Chapter 2 IOUs
When the two came out of school, the rain had stopped.

In the end, Song Jiawen listened to Jiang Yan and went to her uncle's house in the town instead of returning to Jianglin Village.

"Jiang Yan, if what you said is true, even if I don't go back, they will still come to find me tomorrow." Since it was a blind date arranged for her, and the Song family had agreed to it in advance, how could it be because she was not at home? And let her go.

If you can hide for a while, can you hide for a lifetime?
When he said this, Song Jiawen's dark eyes looked at him, with a cold light inside them.

Is this girl doubting me?

But Jiang Yan didn't care. As long as she was willing to listen to him, it didn't matter what other ideas she had.

"When they go to your house tomorrow, they will spread the matter, so if you want to solve it, you will need the help of your uncle and your grandmother. Anyway, when they arrive tomorrow, I will call you."

After speaking, Jiang Yan crossed his long legs and sat on his broken bicycle that rang everywhere except the bell. He tossed his head towards the back seat and asked, "Come up?"

Song Jiawen glanced at him and his bicycle with disgust, and without saying a word, she took the lead and walked forward coldly.

Jiang Yan didn't care. He screeched past her on his bicycle and turned a corner before disappearing.

Jianghai Town is not big, and Song Jiawen walked for about ten minutes to the only Internet cafe in the town.

She stood at the door and tilted her head to look at the broken bicycle that was thrown carelessly against the wall. After thinking about it, she opened the door and walked in.

The Internet cafe was filled with smoke, and many young people were smoking and playing games, sometimes with curses and shouts.

The Internet cafe was not that big. Song Jiawen stood at the door and scanned around almost everything inside, but she didn't see the familiar person.

Either she had to look for him, or she saw his bicycle outside and came in on a whim to take a look. Now that she didn't see anyone, she turned around and wanted to leave.

At this time, a conversation came to her ears suddenly and clearly -
"Brother, as you requested, I went to the county to collect two old computers today. How much do you think I spent?"

"Two hundred and five."

"Brother, why are you still swearing?"

"If I don't scold you, who will you scold? You collected some fucking rags, how can I pretend?"

"But brother, you clearly said before that no matter how broken the computer is, you can install it. Is this no longer possible?"

"You're so fucking bad."

"Hehe, brother, you are good, you are very good. Aren't I also thinking that we can earn more by charging cheaper? After all, brother, you are going to college soon, and you have to save enough for tuition first."


Song Jiawen turned around a row of computers and saw a small cubicle at the back.

Jiang Yan was sitting on a pony with a slender look on his face, a cigarette in his mouth, and a pile of parts in front of him. It looked like he was assembling a computer?

Song Jiawen was a little surprised, but her face was still deserted, and she couldn't see anything strange.

"Online, right? Go next door."

Huang Mao, who was squatting opposite Jiang Yan, noticed someone coming. He raised his head and glanced at Song Jiawen, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. Then he pretended to be businesslike and cold, and nodded towards the opposite side with his chin raised.

Jiang Yan turned his head and looked over casually, then was stunned. He put down the parts in his hand, took the cigarette from his mouth, and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

You couldn't have followed him here, right?
However, Jiang Yan immediately rejected this speculation in his heart. Following others was not what this girl would do.

She has no such leisure.

It's not following, it's just passing by.

"Go back quickly." This place is smoky and not suitable for you.

But Song Jiawen didn't leave. Instead, she took two steps forward and squatted next to Jiang Yan. She looked at the pile of junk on the ground and asked, "Are you installing the computer?"

Jiang Yan said a vague "hmm" and did not answer directly.

He threw the half-smoked cigarette on the ground and crushed it with his foot.

Huang Mao looked at Song Jiawen, then at Jiang Yan, and asked, "Brother, do you know him?"

Isn't this nonsense?
Jiang Yan ignored Huang Mao, lowered his head and continued the operation in his hands.Song Jiawen looked at him for a while and asked him, "You help them assemble computers and make money?"

She heard what Huang Mao said just now, Jiang Yan was earning college tuition.

