Chapter 3 The best arrangement?

Song Laosan's family in Jianglin Village.

"Xi, if she is an ordinary child, your parents will have no problem with you sending her to school. But the problem is her. Can you guarantee that after she passes the exam, she will not doubt her life experience and not go to her family? Or will she not be attracted by her? Did the family find out?"

"My parents only have a daughter like you, so we can't take any risks with you."

"Xi, it's been 14 years and it's time for you to wake up. Mom has told me so many times that we don't blame you if something happens to your sister. It's not your fault. You don't want her to get encephalitis. This is her fault. Life"

Song Xiwen sat on the sofa with her head lowered, holding her three-year-old son in her arms. The little boy had fallen asleep.

When her mother mentioned the words "something happened to my sister," her upper body trembled visibly, then she slowly raised her head and looked at her mother.

Xie Jingying pursed her lips. If it had been in the past, she would have backed down when her eldest daughter was like this, and she would not have mentioned her little daughter who was gone in front of her.

But the situation was different now and there was no room for her to back down.

Song Laosan was squatting at the door of the hall, smoking a cigarette with a sad face.

"Xiaoxi, listen to mom, you didn't feel sorry for her. She was like that at that time. If you hadn't taken her home, she wouldn't have survived. Our family has raised her for 14 years, that's enough. Just listen to your aunt. Let her go to a medical school in the county and then marry the dean's son. This is the best arrangement for her."

Is it really the best arrangement?
Song Xiwen remembered the phone call her classmate made to her a few days ago, because the other person was a teacher at Jianghai Middle School and happened to teach English to Jia Jia's class.

She told Song Xiwen that with Song Jiawen's results, it was very possible to compete for the top spot in Yunzhou City in the college entrance examination.

As for County No. 1, they have long ignored it.

Both words conveyed the same meaning. Song Jiawen was the pride of their Jianghai Middle School, and even her sister, who had graduated long ago, was looked down upon by her old classmates.

So based on her current results, is it the best arrangement to tell her not to take the college entrance examination and go to a health school in the county that only has a technical secondary school diploma?

But Song Xiwen did not refute her mother's words. She knew that her mother did this for her own good.

Jia Jia is not a thing in the pond, and it has been revealed as early as elementary school. Whether it is her appearance or IQ, she is incompatible with the Song family.

Her parents were worried that she would leave Yunzhou City in the future, that she would be found by her family, and that the truth about 14 years ago would be exposed.
Song Xiwen closed her eyes and finally nodded amid her mother's constant pleading.

At dinner time, Song Laosan's phone rang.

Xie Jingying put down her chopsticks and went to the back room to answer the phone--

"Aunt, it's me, Xie Lin."

"Xiao Lin, why are you calling me at this time? Is something wrong?"

"Sister Jia Jia is at my house. Let me tell you that she won't go back tonight."

Xie Jingying was stunned. She forgot that today was the end of the month, a day when senior high school students had a break once a month.Originally, I was thinking of asking Song Laosan to take a leave from school tomorrow to bring her back, but now it's okay, I don't have to ask for leave.

"You have a rest this week, and so does your sister Jia Jia. It's not sensible to not go home immediately after taking a break once a month. Xiaolin, your sister Xixi is back, please let her go home."

Xie Jingying ignored her and forgot about it, saying that Song Jiawen was homeless and ignorant.He mentioned his eldest daughter again, with the intention of reminding Song Jiawen not to talk nonsense outside. Her sister was at home, so hurry back.

Although she just pretends that this girl is not a person at home, isn't there something important tomorrow?

What if she doesn't come back?
"What if it's dark now? Let's talk about it tomorrow. I still have homework that I want Sister Jiajia to help me with. Auntie, I failed."

Xie Lin didn't wait for Xie Jingying to reply, and just put down the phone with a snap.

"Did you tell your aunt?"

His mother, Li Yun, is sitting across from her, reviewing homework. She is a Chinese teacher at Jianghai Town Primary School, and her husband is a junior high school math teacher.It is normal for the two of them to grade homework at home after school.

"I told you, but my aunt said that the eldest sister is back and asked Sister Jiajia to go home."

After saying that, Xie Lin snorted again, "They all forgot that Sister Jia Jia is off this week. She probably has finished eating now. I don't care, anyway, Sister Jia Jia will stay at our house tonight and won't go back."

