The Yaliao Villa is built on the mountain, and the scenery is superb. Su Qingqing and Zheng Tian held hands and wandered in the garden.

Just after turning the corner, the host, Chen Yan, led the guests over. The two of them couldn't avoid each other. Su Qingqing let go of Zheng Tian's hand and stepped aside.

Chen Yan and others greeted each other and Zheng Tian, ​​the former smiled and said: "I just said that Brother Taiwen is nowhere to be seen. It turns out that you have an appointment with a beautiful woman here!"

Zheng Tian smiled lightly and said: "The lotus flowers are blooming in the garden, come and take a look."

"Ah, isn't this the oxcart lady from back then?" Someone recognized Su Qingqing with sharp eyes.

Chen Yan suddenly realized that Su Qingqing looked familiar when he saw her. It turned out that he had actually seen her before. He blurted out: "It turns out to be you."

Someone on the side saw that Zheng Tian's face was slightly dark, and he immediately said in a smooth manner: "Haha, Taiwen, have you developed a compassionate heart that day?"

Chen Yan also felt that he had made a mistake and said with a smile: "This is fate!"

Everyone burst into laughter, but after all, because of Zheng Tian's identity, they did not dare to go too far.

Su Qingqing didn't want to listen to a group of stinky men, so she took the maid to the flower hall.

As soon as they entered, everyone who had been talking and laughing just now suddenly became silent and looked over.

Mrs. Sun, the head of the villa, and her daughters-in-law, Mrs. Zhu and Ms. Wang, were all there.

Chen Yan, the youngest in their family, has not yet married, and today's summer banquet is also meant to let young men and women look at each other.

"Is this Mrs. Su, Queen of the Hermits? Come and sit here. Let us take a good look at such a good-looking person." Mrs. Wang waved to Su Qingqing.

She was wearing a gauze skirt made of dreamy gilt yarn that Su Qingqing sold to Yaliao Villa. Su Qingqing had just seen it when she followed Zheng Tian to say hello.

Su Qingqing has only met everyone here once, but she has a good memory and knows everyone she just introduced.

At this time, I entered the flower hall full of ladies and Yingying Yanyan, and I didn't feel stage fright.

After talking to the host for a few words, Su Qingqing was pulled to a place by the girl in the house to chat.

The atmosphere in the flower hall was very beautiful for a while, and Su Qingqing was almost treated like a star.

She felt a little strange, why was everyone so enthusiastic about her? Make it like it's modern times.

Everyone was asking her about Fengyoujing and expressed their willingness to exchange for embroidery, so Su Qingqing naturally agreed to them all.

Fengyoujing only costs a few yuan a bottle in modern times, and if you spend the same money to buy embroidery, you may not even be able to embroider it with a machine.

In fact, Su Qingqing didn't know that since she appeared with Zheng Tian, ​​she had been labeled as a member of the Zheng family.

Although Zheng Ya was an official who was demoted to this place, he was still the governor, and he was still very popular in this three-acre land of Xunzhou.

Su Qingqing carries the label of the Zheng family, so she will naturally be taken seriously.

Chen Jing had already heard the news, and Zheng Ya was preparing to interview Zheng Xina.

No one expected that Zheng's son from Xingyang would marry a wife in Xunzhou, and she was a woman with no family background.

Don't mention the emptiness after The Hermit.

He is said to be a hermit, but his reputation is completely unknown. What kind of hermit is this?

That is to say, the few things Su Qingqing brought out were indeed not something ordinary people could have, which made people believe that her master, brother and others were definitely not ordinary people.

Maybe there are hermits in the mountains who really don't care about their reputation at all in this world, but they have the style of escaping from the world in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

But no matter what, if you are not famous, you are not famous, and if you have no family background, you are indeed without family background. When the banquet was about to begin, Lan Fenghuang, who was full of young folk customs, came in with a group of girls.

As soon as he entered, he rolled his eyes at Su Qingqing.

The good impression I had on Su Qingqing because she was a miracle doctor was completely wiped out after she became Zheng Tian's wife-to-be.

Now that he is a love rival, there is no reason to give him a good look!

Lan Fenghuang was extremely unconvinced. Why should he choose her instead of me?

In terms of appearance, she feels that she is on equal footing with Su Qingqing; in terms of family background, she is eight hundred meters away from an orphan girl.

She is a typical example of bold and aggressive women who dare to pursue men. If you compare her downwards, you will find such a woman in modern times a thousand years later; if you compare her upwards, you will have to pursue her in the Wei and Jin Dynasties of the Three Kingdoms.

In other feudal dynasties, there were not very bold girls. Even the women of Chang'an during the prosperous Tang Dynasty were willing to be inferior.

Not [-]% but [-]% of the people in the flower hall knew Lan Fenghuang's thoughts. Seeing her attitude towards Su Qingqing at this time, they were just watching the fun.

Of course, you can watch the little fun, but you can't look for big trouble.

So as soon as Lan Fenghuang came in, he was enthusiastically pulled by Wang to the other side of the flower hall, separated from Su Qingqing by an unknown number of places.

Su Qingqing also knew what Lan Fenghuang was thinking about Zheng Tian. After all, Minghuo Zhanzhi didn't hide it at all, so she just deliberately declared her sovereignty.

Overall, Su Qingqing gained a lot from this summer banquet. Because she pre-sold a lot of Fengyoujing and a lot of soaps.

After several time travels, Su Qingqing has now achieved the freedom of Fengyoujing, and others can buy her if they want.

So she also invited everyone on the spot, asking everyone to go to a small fishing village to eat seafood and barter on the way.

Otherwise, it would be very troublesome for her to deliver Fengyoujing to every door. This is called a VIP feedback banquet!

It was already dark when the summer banquet ended, so Zheng Tian naturally wanted to escort Su Qingqing home.

After riding all the way home, Su Qingqing was still reluctant to leave and asked Zheng Tian if he wanted to have a midnight snack.

Can you still refuse this? It must be required.

So Su Qingqing happily directed her maid and Zheng Tian's servants to prepare seafood supper.

The most indispensable thing in a small fishing village is seafood, not to mention that the two of them went out to sea together this morning.

After the seafood was cooked and put on the table, the servants all retreated sensibly, leaving the entire side room to the young couple.

There are clams, mantis shrimps, conches, oysters, all kinds of small seafood, as well as starfish and sea urchins.

Zheng Tian drank a lot of wine at the banquet today. Now he returned to Su Qingqing's house and drank a glass of corn wine alone, and then he got drunk as expected.

When a drunken blush appeared on his crowning face, Su Qingqing turned her head and asked him if he wanted to eat boiled octopus.

Zheng Tian's deep eyes were locked on her: "I don't want to eat octopus, I just want to eat little goblins."

Su Qingqing's beautiful eyes looked into the depths of his eyes in surprise, and she felt a tingling current in her heart. There was no wind in the summer night, which made people even more restless: "You are drunk..."

It would be impossible for Zheng Tian, ​​who was drunk, to completely lose consciousness.

But because of his drunkenness, he no longer wanted to be a polite gentleman.

So he stretched out his arms and directly hugged Su Qingqing around the waist, making her upper body almost tightly against his chest.

Xia Tian's clothes were already thin, but holding him like this made his body temperature rise instantly. Su Qingqing could even clearly feel every one of his strong muscles.

He stared down at her, his gaze made her sink, and there was a light shadow swaying in his drunken eyes.

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