Chapter 1 The Big Boss’s Trouble


Along with the thunder, two flashes of lightning crackled in the sky, and then heavy rain poured down, covering the sky and covering the sun.

The school bell rang in the afternoon, and students rushed from the classroom into the corridor, looking at the pouring rain outside and complaining.

"Song Jiawen, did you listen to what I said? I'm going to your uncle's house after school today. Don't go back to your house."

Jiang Yan ignored the heavy rain outside and just stretched out his finger to poke the back of the girl in the front row.

Everyone around them ran out, and now they were the only two people left in the area.

The girl ignored him, her delicate eyebrows were cold, her long white fingers held a pencil, and she slowly sketched on a piece of white paper.

What she painted was a house that looked a bit ethereal, fuzzy, and a bit quaint.

Jiang Yan leaned forward and took a look, and found that she was drawing a house again, which she seemed to draw a lot these days.

She is quite talented and spiritual in painting, and she can draw better than the art students majoring in art at school.No, even the art teacher came to her from time to time to discuss or ask for advice.

If she wasn't afraid of being beaten to death by the principal and other teachers, the art teacher would have let her take the art path no matter what.

Jiang Yan not only sighed, but he was indeed the big shot who would dominate the painting world in the future. He could easily get the key points by just taking a few professional classes with the teacher. He was better than the old master, and he directly photographed the teachers on the beach. .

But now the boss is in trouble, and he has to solve it for her, otherwise he won't be able to hug her in the future.

Jiang Yan approached her and continued to persuade her, "You don't really think that your sister will be on your side when she comes back, right? Don't be stupid. If she is really good to you, why would she..."

"Jiang Yan!" Song Jiawen finally spoke, interrupting him coldly, and turned back to glare at him in warning.

Her sister is very kind to her - at least in the eyes of outsiders.

So Jiang Yan thought that she couldn't bear to hear someone say something bad about her sister.

Jiang Yan sneered "heh" and said, "Okay, don't believe me. Then if you want to go back to your home, go back and see if your aunt will bring her husband's nephew to a blind date tomorrow and see if your sister can stand up On your side?"

Song Jiawen's aunt married in the local county. Her husband's eldest brother is the director of the county people's hospital. Last month, her aunt brought her children and her husband's nephew back to her parents' home for a visit. The 22-year-old nephew saw Song Jiawen by chance and was shocked. God.

After returning home, he pestered his parents to marry Song Jiawen.

Originally, a little girl from the countryside, no matter how beautiful she was, was looked down upon by her parents.But Song Jiawen was not an ordinary person. When she was in the second grade of junior high school, she skipped a grade to take the high school entrance examination and ranked first in the county.

Her aunt was also proud of it at the time. She promoted it to her husband's family and wanted her to live in her home when she went to the county middle school.

Unexpectedly, Song Jiawen did not choose to go to the county middle school in the end, but stayed at Jianghai Middle School in the town.

But the principal and teachers of Jianghai Middle School were so happy.

But it annoyed her aunt, who believed that Song Jiawen was short-sighted and had no foresight.She paved the way for her, but she didn't cooperate!
Therefore, when the eldest brother of her husband's family proposed that Song Jiawen get engaged to his son first and then arrange for her to go to a medical school in the county, her aunt agreed without hesitation.

Yes, go to medical school, but you have to give up the college entrance examination.

The dean knew very well that his son's ability and IQ were not good enough. If Song Jiawen was allowed to take the college entrance examination, with her grades, she would definitely be able to get into a good college.

If she leaves, what will happen to his son?
So since his son wants to marry Song Jiawen, the first step is to clip this girl's wings and prevent her from taking the college entrance examination.

Then he arranged for her to go to the county's medical school and work as a nurse in their hospital after graduation. In this way, she would be under his nose and would not be able to cause too much trouble.What he was interested in was Song Jiawen's brain. For such a smart girl, the children she would give birth to in the future would definitely be good.

Not a son, he wants to raise a grandson.

So taking advantage of the fact that there were still four months left before the college entrance examination, their whole family went to the Song family to propose marriage.

Jiang Yan remembered very clearly that at this time in the last life, that is, tomorrow, everyone in the Song family agreed to let Song Jiawen get engaged to the dean's son and give up the college entrance examination!
In the huge courtyard, the girl was the only one who was resisting alone, stubbornly refusing to take a step back.

How was it solved in the end?
The dean's son was so bold that when he saw Song Jiawen returning to the room, he followed her in. Then she threw him out of the room and hit his head and body with bricks.
That incident was a big deal. Jiang Yan remembered that when he heard the commotion and rushed over, he saw a girl covered in blood with half of her face swollen. Her red eyes were staring at the Song family and the dean's family, word by word. He said, "At worst, one life is worth one, come on!"

Her eyes and face showed a kind of despair and cruelty that she had never seen before!

With things like this, the marriage would naturally not work out, but the dean refused to let Song Jiawen go and beat his son so badly, how could he let her be safe?
He called the county public security bureau directly. Soon after, Song Jiawen was arrested by the police on charges of intentional injury and attempted murder.

After she was taken away, everyone in the Song family called her crazy and crazy. She deserved to be arrested and preferably shot.

The old lady of the Song family even spoke harshly to Song Jiawen's parents, ordering them to leave her alone and let her be sentenced or whatever. In short, she brought this to her own fault.

Later, her uncle got the news and tried to clear the relationship. He heard that her grandmother's natal family was a wealthy family in Yunzhou City. Her grandmother went to beg her natal family, and after many twists and turns, she was rescued from the Yunfeng County Public Security Bureau.

In the end, although she still took the college entrance examination and went to college, she became even more gloomy and depressed after this incident.

She left Jianghai Town after taking the college entrance examination, and Jiang Yan never saw her again.

Later, I accidentally heard my grandma talking about her on the phone, saying that Song Jiawen had become a great painter and was invited to participate in art exhibitions abroad. She said that she was very powerful and very rich!

As for the inner and outer meanings of his grandma's words, he was not like a girl who could make money, so he deliberately ignored it.

Not long after that, I heard that Song Jiawen was recognized by her biological parents. She was not a biological child of the Song family. She was picked up by her sister when she was three years old. However, this "picking up" was not a normal picking up. There seemed to be some involvement in the process. There is some hidden secret.

Her sister Song Xiran was also taken away for investigation.
Later, Jiang Yan could only get information about her through the Internet. It was said that her paintings were so hotly contested that it could be described as hard to find.

This was a thunderstorm, which came and went quickly. In less than 10 minutes, the heavy rain turned into light rain.

The students in the class are leaving one after another. They have not had a break for a month. The students in the dormitory can't wait to go home with their schoolbags that have been packed long ago. It is rare for the school to give two days off, which is very precious for senior high school students.

So everyone said hello to each other and left in a hurry, except the two people sitting by the window who didn't move at all.

"Jiajia, my mother brought two umbrellas. This one is for you. Be careful on the way home. I'm leaving first."

Song Jiawen's deskmate Yang Dan came back again, handed her an umbrella through the window, and then ran away in a hurry.

Soon they were the only ones left in the classroom.

"Have you thought about it? Where to go?"

Jiang Yan turned the pen in his hand carelessly, because he knew the development and direction of the matter in advance. Even if Song Jiawen still had to go back to the Song family today and tomorrow, he had already thought of a way to solve it. It was impossible for her to be like the previous life. He paid such a heavy price in exchange for the college entrance examination and the separation from the Song family!

 A new book has been released, please collect and recommend it.



(End of this chapter)

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