"Xiao Shu! Where are you going?" Du Su chased after him with his sword in hand.

Shuhua didn't answer and just kept his head buried and ran into the woods. The purpose was to distract Dusu so that he wouldn't go crazy and hurt Yunlu and the others. After all, everyone was very vulnerable now.

Yunlu and Yuelongsha were numerous, and they also ran away separately. Only Su Daji foolishly caught up with Shuhua and insisted on carrying her on his back.

The deer is an elf in the mountains and forests. It is stronger, lighter and more sensible than ordinary deer, so it can run very fast.

Du Su originally thought that everyone had lost their spiritual power and he should take charge of everything. Unexpectedly, they were disobedient and became very angry. He raised his sword and slashed wildly, trying to scare Shu Hua away.

The sharp sword energy caused the Luan tree flowers to fly everywhere, as if there was a pink rain.

However, none of the broken flowers or leaves fell on Shuhua and Su Daji, because Lingze appeared.

No one knew when he came, but he did appear at just the right time, just standing between Shuhua and Dusu.

The pale golden sunlight fell on him, and his whole body was shining.

He gently raised his hand and brushed his long sleeves. All the broken flowers and leaves solidified in the air, then rolled back and violently attacked Dusu.

Shuhua once again came up with the idea that this was a "god spirit" rather than a "silly spirit".

She lay on the antlers and observed him quietly: "When did you come?"

She was sure that he had already arrived.

Lingze did not answer directly, but hugged her tightly: "I don't want to be separated from you..."

"Dong dong dong!" The heavy and weird drum sound sounded again, and a white light flashed, and the eighth day officially arrived.

Shuhua instantly lost weight and fell into a terrifying whirlpool.

She felt that she lost consciousness at that moment, but she could always feel Lingze's presence.

He kept saying in her ear: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Shu, I'm here..."

When he opened his eyes again, Shuhua returned to the door of the farm couple.

She was still holding the deer, with Yuelong Sha squatting on her shoulders, Lingze standing next to her, and Yunlu lying on Lingze's shoulders.

She had not forgotten what had happened in the past seven days and nights, but she felt much weaker.

"Do you remember what happened before?" Shuhua wanted to make sure how everyone was doing, but then, she raised her hand uncontrollably and knocked on the door.

The old woman appeared in response, and the same words about discussing staying overnight came out of her mouth uncontrollably.

Scenes experienced in the past reappeared without any confusion.

Shuhua saw panic in Yunluo's eyes. It turned out that the so-called memory cycle was forced to appear in such a way.

Regardless of whether you remember it or not, you must perform it again according to the previous procedure.

This seems to be an unbreakable rule. When you enter this world, you must operate according to its rules.

When the old couple went to the neighbor's house again to cause trouble and Lingze shared food with everyone, Shuhua finally found a loophole outside the rules -

Although everything will cycle on time and on time, they can act according to their own will in the gap between the two events.

She took the opportunity to ask Lingze: "How restricted are you?"

In the first reincarnation, both Dusu and Lingze retained their own spiritual powers, so they must have been subject to the least restrictions.

She hoped he would take the initiative to make some changes.

Lingze immediately understood what she meant: "I am indeed better, but what should happen will still happen. Now we can take advantage of the loopholes, because there is normal food to provide strength, and we are relatively normal..."

When the food in the storage bag is finished, because of hunger, sooner or later they will eat the strange paste sent by the old woman, and then be completely swallowed by the world. Shu Hua understood: "That's something for later. Now tell me first what you saw when you went to inquire about the situation before. Then try to see if you can not go this time and stay with us."

"I saw the Xuanli Pearl..." Lingze just started, but he changed the subject uncontrollably: "I'm going to check the situation, you stay here and don't go out."

Shuhua immediately pushed him out of the house uncontrollably: "I'll be fine, go and come back quickly..."

"The Lord Shen no longer kills decisively..." Yunlu finished this sentence quickly and tugged at his shiny hair frantically: "I'm really crazy, I am no longer my own, I have become two people! "

Yuelongsha nodded wildly, and couldn't help but beat back and forth until she was half exhausted.

After Lingze left, Shuhua immediately organized everyone to rush to Luan Shulin: "... Maybe arriving early will yield different results."

Yuelongsha and Yunlu squatted on her shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right. Su Daji carried them briskly towards the mountains and forests.

Yunlu couldn't help but praise Su Daji: "Being stupid has its advantages. A real deer is much more useful than us."

Su Daji ran very fast, and only after halfway through the distance did the terrible heavy "dong dong" sound rang out in the mountains and fields.

Everyone quickly covered their ears to reject hallucinations.

The sudden dizziness caused Shuhua to fall to the ground. Something grabbed her ankle tightly and dragged her back.

She sneered and grabbed the tree next to her, determined not to let go even if it broke in two.

At this moment, she should be receiving Mu Yusheng at the farmer's home.

But she was already far away from there, so the rules wanted to catch her back.

She just wants to resist! Even if the time can be staggered a little, it is a victory that breaks the rules.

Shuhua was covered in cold sweat from the tearing pain, but she didn't care. She had seen this kind of pain so many times, who was afraid!

In her semi-conscious state, she heard a faint sigh, and then her body felt loose.

She finally succeeded in evading this rule twist.

Yuelongsha, Yunlu and Su Daji have disappeared without a trace.

Shuhua didn't hesitate at all, stood up and continued running forward.

She didn't know if Lingze and Dusu were nearby, and she didn't explore where the sigh just now came from or why she could temporarily escape the constraints of the rules.

She just wanted to get to the scene of the incident as soon as possible and find more clues.

As the second day of the second round was coming to an end, she finally arrived at Luan Shulin.

"Goddess Shuhua" is lying on the open ground, and a gorgeously dressed woman stands with her back to Shuhua, waving her arms like a dance.

"Fragments of blood are dancing, drops of blood are falling, and the cry is in my ears, I will never be able to die again!"

The woman's voice is melodious, neither urgent nor slow, neither high nor low, with a peculiar rhythm, indifference and viciousness.

This voice is so familiar! Shuhua couldn't help but tremble.

She yelled and lunged at the woman: "No!"

"Blood flower" can be "snowflake", and "rain blood" can also be "rain and snow".

But Shuhua knew that was not the case, that the other party was troubling her heart.

"What don't you want?" The woman turned her back to Shuhua and gracefully made a gesture of scattering flowers.

Shuhua watched helplessly as the fine pieces of flesh and blood were thrown into the sky like rain and snow, turning into fireflies and quickly dissipating in the second round of darkness that was rapidly falling. (End of chapter)

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