seen in the bright sun and moon."

Han Shiyan said, holding the jade pillow in his arms and walking towards the door. When he reached the door, he turned back to look at Zhang Chunting and said, "Cousin."

Zhang Chunting was suddenly startled, and his expression became dark and unclear.

He looked at Han Shiyan with a deep look, and then sneered again, "My surname is Zhang, I can't be called a cousin of Han Yushi."

Han Shiyan didn't say anything more. He held the evidence in his arms and strode out quickly.


Kaifeng Mansion.

Wang Yihe poked his head out from the file that was half a man tall, squinted his eyes and looked at the people in the hall with some irritation, "Wu Jiang! Haven't you already seen the dead without hiccups? Why doesn't your father send you to the hospital?" Take him back to the border?"

"Your surname is Wu, and my surname is Wang. Why do you still have to rely on your uncle's head for the rest of your life?"

"Even the wild monkeys in Mount Emei that are jumping up and down all day long are not as annoying as you. I see that the words on this file have double images!"

Wu Jiang scratched his head anxiously.

"Uncle, what you said is wrong! With my physique, if I were to squat on your head, I wouldn't be able to trample you directly into the soil! Where can I hug you?"

"Look, it's getting dark today. Not only Hongying doesn't see me, but Brother Gu and Brother Yan don't take me to investigate the case together!"

"I'm thinking about it...Uncle, could you..." Wang Yihe looked at Wu Jiang's horrified eyes, and his heart and lungs ached with anger. "You can't investigate the case, so don't make random assumptions!" What? Could it be that I am complicit with the person behind the scenes and one of the murderers of the Fei Que case? "

"I'll write a letter right away and ask your father to take you back to the border!"

Wang Yihe thought, raised his eyes, and saw a crowd of people at the door.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the head catcher standing at the door with some confusion, "Who is there? This is Kaifeng Mansion, not Fangshi! Why is it so chaotic!"

He looked towards the sky outside and was surprised to realize that it was already time to turn on the lamp.

Kaifeng Mansion is not a dining hall, so why are there so many people here in time for dinner?
The catcher's voice was loud, "Sir, these are all witnesses sent by Han Yushi and Gu's relatives..."

Wang Yihe stood up suddenly. He looked down at him like this, what a guy! What a great guy! Whose trial has so many witnesses that they can block the door!
As he thought about it, he had a bad feeling in his heart!
In the early morning, the sword was pointed at Taishi Jiang and Li Taibao. As soon as the sky darkened, would the two men confront the prisoners in the court? It had only been a day, and he was still confused even now. He didn't even know who he was going to arrest!

Wang Yihe thought with a complicated look on his face.

He felt that the official hat on his head was floating, and he didn't know whether it was the lucky star bringing good luck to a higher level, or the god of plague sending disaster to make him lose his head.

He thought, took a deep breath, and calmly looked towards the door. Sure enough, among the crowd of witnesses, there was something different! Han Shiyan and Gu Shiwei's faces, which made officials feel worried when they saw them, were both revealed...

Behind them, behind the crowd of witnesses, were groups of spectators.

Among them, the strong man standing at the front was holding a large bowl in his hand. Half of the rice in the bowl was half eaten, and when you smelled it with your nose, you knew it was meat with pickles and vegetables.

On his shoulder, there was a child riding. The child was holding a small wooden bowl in his hand and a spoon to put rice into his mouth. A pair of dark grape eyes were looking at him brightly.

Wang Yihe's scalp felt numb.

The stage is set for these two shameless guys! This was to prevent him from asking the Grand Master or Taibao for questioning, so he stood up directly! The gong has already sounded. If the actor doesn't dress up and go on stage, he will be eaten alive by the people in Bianjing who are waiting to watch the fun!

"Sir Wang! Please let Wu Tui go and arrest Jiang Boyu, the real culprit in the Fei Que case and the tax bank case!"

Wang Yihe's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard Han Shiyan's words!
His ears moved, and sure enough he heard an exclamation sound like a roaring mountain and a tsunami!

"Who is Jiang Boyu?"

Someone in the crowd asked a puzzled question. Upon hearing this, the man holding the big bowl turned his head and replied excitedly, "It's Taishi Jiang!"

The exclamation in front of the door became louder and louder!

Wang Yihe gave Han Shiyan a hard look. He pretended to be calm and looked at Wu Jiang, whose mouth was open enough to swallow an egg raw. He said angrily, "Teacher Wu, please go and invite Master Jiang."

He said the word "please" very clearly and with great emphasis! He signaled Wu Jiang to be more polite.

Wu Jiang came back to his senses and nodded casually. He grabbed Gu Shiwei's hand excitedly and ran towards the door, "Let's go! Gu relatives, come with me! I've been waiting for you." It’s been a day and you still haven’t come to find me!”

Gu Shinwei heard the grievance in Wu Jiang's tone and smiled coquettishly.

It was still morning when she said goodbye to Han Shiyan. After they left, she went everywhere to look for evidence and exhibits, but she didn't expect that this hour would come.

"We are sworn brothers and sisters, and we are close friends of life and death. Although I am extremely stupid and can't find the murderer or think of anything. But I can go out of my way for you! I, Wu Jiang, can risk my life for my brother!"

"As long as I die, you can bury me in the ancestral grave of Ma Hongying's family!" (End of Chapter)

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