Seeing the two of them walking away together, Xie Xun silently put down his hand. He should have known that if the two of them walked together, they would still have their own land.

When Yu Zhong came over, he glanced at Xie Xun and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you come with us?"

Rumors in Beijing say that these people are very good friends and have a very harmonious relationship?

Xie Xun looked disdainful, "How can I be a man like this girl's family?"

Yu Zhong smiled and said nothing, and walked inside. His mouth was probably the toughest thing in his body.

Xie Xun punched and kicked Yu Zhong's back, cursing: You're laughing! You have a big butt and you still have the nerve to laugh at me, big butt, big butt!

After the affairs with the county were settled, the group followed Magistrate Zeng and rushed to Xuzhou Mansion, worried about what they saw along the way.

The situation in Xuzhou Prefecture is the most serious. Zeng Zhifu sighed, "We have opened warehouses to release grain, but there is really not enough food. Now the rice merchants who have stocked the grain have increased the price of rice by more than ten times, and ordinary people cannot afford it. I can only starve, and I could still drink some soup and water, but after the epidemic broke out, there was not enough medicinal materials, so I really didn’t dare to drink anymore.”

They originally expected to buy food and build some wooden sheds for the victims to live in after the disaster relief money came, but now they can only live on the streets.

Yu Zhong consoled him, "The disaster relief money issued by the imperial court is on the way. Grain and medicinal materials will be purchased soon, and several more porridge sheds can be built by then."

After hearing this, Zeng Zhifu sighed, "I hope everything goes well."

The people of Xuzhou really couldn't stand the trouble.

Su Juan and Liu Miaoqing looked at each other, knowing in their hearts Magistrate Zeng's worries.

The flood was serious this time, and the grain fields were submerged. In addition, the relief money was stolen, which delayed a lot of time. Now that the epidemic is serious, I am afraid that after the relief money arrives, even if the porridge is given for a period of time, the situation will not improve, and grain prices will continue to rise. So high, after all, money is limited, and if it continues like this, it will come to nothing sooner or later.

Zeng Zhifu is worried that the situation in Xuzhou will not improve after the disaster.

On the same day, Yu Zhong took his subordinates to check for clues, while Su Juan and Liu Miaoqing stayed to discuss with Magistrate Zeng how to deal with and resettle the victims after the new disaster relief funds arrived in the past two days.

Liu Miaoqing said slowly, "I think that providing food and porridge is not a long-term solution. We still need to lower the food price. Otherwise, if this continues, even ordinary people will not be able to eat, even those who have a little money at home will not be able to eat." ”

Zeng Zhifu sighed, "I don't think so. I have gone to those rice merchants several times before, but it was useless even after selling them all. My old face was useless. Later, when I went there, I was not even allowed to enter. He said he was not in the house."

When the floods first broke out and the price of rice had not fully risen, these rice merchants invested heavily in hoarding grain. When the people were starving and hungry, they sold it at high prices, hoping to take advantage of the disaster to make more money. silver.

Liu Miaoqing frowned: "If you are really rich and unkind, is there nothing you can do about these people?"

Zeng Zhifu shook his head, there was really nothing he could do. In fact, besides Xuzhou, floods and famines had occurred in several other places in the past years. It was common for rice prices to be driven up, and it could not be stopped at all.

Su Juan rubbed the pads of her thumb and index finger several times. Seeing that both Zeng Zhifu and Liu Miaoqing stopped talking, she slowly said, "I have an idea, maybe I can get them to lower the price of rice themselves."

The two of them looked at each other and both looked at the Su family members. Magistrate Zeng was particularly eager, "Master Su, please speak."

Su Juan pursed her lips and said, "This plan is dangerous. Master Zeng, the most important thing for this to happen is you."

Zeng Zhifu was stunned, "Me?"

Liu Miaoqing was immediately curious, "Ah-juan, please tell me what the method is."

Su Juan smiled and said, "Don't be anxious, just listen to me in detail."


When Yu Zhong and others returned, they happened to meet Zeng Zhifu, who ordered his subordinates to send invitations to rice merchants in various prefectures, inviting them to meet tomorrow to discuss plans to make money.

At this time, Zeng Zhifu was obviously in a happy mood and did not look as worried as yesterday. Seeing Yu Zhong, he couldn't hide the smile on his face. When he caught someone, he praised her vigorously, "Master Yu, you don't know, this Miss Su is really wise."

Yu Zhong was puzzled, "Master Zeng?"

Xie Xun, who was running up and down with Yu Zhong and was busy when he heard Su Juan's name, immediately pricked up his ears and asked, "What did she do again?"

Magistrate Zeng laughed, "Miss Su proposed to stop releasing grains for porridge, while anonymously purchasing the remaining grains from rice merchants, and also distributing part of the disaster relief funds to let people and victims go to rice shops to buy rice, and encourage rice merchants to transport grains to other places. "

As he spoke, he suddenly patted his head, "By the way, I have to seize the time to keep an eye on it and sort out the granaries for storing grains."

Zeng Zhifu ran away in a hurry. Xie Xun dug his ears and said, "Did I hear you right? Now that the price of food is so high, they still have to buy rice from those rice merchants. Are they crazy?"

Isn’t this just rushing to give money to those rice merchants who are unkind and rich? !

If the disaster relief funds are all squandered, how will I explain to the emperor after returning to Beijing?
  Yu Zhong was silent for a moment, "Maybe he has other plans."

After getting along with Su Juan during this time, he found that Su Juan was actually a very independent person who had his own considerations in everything.

He believed that Su Juan would not bring this up for no reason, and there must be other factors involved.

Xie Xun found some sense of self-identity in Yu Zhong, because he felt that he was not the only one in the world who couldn't understand Su Juan's things.


The next day, Magistrate Zeng went to meet with businessmen from various places in Xuzhou Prefecture, hinting that the disaster in Xuzhou was serious, the court's disaster relief funds had been robbed, and there was not much food. This situation might last for two or three years.

As he spoke, he sighed, worried about being blamed by his superiors. He was afraid that the official robes he was wearing would not be safe, implying that the dozen or so richest businessmen in Xuzhou in front of him wanted to be stable in their later years and have enough food and clothing.

These merchants were not stupid, so they naturally understood the meaning of Zeng Zhifu’s words, which meant that they should be filial!
  But Zeng Zhifu had one attitude before, but now he has another attitude. It's really strange. I can't believe it. One or two of them are looking at each other.

Zeng Zhifu was not in a hurry, and left first after dinner, leaving these businessmen to look at each other, each with doubts.

"Can you believe what he says?"

"I'm afraid it's a scam..."

"Perhaps he is just afraid that the prefect will not be able to succeed, and wants to make a fortune from us so that he can spend his remaining years in peace?"

Having said that, I still can’t believe it.

At this moment, one of the people under the rice merchant hurriedly ran in, panting, "Sir! The government did not release food or porridge today! It was said that the relief fund was robbed, and there was no food in the granary! Now the people Everyone is rushing to buy food!"

"There are still many people who are afraid that they will have no food in the future, so they have bought all the rice in our rice shop!"

More than a dozen people stood up with a "shuashuashua" look on their faces, "Seriously!?"

The person named Zeng actually means it! This is really great news!
  "Quick! Double the price again!"

"Let out all the things you hoarded earlier! If you don't have enough, send people to other places to collect food. Be sure to hurry!"

For a moment, everyone rushed to run away, fearing that if they were one step behind, their money would go into the pockets of their "opponents".

(Kneel down in a fancy way): Kneel down and beg for your votes. I’m really short of votes. I’m really going crazy.

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