Mu Yusheng struggled, trying hard to stand up and continue moving forward.

But he really didn't have the strength, so he kept crawling forward on the ground.

He didn't know where he got so much blood, which soaked the mountains and meandered forward.

Yunluo was very anxious and tried his best to warn Shuhua: "Don't be soft-hearted, carry him or help him, otherwise if he attacks you, we will all be close to death!"

Shuhua said coldly: "I will not be soft-hearted, I have no heart."

Yuelongsha looked at her worriedly. Shuhua probably didn't feel it himself, but they all felt it. She was full of resentment and anger.

She always remembered the past incident that Dusu showed her.

Mu Yusheng suspected that she had become a demon, so he burned her heart and sacrificed it to heaven. He cut her body into pieces with one knife after another and threw her body into the wilderness and into the depths of the abyss...

Su Daji suddenly squatted down, picked up Mu Yusheng with his horns, and threw him on his back.

Yunlu was very happy: "Deer Demon, are you awake?"

Su Daji showed no reaction and only nuzzled Shuhua affectionately to show that he was obedient.

Shuhua gave it a handful of young leaves, and it was satisfied.

Shuhua's blood was very useful. After a while, Mu Yusheng became more energetic and said that he was bleeding all the way out and he could just follow the blood traces to find it.

Seeing that it was going to be dark soon, Yunlu accepted his fate and acted as a hound, rushing ahead and sniffing the way with his nostrils.

The fourth night fell, and they were exhausted and finally walked into a luan forest.

After entering Guo Kingdom, the moon that had never been seen before suddenly rose.

It hangs brightly in the sky, and the bell-like flower strings of the Luan tree are coated with a layer of silver and rustle with the wind. This scene is like a fairyland on earth.

In the middle of the woods lies another Shuhua, or "goddess Shuhua", lying quietly on the ground, with a pale face, angry eyes, a broken stomach and intestinal bleeding, and a miserable death state.

How does a living person feel when he sees another self who died tragically?

Shu Hua couldn't describe it, but she could feel that there was a powerful force pulling her soul hard into the body of the "Goddess Shu Hua" who died tragically.

There was an evil voice in her mind: "Go quickly. If you go, you can save her and change all the tragedy and pain in the future."

She knew she couldn't give in, so she fought hard, dripping with cold sweat and trembling with exhaustion.

What's worse is that she is hungry again, and she is so hungry that she wants to take a few bites of grass and leaves.

She gritted her teeth and tried to open her eyes to find her heart.

But although the scene was littered with cinnabar, talismans, peach wood cones and other evil-killing objects, the heart was nowhere to be seen.

Mu Yusheng rolled off the deer's back and crawled towards "Goddess Shuhua".

At the moment when he was about to touch the "Shuhua", the moon suddenly disappeared and day came.

The fifth day has arrived.

The day this time was unusual, the sun was so bright that it burned my eyes.

Shuhua and others couldn't help but close their eyes. At this moment, Mu Yusheng let out a shrill scream.

But in fact, Mu Yusheng was mute and could not make any sound.

Shuhua trembled with fright and opened his eyes suddenly, only to see thick fog filling the air. Mu Yusheng and "Goddess Shuhua" could no longer be seen.

She rushed into the thick fog desperately and touched them with trembling hands, but she only touched sticky, wet blood and corpses.

Shuhua felt severe pain in his chest, his whole body convulsed, and he lay on the ground curled up in a ball.

She could clearly feel the pain in her wrists, elbows, neck, waist, thighs, knees, and ankles, as if she had just woken up from the wilderness of Lishan Road.

If she guessed correctly, the "Goddess Shu Hua" at this moment had been chopped into countless pieces.

She gasped like a dying fish: "Mu Yusheng! Mu Yusheng! Where are you?"

The thick fog gradually faded, and she saw Mu Yusheng kneeling on the ground, looking back at her, his eyes crazy and cold - those eyes belonged to the fierce spirit.

"Mu Yusheng!" Shuhua hissed, but then it got dark again.

The fifth night falls. There was no moon or starlight, nothing could be seen, only Mu Yusheng's heavy breathing could be heard.

"Shuhua, hurry up!" Yunlu shouted in fear, "Day and night are alternating faster."

In the past, the cycle of night and day could last for half an hour, but now, it does not even last for a quarter of an hour.

Shuhua was also anxious, but she couldn't see anything, and there was no way to illuminate it.

She struggled to crawl towards Mu Yusheng, her hands searching everywhere.

On the sixth day, she finally caught his leg.

"Mu Yusheng..." Shuhua didn't even have time to finish, the sixth night came suddenly.

Cold and hard hands pushed her away, and hot blood splashed onto her face and half-open mouth.

Fishy, ​​sweet and bitter.

Shuhua reached out to touch it with trembling hands. What was sweet was Mu Yusheng's blood, and what was bitter were her tears.

"Mu Yusheng...what did you do?" She murmured and asked at dawn.

The seventh day comes.

Mu Yusheng disappeared, and so did "Goddess Shuhua".

If it weren't for the blood all over the floor, everything just happened would be more like a dream.

"Hurry up and find clues!" Shuhua's voice was hoarse.

No one knows how long the last day can last, but it is obvious that when this day disappears and the seventh night ends, everything will cycle again.

And every time, part of their abilities will be swallowed up until their consciousness dissipates and they become walking zombies.

Yunlu and Yuelongsha knew the stakes and searched frantically for clues. Yunlu did not forget to remind Shuhua: "After all, it is you. Can you calm down and feel it?"

Although Su Daji didn't know anything, he still followed them around.

"Yo..." It shouted happily and took out a broken hand from the depths of the grass. At this moment, it became dark.

The seventh night falls.

"Dong dong dong!!!" A rapid heavy sound sounded, like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's brains.

"Zhizhi!" Yunlu screamed, holding his head and rolling in pain.

Yuelongsha was not as strong as it, and after two twitches, she collapsed on the ground dying.

Shuhua endured the pain and tried his best to gather the three friends into his arms and protect them tightly.

Before her memory was swallowed up, she tried to recall and analyze everything she had just seen.

This is not normal!

If the cycle of day and night really only lasts so long, then the progress of events should be a quick flash-forward, with no shortage of processes and related characters.

Rather than suddenly being blinded by white light and filled with thick fog at a critical moment, it goes from start to finish in the blink of an eye.

Obviously, the entire incident is missing the most crucial part.

Someone wants to deliberately hide the truth behind this.

Shuhua told Yunlu his question: "...In this case, can anyone extract the time fragment?"

"If it's an array within an array, maybe it can be done, but the price will be high." Yunlu said, "It's not difficult to prove that the time segment is extracted. We only look at how long the last night is."

Half an hour later, a flash of fish belly white appeared on the horizon, and the eighth day came.

Yunlu came to a conclusion: "Someone did extract the time fragment."

"Xiao Shu, you guys made it easy for me to find him." Du Su's voice suddenly sounded.

He was wearing the black robe of the Master of the Tiantian Pavilion, half of his face was hidden in a black hood, the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and the Haotian Sword in his hand was dripping with the blood of an unknown person.

Shuhua turned around and ran away. (End of chapter)

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