When Magistrate Zeng went to attend the banquet, Su Jue pretended to be a wealthy businesswoman and took several of her men to buy grain. Then she distributed money to many people and bought it in batches.

In just half a day, the price of grain in the rice shop increased several times, and there was an endless stream of people to buy it.

Many local people who still had some money in their hands learned that the government would no longer release grain for porridge, and saw so many people going to buy rice. They were afraid that there would be no rice to buy in the future, so they rushed to buy it.

Seeing that there was not much rice left in the original stockpile, these rice merchants rushed to send people to other places. As long as they could buy it as quickly as possible, it didn't matter at a high price. Anyway, as long as they returned to Xuzhou, they would not worry about not being able to sell it, and the price would be reasonable. It can be doubled dozens of times!
  The allies who had previously been unanimous in not lowering rice prices now regard each other as competitors, fearing that they will earn less than others.

Under the deliberate connivance of the government, the price of rice has been rising, and the people have been complaining. However, the government no longer builds tents to provide porridge, and no longer distributes grain. If you don't buy rice, you will really starve to death.

After only half a month, several nearby counties were also affected. They came to Zeng Zhifu one after another, trying to find a way to curb these profiteers, but Zeng Zhifu always closed its doors and refused to see any visitors.

In the middle of the journey, Zeng Zhifu went out. Seeing the miserable situation in front of him, he couldn't bear it in his heart. However, when he thought of Su Juan's instructions before leaving, he must not be soft-hearted, so he turned around and returned to the house, determined not to go out again.

Out of sight out of mind.

Just when these rice merchants in Xuzhou bought a large amount of rice and returned to Xuzhou, the Su family members also brought Xie Xun and others back from Jiangzhou with food. The disaster relief funds were almost all spent.

Xie Xun saw that the price of rice in Xuzhou was almost astronomical, and those who still went to buy it were mostly people arranged by Su Juan in advance.

He suddenly became more curious about what Su Juan wanted to do, but no matter how he tried to ask, Su Juan acted like he was keeping secrets, saying that the secret should not be leaked.

Seeing the last bag of rice entering the granary, Zeng Zhifu was relieved and asked the family members, "Miss Su, it's been almost a month and the price of rice can no longer rise. Is it time to move to the next step?"

After all, there is not much disaster relief money left, and we cannot afford to buy food for the victims.

Su Juan smiled and said, "Don't worry, wait for two more days. Don't give any more money to others in these two days. They will be starved for a few days."

The best time is when the remaining rice merchants have brought back the grain and the people are going crazy with hunger and cannot afford the high-priced rice.

Seeing how the Su family was strategizing, Magistrate Zeng had no doubt that he was there. It had already reached this point anyway, so there was no harm in waiting a few more days.

After tidying up, Su Juan followed Liu Miaoqing out and came to the shop she temporarily rented. It was located at the end of the street where the rice shops were located. From this place, you could see many people going there. The people buying rice at the rice shop were scolding and buying rice at the same time. Almost all of them were people hired by Liu Miaoqing.

"I thought, since we want to sell rice, it must be on this street." Liu Miaoqing smiled, "This way, we can let them see us selling rice better, and they will feel anxious."

"When the time comes for us to sell rice, each person can only buy a day's portion. If you buy more, you won't sell it. Only in this way can we maintain it for a longer period of time, and we won't be afraid that people will go hungry or that the rice will be sold too fast."

"At that time, we will have to borrow a few people to watch the shop. If anyone comes to make trouble, we will call them out."

Su Juan nodded, "You are more thoughtful. It is really best for you to handle this matter."

Liu Miaoqing was so thoughtful that he even considered these things.

Now that the disaster and epidemic have been brought under control, as long as the price of rice is lowered and the money from selling rice is used to repair houses and fields, Xuzhou can return to its normal life in the past. It can also use this matter to beat those who are struggling to make money for the country. Profiteer.

"Miss Su?" Yu Zhong was surprised when he saw a familiar figure walking over from a distance, "Are you back?"

Su Juan smiled, "Well, I just came back and transported all the rice to the granary."

"I heard that Mr. Yu has some clues about the case?" Yu Zhong nodded, "We have found the group of robbers who robbed and killed that day. Unfortunately, everyone was dead when they arrived, and the whereabouts of the relief funds are still unknown."

Obviously the other party knew that someone was investigating, silenced him in advance, and transferred the money.

Seeing Su Juan and Liu Miaoqing standing in front of the closed shop with a rice shop sign on it, Yu Zhong was surprised, "Are you trying to sell rice?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, "Yes, selling rice."

The people following Yu Zhong were extremely curious. Could it be that Miss Su deliberately raised the price of rice and took the opportunity to sell rice to make money?

But when I think about it, I think it's impossible. After all, Zeng Zongzhi loves the people like his own children. If Su Juan really wants to do this, how can he cooperate?
  Suddenly, everyone was extremely curious and wanted to know what kind of drama Su Juan had planned.

Two days passed, because the Su family no longer arranged for people to buy rice to make it look like it, many people could no longer afford the high-priced rice, and the rice shops were almost buried in complaints and spit.

On the whole street, seven or eight rice shops were empty and no one visited them.

At this moment, Su Juan and Liu Miaoqing's shop was officially opened. Several people were arranged, and people in the streets shouted, "The unknown rice shop is open! A bucket of rice is only sold for 30 Wen! Each person is limited to one bucket per day!"

"Only 30 Wen!?"

"Other rice shops only sell it for more than ten taels!"

"Everyone, go to Wuming Rice Shop to buy rice! If you go late, it will be gone!"

News spread from person to person, and all of a sudden, everyone flocked to Wuming Mipu.

Su Juan and Liu Miaoqing stood aside, and the hired help was buying rice, shouting, "One person can only buy one bucket! Only one bucket!"

Many people are going crazy with hunger, but as long as they have something to eat, it doesn't matter how many buckets they buy, as long as they can eat for one day.

But there were also a lot of troublemakers who got angry at a few people and looked like they were going to smash up the shop, "I want ten dou! It's not like I can't afford it! Why don't you sell it!?"

"Everyone, are you right?"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Since we are selling rice, it doesn't matter how much we sell. Why can't we buy more? It's not like we won't give you money."

The crowd suddenly became noisy, shouting that they wanted to buy more, and if they didn't sell, they would destroy the shop.

Su Juan glanced at Xie Xun next to him. Xie Xun understood what he was thinking. He grabbed the person who was the first to yell for ten buckets of rice and kicked him out a few meters away. Then he clapped his hands and the ten thugs were in unison. Standing in a row, they are majestic.

Immediately, the excited voices stopped, and no one dared to continue making trouble.

Xie Xun put his hands on his hips and shouted to the crowd in front of him: "Whether you want to buy or not, one person is one bucket a day, if you don't want to buy, get out! The high-priced rice shop is right in front, go there and buy as much as you like!"

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