The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 407 Where is the final evidence?

Chapter 407 Where is the final evidence?
Master Jiang was shocked when he saw this. He moved his lips and avoided Li Mingfang's burning gaze.

Li Mingfang took a deep breath, walked slowly to the front of the hall, and knelt down directly.

"Lord Fu Yin, I can prove that that jade bead belongs to my father-in-law, Taishi Jiang. The material of the narcissus jade bead came from my mother-in-law's dowry. At first glance, it looks very ordinary, but if you play with it with your hands, what's inside The green color becomes vivid as if washed by rain.”

"The material was very small. In order to prepare a dowry for me, my mother-in-law took it to Qin Yulou and found a master named Tian who took out a pair of bracelets."

"At that time, Master Tian saw that the material was interesting, so he collected the remaining small materials and said that he wanted to make beads. A total of three beads could be made."

"My mother-in-law asked for one of them and gave it to my brother."

Li Mingfang speaks in a fast tone. She has read many books and speaks clearly and eloquently.

"Only after I married into the Jiang family did I know that Qin Yulou was my mother-in-law's property. As for the remaining two beads, one of them was bought by Mrs. Wu Wu, and the remaining one was bought by my mother-in-law. I brought it back and gave it to my father-in-law as a jade pendant."

Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Mrs. Wu Wu?

So did Wujiang’s fifth sister buy all the interesting accessories in Bianjing City? Doesn't she just like earrings?

Prince Fu Yin had seen the jade bead at Wu Wu Niang's place, so he just went behind the screen to report the situation to the officials?
Gu Shiwei was thinking when he heard Li Mingfang continue, "Miss Wu likes earrings, and everyone in Bianjing city knows it. She will buy even a single one. The third narcissus jade bead was made by her. Became earrings.”

"The reason why I know the whereabouts of this narcissus jade bead is because Mrs. Wu looked for me after I married into the Jiang family."

"She said she wanted to make a couple, so she inquired about it. My father-in-law was a grand master. She didn't dare to ask for it, so she hoped that my brother would give up his one. A gentleman has the beauty of a man, so my brother gave the jade pearl I gave it to Mrs. Wu, and now I have made a pair of earrings.”

"I told my mother-in-law about this matter, and she also said that she learned how to perform intrauterine surgery on a whim. She string beads on a jade pendant for my father-in-law, and the result was surprising. The jade pendant was still there, but the beads were missing. This was her own words. All the maids and women in the room heard what he said. "

Li Mingfang said and looked directly at Wang Fuyin.

"Going through the back office of Kaifeng Mansion, you will find the Wang Mansion. Your Excellency, please ask Lady Wu to come over with those Narcissus Jade Bead Earrings, and you will immediately know that what I said is true."

Wang Yihe listened and looked at Taishi Jiang with a somewhat complicated expression.

Master Jiang didn't say anything, but Jiang Dalang seemed to have gone crazy and started yelling at Li Mingfang.

Wang Yihe frowned and slapped the gavel tree, "If you yell at the court again, don't blame me for driving you away."

He said and gave Wu Jiang a look.

Wu Jiang received it very quickly this time. He jumped up and ran quickly towards the back hall, presumably to find his fifth sister.

The more Li Mingfang talked, the calmer he became. For some things, taking the first step was particularly difficult.

But when you step out, everything becomes easier.

She thought, smiling somewhat self-deprecatingly.

In fact, she is far from as righteous as Ling Ran as mentioned just now.

She also suffered for a long time and weighed for a long time before making such a decision.

Li Mingfang didn't dare to look back at Jiang Silang in the crowd. She was afraid that she would soften her heart after taking one look.

She thought that she would never love anyone again in her life.

But in her life, she not only had love, she also had a conscience.

She also has Gu Shiwei, whom she vows to be a lifelong good friend. Gu Shiwei knew that she would prepare the antidote, knew that she already knew everything the Jiang family had done, and knew that as long as she came to ask her, she would go to court to testify and identify Master Jiang.

But she did not come to look for her, and her existence was not even mentioned at all during the entire investigation.

She won't let her down, so she won't either.

Li Mingfang thought, took a deep breath, and clenched her palms tightly, as if this would give her more courage to continue speaking.

"The poison that Gu Shinwei and Chi Wu made last night was prepared by me. I am quite talented in elixirs. After marrying Jiang Silang, I went to the imperial doctor Tang to learn medical skills and make elixirs. "

"Not long ago, Taishi Jiang gave me a broken page of a poison recipe. I made incense according to the recipe. I didn't know at the time that he was going to use it to harm Gu Weiwei."

As Li Mingfang spoke, he turned to look at Master Jiang and smiled sadly.

"Father, you always take one step at a time, but at that time you thought about using me to threaten Gu Shiwei, right? You thought about locking her up for ten days, but after ten days, the Feiqiao case was already over It’s finalized.”

"If Gu Shiwei comes out and wants to continue making trouble, tell her that I prepared the poison. If she continues to make trouble, she will only send me to prison."

"But you didn't expect that Han Shiyan would find Gu Shiwei so quickly, and your plan failed."

Li Mingfang took a deep breath and took out a thin booklet from his sleeve pocket. Not only was the booklet yellowed, but there were obviously missing pages and missing numbers, and there were traces of fire burns on the edges. It was indeed a Fragments.

As she spoke, she walked straight to Wang Yihe and placed the remaining pages of the elixir recipe on top.

Wang Yihe took a look at it, then handed it to the master who was waiting beside him, and motioned for him to carry it behind the screen.

He looked particularly complicated, "Master Jiang, do you have anything to say?"

Upon hearing this, Master Jiang shook his head.

He let out a long sigh, "I know that you care deeply about Wei Wei and you will do anything for her."

"I did have a Narcissus jade bead, but it was lost a long time ago. I don't know who picked it up, and I don't know how it fell into Wang Shen's hands, and then it was passed to Gu Qinshi and became evidence in court."

"I got this fragment of a single page by chance. It is not known who was in the hands of him before this. It is not known whether anyone prepared the poison like you and then attacked Gu Qinshi and others."

As Taishi Jiang spoke, his eyes fell on Li Mingfang. To everyone's surprise, there was a look of appreciation in his eyes.

"Although you, as a wife of the Jiang family, should not betray your husband's family by taking advantage of the situation. However, I still admire you for your courage and willingness to stab your friends. I will not lose the reputation of your ancestors."

"At this point, my son is far inferior to you."

When Li Mingfang heard this, she was stunned on the spot. She couldn't believe that at this time, Master Jiang still had sophistry.

She thought that as long as she testified in court, the case would be finalized.

However, Master Jiang never looked at her again, and looked directly at Gu Shiwei, "Master Gu has charged Jiang with so many crimes, and there is a prerequisite, that is, Jiang was once in Changzhou County, Suzhou...that is, When I was doing disaster relief in my hometown, I did something that was sorry for Dayong."

"You also said that I made mistakes, so I need to keep doing more mistakes to make up for it."

"But who can prove that I made a mistake?"

"Kang Yu's notes are his conjectures, and there is no substantial evidence; the remaining pages of Xia Zhixian's account books don't reveal anything at all."

"So, where is the account book of the Canglang Mountain Hong family that Mr. Gu said can prove my guilt?"

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