Chapter 406 My best friend
The elder of the Jiang family shouted loudly and clamped down on Li Mingfang's wrist.

He didn't even call his fourth younger sister, but directly called her name.

Li Mingfang was originally trembling slightly all over, like a taut string. When he was grabbed like this, he staggered and fell forward, and his lower abdomen was about to hit the threshold.

Gu Shiwei was horrified and jumped up, like an arrow off the string, and flew towards Li Mingfang at almost the fastest speed in his life.

She still clearly remembered that Master Jiang told her before that Li Mingfang was pregnant...

The moment her fingertips touched Li Mingfang, she saw that thin body falling directly into a warm embrace.

Gu Shiwei's breathing stagnated, she took back her hand and stood still.

The hand of the man holding Li Mingfang couldn't help trembling, and his head was lowered and buried in Li Mingfang's neck.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and the people around him were all excited and exclaimed.

While breathing, the man raised his head and pulled Li Mingfang behind him, "Brother..."

His voice was a little dry, and he couldn't speak as if there was phlegm stuck in his throat.

The elder man of the Jiang family had scarlet eyes at this moment, and he was in a state of rage, "Jiang Silang, did you hear what your good wife is saying? At this time, aren't you going to divorce your wife? I warned you before. You are not a good match, Li Mingfang is not a good match."

"Look at the person you would rather kneel in the ancestral hall and go on a hunger strike to marry. Our Jiang family hasn't been convicted yet, and this woman can't wait to add insult to injury. Do you see clearly now?"

The elder Jiang family man had tears in his eyes. He grabbed Jiang Silang's arm tightly, as if he wanted to dig his fingers into his flesh.

"You care deeply about Li Mingfang. Look at her. If she had even the slightest friendship with you, she wouldn't be here today!"

"Kang Shiro!"

Jiang Silang's lips kept trembling. He opened and closed his lips, closed and opened them again, but still couldn't say even a single word.

But he didn't move, he just opened his hands and firmly protected Li Mingfang behind him.

"Ajue, get out of the way. I'm fine. This is the court. He doesn't dare to do anything to me."

Li Mingfang's voice came from behind Jiang Silang. Her voice was very gentle, even with a vibrato. But it is extremely powerful and can be heard clearly by everyone.

"It is because of my conscience that I am standing here."

As Li Mingfang spoke, his eyes fell on Gu Shiwei. Gu Shiwei's nose felt sore and he shook his head at Li Mingfang.

Li Mingfang showed a gentle smile to her. She wiped the corners of her eyes, walked out from behind Jiang Silang, and walked firmly towards the hall.

When passing by Gu Shiwei, she paused slightly, "If it were you, Seventeenth Mother, you would definitely stand in this court."

"Although my family background, Li Mingfang, is not obvious, there is no one in our family who is not innocent and strong-willed for dozens of generations. My grandfather has taught me since I was a child that people can live without flesh and blood in this world. Silk has no official position and no profit, but it must not be without virtue."

"If anyone has done something that is unworthy of your conscience and your ancestors, please hang yourself in front of the ancestral hall to apologize!"

"No matter what happens, you will never be part of my Li family in this life and the next." Li Mingfang said as she walked away. Now she had arrived in front of Taishi Jiang. She took a deep breath and then raised her eyes to look at the father-in-law whom she feared.

"I am weak and have no martial arts skills. Everyone here can strangle me to death if they put in just a little more force. I am very scared, and I also think of the consequences of standing here. I will not be able to see Ah Jue for the rest of my life."

"Three years ago, I actually secretly went to look for mass graves."

Li Mingfang said, holding back his composure and looking directly into Taishi Jiang's eyes, "Our Seventeenth Mother was only thirteen years old at that time, and she was just a kid who loved eating sweets. She always liked to show off her strength, and she went to Bianjing City on the Lantern Festival Watching the lantern festival inside, all the elegant rooms in the high-rise buildings are occupied by dignitaries. "

"I said it would be great if I could stand on a high place and watch the fireworks. Gu Shiwei carried me on her back. I am taller and heavier than her."

"She was flying around on the roof with me on her back just to make my wish come true."

"Her mother-in-law and brother are dead, and her father cannot come out of the palace once a year. The Gu family does not treat her well and makes things difficult for her at every turn. She is good at martial arts, but no matter how good her martial arts is, she is still a person without Children blessed by their elders.”

"Standing under those fireworks, I swore that I would always protect her, even though that child has been protecting me since we met."

"I searched everywhere in the mass graves. There was so much blood, sticky on the soles of my shoes. The smell of blood and the disgusting stench of corpses kept getting to the tip of my nose. I lay on the ground and rummaged around. ... What I reached out to grab was a rotting corpse, blackened bones, and squirming maggots..."

"She is such a good little girl. She will definitely draw a knife to help when there is an injustice on the road. Even if it is a stray yellow dog, she will give up her meat bun."

"I was so sick that I felt like vomiting. I still often dream about standing in that mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood. Even now, I feel that my hands are extremely sticky. I was as scared as I am now, shivering with fear. trembling."

"But I'm wondering, will she also be afraid of thirteen-year-old Gu Shinwei?"

"Just because we are little people who no one cares about, we are ordinary people with soft hearts... Can you, the superior people, just kill them at will because of your own selfishness? She no longer has a grandma, and her dad has nothing. Did it..."

"She was made an orphan without even finding out. And what about her? She is still a child and she has done nothing wrong! How on earth did she commit such a heinous crime that you people insist on killing her? she!"

"I didn't find her on the first day. I prayed to God that Gu Shiwei was not dead. Daluo Jinxian saved her."

"But I couldn't help but continue to look for her the next day. I was afraid that I didn't bring her home... leaving her alone in a mass grave. I was afraid that she would be afraid..."

The more Li Mingfang spoke, the more intense he became. Many people watching the excitement couldn't help sobbing.

Gu Shiwei's eyes were red. Li Mingfang had not told her these things before.

After she returned to Bianjing, she kept investigating the case and had no time to sit down and have a proper chat with Li Mingfang.

As she thought about it, she felt that there was suddenly someone beside her. Han Shiyan had stood beside her at some point. He didn't say anything, he just stood beside her silently.

"Father, when you ordered Li Changxing to assassinate the Guan family, you never thought about killing those people, nor did you think about how many people like Gu Shiwei would be ruined... Even if you thought about it, You don’t care at all, right?”

"All you care about is yourself."

"Just like you used me to threaten Gu Shiwei to stop her from pursuing the investigation... At this point, you are so arrogant that you have not thought about our feelings at all and treat us as living beings. people……"

"You don't feel any guilt at all. The person who made you an orphan and the person who made you die is standing in front of you, but all you want is to play chess with her and then poison her."

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