The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 395 The scholar encounters the soldiers

Taishi Jiang's Mansion is not far from the imperial palace and is in the best location in Bianjing City.

Gu Shiwei had actually been here once before. At that time, Jiang Silang was looking after a girl at his house, and he and Li Mingfang tortured her to a point of confusion every day.

She carried Li Mingfang and flew to the corner of the Grand Master's Mansion, threw three flying pheasants into Jiang Silang's yard, and then quietly watched a farce of chickens flying around.

At that time, I was young and frivolous. How could I have thought about the overwhelming power of the Taishi Mansion?
She thought with her heart and eyes that Li Mingfang's heart was as pure as a fairy, that was the best! If Jiang Shilang is half-hearted, he is not worthy of her.

She led Li Mingfang to lie down on the eaves and watched the Jiang family scholars who had no strength to tie the chickens catching chickens all over the yard. She watched happily, but when she turned around, she found that Li Mingfang was laughing and bursting into tears.

She was thinking at that time, what was there to talk about about love that would make people cry.


The Taishi Mansion is still the same as before, but things have changed!

Gu Shiwei was just sinking into the past when he heard a shocking roar, followed by a slamming sound on the door like a storm of fried beans.

She looked forward and saw Wu Jiang, who had been standing next to her chattering about Ma Hongying before, rushing to the gate of the Taishi Mansion.

There was clearly a doorman in front of him, but Wu Jiang seemed not to notice him. He was so angry that he yelled, "Master Jiang! Let's go to Kaifeng Mansion!"

The night sky in Bianjing seemed to be pierced by the sound. Gu Shiwei swore that not all the emperors in the palace would be scared out of their jobs by Wu Jiang's roar.

She looked behind her and saw curious people coming from all directions.

The doorman was so frightened that his face turned pale and he crawled in and rushed in to pass the message...

Just when Wu Jiang shouted for the third time, the livid-faced Taishi Jiang walked out of the door. He was wearing soap-colored uniforms. He looked a little less dignified than when he wore official robes, but a little more dignified. Very amiable.

Beside him, stood four men who were very similar to him.

Gu Shiwei only recognized the young and handsome one wearing blue clothes, that was Li Mingfang's husband Jiang Silang.

Jiang Silang lowered his head and said nothing. He also looked much thinner, and his face was as pale as Li Mingfang's, as if he had been seriously ill.

"That's rude. But the officials and your Wang Fuyin have already convicted me, and now they want Officer Wu to come to escort the prisoner? If not, it makes no sense for Officer Wu to act like this."

"Not to mention the rank, just the seniority and youth, Wu Tuiguan should not be making loud noises in front of my door now! Disturbing the peace of the neighborhood."

Wu Jiang scratched his head. The injuries on his face and body were not healed yet. He looked bruised everywhere. At night, he looked as scary as a green-faced evil ghost with fangs.

"I used to shout so loudly in front of the border formation. Isn't this rude? We military attachés are born with loud voices. Although the Grand Master is a high-ranking official, you can't ask me to whisper all the time!"

Wu Jiang said angrily and looked at the countless pairs of shining eyes around him.

"The neighbors don't like peace and quiet, but we unscrupulous people who haven't studied like to be lively!"

"You haven't even gone to Kaifeng Mansion, so of course you haven't been convicted yet! If you don't go to court, how can we know whether you are guilty or not? Master Jiang, let's leave quickly, otherwise I'm worried that there will be too many people watching the excitement and the road will be blocked. Already..."

"Although my relative, Gu, has Qinggong skills and can carry you over eaves and walls, but carrying it... is somewhat unlucky!"

Wu Jiang's face was full of sincerity, which showed that these words were spoken from the bottom of his heart! But the more sincere he was, the more angry he became, making the Jiang family's eyes darken.

I saw a man standing to the right of Grand Master Jiang looking towards Wu Jiang angrily, "Guard Wu spoke so rudely, I will definitely read your book tomorrow!"

Wu Jiang waved his hand nonchalantly, "Participate! Feel free to participate! Remember not to write in a clumsy way, otherwise I won't be able to understand you if you scold me!"

"You!" The man who spoke was wearing green clothes and looked very elegant. At this moment, Wu Jiang was so angry that his face turned red.

"If you drive me out of Kaifeng Mansion, my uncle will be so happy that he sets off firecrackers in front of your house. He dislikes me cuddling on his head!"

As soon as Wu Jiang said this, everyone around him burst into laughter.

During this period, Gu Shiwei, Han Shiyan, and Wu Jiang were causing trouble in Bianjing City. Han Shiyan was too inaccessible, Gu Shiwei was too terrifying, but Wu Jiang was very likeable as his neighbor's Sanlang. , now in this Bianjing city, he is also a man of the hour.

The Qing Yi Jiang Jialang wanted to say more, but Grand Master Jiang stretched out his hand to stop him.

"If you are upright, you are not afraid of the shadow. Our Jiang family has never done anything to disgrace the officials or the people of Dayong. Since there is a case that needs to be questioned, what if we go through it?"

He said, looking at Gu Shiwei with burning eyes.

Gu Shiwei raised his eyebrows at him and showed a meaningful smile.

Master Jiang's heart suddenly trembled when he saw this, but he quickly calmed down. He had already discovered during the morning meeting that Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan were just bluffing and there was no evidence at all. It was only half a day's work, and they couldn't possibly have solid proof.

So, it's just another time to build momentum.

"Master Jiang thinks I am doing this to discredit you? Then you are looking down on me."

Master Jiang took a deep look at Gu Shiwei and said, "When it comes to caring about your relatives, you should be careful that the situation is too big and there is no way to end it. You are really cold-blooded and ruthless, and you have betrayed the friendship between my wife and daughter-in-law."

Although Taishi Jiang spoke in a low voice, Jiang Silang, who was standing beside him, heard it clearly. He trembled, clutched the hem of his clothes with his hands, and pursed his lips in silence.

Gu Shiwei saw it in his eyes and ignored him.

But he pointed forward, "It's only a street from here to Kaifeng Mansion. The road is crowded with people on both sides, making it inconvenient for carriages to pass. Master Jiang shouldn't mind walking with us, right?"

"If you can't walk, as Wu Tuiguan said, I and I can carry you."

Grandmaster Jiang took a deep breath and looked forward. God knows how many people were crowded on this road because of Wu Jiang's roar. The streets were densely packed on both sides and spread all the way to the gate of Kaifeng Mansion.

They were so crowded that only one person could walk. They stretched their necks, and their eyes almost touched his body.

Master Jiang took a step forward, feeling his whole scalp numb.

He has always been famous, and it has been many years since he felt such a hot and direct gaze, or experienced such a situation.

Grand Master Jiang thought, turned around, whispered to the eldest son in green robe, then touched his beard and strode towards Kaifeng Mansion Yamen. (End of chapter)

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