Many people in their village knew that Jiang Yan's formerly prosperous father was imprisoned last year on charges of corruption. His mother had divorced his father long before anything happened to him.

He originally went to school in Yunzhou. After his father's accident, he got into a fight and was kicked out of school. He had no choice but to return to his grandma's house in the countryside.

Jiang Yan's grandma's house is next to Song Jiawen's house. Jiang Yan grew up in his grandma's house before going to elementary school. Although he later returned to Yunzhou to go to school, his father would still send him to his grandma's house every winter and summer vacation.

So the two of them grew up together and could barely be called childhood sweethearts.

It's just that their relationship was very ordinary in the past. The real closeness was when this guy suddenly transferred from the liberal arts class to their class seven months ago, and even sat behind her.

Euphemistically speaking, he wanted Song Jiawen, who was number one in grade, to help him with tutoring on material transformation.

The person sitting behind Song Jiawen was the monitor of their second class, but he didn't know how Jiang Yan negotiated with him. Anyway, he asked the monitor to make way for him and moved to the back.

Song Jiawen never hides her clumsiness in her studies. Whenever a classmate asks her a question, she will try her best to explain it to them.

In the seven months since he moved here, Jiang Yan's academic performance has improved rapidly with the help of Song Jiawen, and he is currently ranked in the top [-] in his grade.

Logically speaking, this rate of improvement is quite good, but Jiang Yan is not satisfied. After all, No. 2 is just a few points behind Song Jiawen, No. 1 in every exam. When it comes to him, the difference is a hundred points.

[-] points, when it comes to the college entrance examination, there is an endless sea of ​​people between them.

Therefore, Jiang Yan worked very hard in his studies, working on exams almost day and night.

Song Jiawen saw this and she, who never took notes, specially took the three subjects of physics, chemistry and biology, which greatly helped Jiang Yan's study.

So she thought, well, can we charge some labor fees appropriately?

“If I don’t make money, who will give it to me?”

Jiang Yan's calm voice sounded, full of self-deprecation and sarcasm.

His grandmother, his second uncle, and his family used to be supported by his father. Now that his father has entered the family, they immediately cried about poverty and said they had no money to pay for his tuition.

When he first came back from the city, he had not yet been reborn, so at the instigation of his grandmother, he went to his mother to ask for high school tuition.

After paying the tuition, his grandmother asked for the remaining money. She said she was keeping it for him to prevent him from spending it randomly, and then gave him 20 yuan for food every month.

20 yuan is enough to eat your shit!

Now that Jiang Yan is reborn, he will naturally no longer let them manipulate him, let alone ask his mother for money while licking his face.

So there’s nothing wrong with making your own money for tuition and living expenses!
Song Jiawen looked at him and blinked, and said honestly, "You are very ambitious. I also want to learn from you and use my own labor to get what I want. You are very good!"

Being praised by a perverted academic god, Jiang Yan felt a little overwhelmed.

But Song Jiawen's next words confused him again.

"But, I tutored you for seven months."

Ok?and then?
Jiang Yan turned around and looked over. Song Jiawen was squatting not far from him. She looked at him with a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes and blinked. Her long black eyelashes were like two small brushes, brushing him into a daze.

When he woke up, Song Jiawen had already left, and he was holding an IOU in his hand. On it was his handwriting, saying that he owed Song Jiawen 5000 yuan, with his and Song Jiawen's signatures underneath.

Jiang Yan:.
Depend on!I was fooled by a little girl.

Huang Mao, who was following him next to him, was still helping him settle accounts in a serious manner, "Brother, it turns out that you are not good at studying, and you have to ask a little girl to give you tutoring. She only gives you one hour a day, and the market price is 50 an hour. Yuan, she calculated it as thirty yuan for you, so one month is nine hundred, seven months is six thousand three, and in the end she only asked you to pay five thousand. This girl is so generous, giving you such a discount."

Jiang Yan clenched his fist, wanting to punch Huang Mao.

Song Jiawen, who left with the IOU on the other side, felt much less depressed, and even the steps towards her uncle's house were not as heavy as before.

As for the unknown tomorrow, I have less worries.

 New books updated daily at [-]am!

(End of this chapter)

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