"Qingqing, I know you are definitely not human..."

Su Qingqing's breath froze when she heard this: "I..."

Zheng Tian stretched out a finger and pressed it on her lips. He looked at her with soft but firm eyes, and heard him whisper softly: "Even so, I will not marry you unless you are your wife. Qingqing, what about you?"

Su Qingqing raised her head and looked at the face in front of her that looked more and more handsome under the lamp. Her heart was filled with sweetness little by little, and her mind became increasingly blank.

No words were enough to describe her mood at the moment. She tossed and turned, but in the end she could only say simply: "Me too."

Zheng Tian's eyes were getting darker and darker, and he was getting closer and closer. His alcohol-filled breath hit Su Qingqing's face, which also disturbed her heart.

She couldn't help but close her eyes. Zheng Tian's mind exploded like fireworks. He suddenly let go of his hand, took a deep breath, and then said, "It's late at night. It's time for someone to leave."

Su Qingqing opened her eyes blankly, feeling that she still had something to say. However, the night was indeed dark. After thinking about it, she had to say: "You are drunk. I don't trust you to ride a horse. Please stay in the guest room."

Zheng Tian's eyes deepened and he lowered his voice and said, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know. It's too late, stay here..." Su Qingqing looked into his eyes, her voice getting weaker and weaker, "Stay in the guest room."

Zheng Tian's expression suddenly calmed down again, his eyes twinkling like stars, he looked at her and said, "Okay."

Su Qingqing tossed and turned at night, a rare insomnia in Datang. Later I fell asleep at some point, and my dream was full of messy images.

Before dawn, the fishermen in the small fishing village had already gone out to fish, and the villagers who farmed Yaliao Villa were also getting up and getting ready to go out.

Su Qingqing rarely woke up early, so she simply got up and lit the lamp. After she gently washed herself and sat in front of the dressing table, preparing to use some ointment and rouge made from Tang Dynasty Chinese medicine, Qiushi, who was keeping watch all night, woke up.

"Madam, are you up?" Qiushi asked her through the door.

"Yes." Su Qingqing put down the ointment and went to open the door for her.

Her bedroom is a large master bedroom, the maid on night duty sleeps in the living room, and her own bedroom has a built-in darkroom, warehouse and washroom.

She didn't make a modern flush toilet in the bathroom because she was afraid that it would stink if it wasn't processed properly, so she might as well use a Tang Dynasty toilet.

Qiushi came in rubbing her eyes and saw that Su Qingqing had dressed and washed herself. She was stunned for a moment and saluted: "Madam, you got up so early today. I'll help you comb your hair first."

Su Qingqing looked at her and said, "Go and wash yourself first. I'm not in a hurry."

"But..." Qiushi hesitated.

At this time, Chunhua came up and said with a smile: "Qiushi, if the lady asks you to go, you should go quickly. How to serve the lady with unkempt face, leave it to me."

Qiushi then said: "Okay then, I'll leave first."

Su Qingqing looked at Chunhua and was surprised: "Why are you so early?"

Normally, the maids don't get up before dawn, but now it's only around four in the morning at most, and the rooster has just started to crow.

Chunhua replied playfully: "Mr. Zheng and his servants are up. You can't be lazy. You can't embarrass my wife."

"Ah, is he up too?" Su Qingqing felt like she was shocked when she heard his name from someone else, and couldn't help but blush slightly.

Chunhua stepped forward to comb Su Qingqing's hair and said, "I got up early. I have been practicing calligraphy for almost half an hour. Now I am practicing swordsmanship in the yard."

Su Qingqing stretched out her hand and asked Chunhua to stop combing her hair. She ran to the window and stuck her head out for a closer look. Sure enough, she saw Zheng Tian practicing swordplay in the yard.

Zheng Tian felt the gaze on him, put away his sword and raised his eyes. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Su Qingqing wearing green silk. Then he smiled and saluted with his sword: "Qingqing, good morning." Su Qingqing looked over at him. At this time, he shrank his body back, as if he had been caught peeping, and he was slightly embarrassed.

But after she pulled back, she felt why she was doing this. He was an ancient person and not her. She was speechless.

But she didn't look at it anymore. She sat in front of the dressing table and let Chunhua help her comb her hair with a smile on her face.

In the morning, while riding horses and walking dogs with Zheng Tian in the newly-exploded valley, Su Qingqing pointed to the patch of land in front of her with overgrown weeds and said, "Develop this area so you can grow seawater rice. I wonder who this mountain belongs to?"

Zheng Tian replied: "The nearby mountain was originally owned by the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain, but the last old Taoist priest also died a few years ago and is now under the imperial court."

Su Qingqing nodded: "Then I have to buy it."

Zheng Tianxiao looked at her and said nothing.

When the sun rose high in the sky, the two rode back to the village. Along the way I met many village women farming.

I just planted a batch of sweet potatoes a few days ago, and now I’m going to plant autumn corn, and in August I’ll plant potatoes.

Although it is very hot, the village women in the fields all have smiles on their faces, because with these high-yielding grains, they will probably be able to have a full meal in the second half of the year.

Everyone exchanged these grain seeds with Su Qingqing, and Su Qingqing also asked how to farm them.

So when they saw Su Qingqing appear, they all greeted her with smiles, feeling closer to her than to their own parents.

Su Qingqing also smiled and responded one by one, sitting on the horse quite high-spirited.

Not only the small fishing village, but also Chenjia Village in the same area has also changed a lot of potato and sweet potato seeds. Now everyone almost regards potatoes as the main crop comparable to rice!

The output is so high that the hungry people can’t help but like it!

When I returned to the village, I saw two donkey carts parked in front of my house from a distance, and a little man was looking at the door.

As soon as he saw Su Qingqing, he waved and shouted: "Madam, Yaxing has sent the Kunlun slave here."

Zheng Tian tilted his head and asked her: "Did you buy a Kunlun slave?"

Su Qingqing nodded: "Well, they are all black-skinned Kunlun slaves. They are strong. I will buy them and teach them to farm."

"Well, yes, there should be some."

Now that Su Qingqing's parents have been found, the sun's value is almost overflowing due to the change of grain species. Even if they go to the fields, they are just experiencing the nature of life. Of course, some people will be needed to help with the farming.

Hiring villagers is still troublesome after all, as everyone can't finish their own work.

And currently, all of her family members are maids. It would be a bit excessive to ask them to do menial work in the fields. After all, they are trained according to the standards of first-class maids.

So Su Qingqing followed the local customs when she came to her hometown, and also took up the idea of ​​becoming a Kunlun slave.

Lingnan Road is the most developed in this regard. Not to mention Kunlun slaves, there are also many young slaves captured from the mountains.

As long as she has money, Su Qingqing can buy as much as she wants. Even though the sky is high and the emperor is far away, the government basically doesn't care and can't control it.

We have cooperated with Jinya Dental Store many times. This time, the other party directly brought a new batch of [-] Kunlun slaves from Guangzhou Wharf. Su Qingqing kept them all in one go.

She is not afraid that her family will not be able to control the Kunlun slaves because she has the fierce Cuihua Paw Team, the lynx Banban who may become more ferocious in two months, the ghostly Dawan horse Suifeng, and is good at pecking snakes and catching rats. The big white goose, and the big green cow that is super human.

In addition, there are two non-staff teams of clouded leopards and more than [-] giant pythons.

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