After saying that, Xie Lin stood up and left.

Li Yun stared at the phone and waited for about five seconds, and sure enough, it rang.

She stood up and picked up the phone--
"Hello? Sister." "Xiao Lin wants Jia Jia to make up lessons for him, so go ahead and let her go home early tomorrow morning. Xiao Xi comes back just to see her. Her sister will be disappointed if she is not here."

"Then let Xiaoxi come to our house tomorrow. Mom hasn't seen her for a long time. I miss her so much. I'll buy some more food at noon, and you all can come over."

"Well, I guess it won't work tomorrow. Xiaoxi's aunt is coming over. Her grandma has agreed to have dinner together early in the morning. Let's wait until next time. Let Xiaoxi visit her mother next time. Tell Jia Jia that she should come back early tomorrow. "

Li Yun agreed, then put down the phone, thoughtfully.

Before eating, Jia Jia spoke to her alone for a few words. At first, she didn't take it to heart because the child was so beautiful. Not to mention others, even the principal of their elementary school was moved when he saw it and wanted her to be his son. daughter in law.

However, the principal is self-aware, and his son is still in college, so he just talks about it and doesn't mean it.

But Gajia said that her sister-in-law would bring a blind date tomorrow.
This child never talks much, and is usually too calm. To make her worry like this, it is most likely something serious.

Combined with what Xie Jingying said just now, Li Yun felt a surge of anger in his heart, rising to the top of his head.

"Xie Yanhai, come here."

Her yard is not big, so even though she suppressed her voice, the man who was watching Song Jiawen carving the Maitreya Buddha in her mother-in-law's room was still startled.

Shi Peirong glanced at him with his reading glasses and said calmly, "Go out quickly. Another Hedong lion roar will scare Jia Jia. If her hand shakes this piece of wood, it will be over."

This was the boxwood she finally found. She asked Jia Jia to carve a Maitreya Buddha for her and put it in the house, looking at An Xin.

Song Jiawen lowered her head and was still carving carefully, and the surrounding movements had no impact on her at all.

Once she concentrates on something, her concentration is amazing.

Shi Peirong nodded with satisfaction.

Xie Lin, who was doing homework next to him, was just the opposite. He glanced here and then again to see that his father was still looking out when he went out.

Shi Peirong slapped him on the back of the head, "Write your homework."

Xie Yanhai came out of his mother's house and followed Li Yun into their bedroom before speaking, "What's the matter?"

"Your sister called just now and asked Jia Jia to go back early tomorrow morning."

"That's her home. Isn't it normal for her to go back?" There is only one weekend a month, so it would be abnormal not to go back.

"Before dinner, Jia Jia told me that her sister-in-law in the county will bring her husband's nephew for a blind date tomorrow, his son who is the director of the hospital."

"Blind date? With whom?"

Jia Jia is only 17 years old and is about to take the college entrance examination. It is impossible to follow her, right?
Xie Yanhai looked at Li Yun's face and eyes and slowly understood.
He slapped the table angrily, "Is Xie Jingying crazy? Your brain is flooded, can you agree to such a thing?"

Song Jiawen's IQ was extremely high, and she excelled all the way to high school. As teachers, Xie Yanhai and his wife had a good impression of children with good grades, not to mention that this was their own child.

So their love for Song Jiawen is similar to that of Xie Lin.

Li Yun sneered, "With that dean's status, do you think this is a simple blind date? Is there any room for Jia Jia to refuse? Her sister-in-law and your brother-in-law have already agreed to that family, and they will come over tomorrow just to negotiate terms. , can a little girl like her have the right to speak?"

Xie Yanhai's anger became even higher, and he was so angry that he wanted to call Xie Jingying and scold her immediately.

But Li Yun stopped him.

"Jia Jia overheard this matter. They haven't mentioned it to her yet. What if she doesn't admit it after you call her? After all, she hasn't come over yet and nothing has happened. Your sister can just say Jia Jia back. Jia lied. In this way, tomorrow you find a reason to let Jia Jia stay at our house and not go back for the time being. I will find someone to keep an eye on the Song family to see if her sister-in-law has brought anyone. "

Xie Yanhai suppressed his anger and agreed, and then told his wife, "Don't tell mom yet, otherwise she will know and won't be able to sleep well."

"Do you still need to remind me?"

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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