Yang Dan's envy of Song Jiawen was obvious, but it was a pity that Song Jiawen could not give her any advice. She could only draw and nothing else.

Jiang Yan said to Yang Dan, "Don't be anxious. You have just arrived at the university. Let's observe it for a while to see what you like and are good at in your school or at the entrance, and then make plans."

For some reason, after leaving high school and not studying like crazy, Yang Dan and others felt that Jiang Yan exuded a maturity and leadership aura from the inside out that was different from that of a freshman.

What he said was inexplicably convincing to them.

Zhu Zhen looked at the laptop that was still running on the table and said to Jiang Yan, "Install one for me too. You can calculate how much it costs to buy the accessories. Zhu Jin and I will give them to you first."

Zhu Jin also nodded. It was not appropriate for someone not to pay in advance.

Neither of them mentioned any handling fee or hard work fee. It was too extravagant. If they did, he wouldn't ask for it. It was unnecessary.

The few of them chatted for a while, waited for the computer system to be installed, turned it on and tried it. Everything went well, then they got up, locked the door and went outside to eat.

Song Jiawen's easel was carried by Jiang Yan, who planned to take it to her dormitory after dinner.

Because it was Zhu Zhen who mentioned the meal tonight, he had agreed in advance that he would pay for it.

His grandmother passed away during the summer vacation, and later his father took him to training. He couldn't even attend Zhu Jin's college entrance banquet, which really made him feel very sorry.

So even if I am making amends with food.

Jiang Yan and others were not polite to him. Anyway, there will be many opportunities for gatherings in the future, so we just have to take turns.

After dinner, Yang Dan was sent home by bus, the second child went back to Xinyu, and the four of them strolled back to school.

"Would you like to go to the library for a walk? I heard that the library of Beijing University is very big. Have any of you been to it?"

Who has been there?
No one has been there.

In order to complete his graduation thesis in one go, Lu Mingtao has been working hard in the library all day today.

There were more than a dozen books on "Advanced Algebra", "Mathematical Modeling", "Analytical Geometry", etc. on the table in front of him. Scratch papers were thrown into a pile. In order not to affect the environment, he picked up a bag and put it at his feet.

In a separate area on the right, there is a sketch portrait of a profile.

Occasionally, Lu Mingtao would look up and his eyes would fall on the signature in the corner. When he thought of Song Jiawen's face, he couldn't help but laugh.

A very smart girl who knows how to reject others.

Judging from her skillful technique and her ability to draw so well, she must be a freshman in the sketch department of the Academy of Fine Arts.

The Academy of Fine Arts is just one building, so it's easy to find.Or you can wait until September [-]st when the freshmen gather for military training to have a look.

Just as he was thinking this, a hand suddenly reached out to Lu Mingtao and picked up the sketch on his desk.

Lu Mingtao was shocked and hurriedly stretched out his hand to grab the painting. He was a little annoyed. Who would be so incompetent to take other people's things?
He stared up and raised his head, about to say something to the person, but was stunned when he saw the other person clearly. After a few seconds, he reacted and stood up to say hello, "Hello, Professor Yu!"

Lu Mingtao didn't expect that the person he drew was actually Professor Yu. He just came back from abroad last year, and Peking University hired him three times before he was specially recruited into the Department of Mathematics.

I heard that the other person is less than 30 years old, but already has two Ph.D. degrees. He currently teaches graduate students and occasionally teaches undergraduate students. Even the aisles are full of people. He is very popular at Beijing University.

"Sorry, I just saw that this painting looks really good and I couldn't help but want to take a look."

When Lu Mingtao heard this, he quickly released the hand holding the painting and said with a smile, "Look."

Yu Heng's eyes fell on the painting, then slowly moved down, and finally settled on the two small characters of the signature.

He looked up at Lu Mingtao and asked, "Who painted this?" He remembered Lu Mingtao. Although he didn't know his name, he recognized that he was a senior student in the Department of Mathematics. He was very active in class and every time he made public comments I could see him in the front row during class, and even asked him questions alone after class.

It seems that his handwriting is not very neat, it is the common scrawl of boys in mathematics department.

Therefore, the signature "小四" in regular characters in the corner of this painting is obviously not written by him.

"Ah, it was painted by a freshman girl from the Academy of Fine Arts who just came this year. After I asked her to sign her name, she wrote these two words. Haha. It should be a joke, not her name."

Lu Mingtao did not miss the fact that Professor Gangyu stared at these two words for longer than looking at the painting.

Yu Heng didn't say anything after hearing this. He returned the painting to Lu Mingtao, smiled at him, and turned to leave.

It's because he's too sensitive, but it's just a very common word, it doesn't mean anything.

After coming out of the library, Yu Heng walked down the steps. Many students greeted him along the way, and he smiled back at them all, looking gentle and elegant.

When I was almost finished walking up the stairs, four people, two men and two women, walked towards me.

Under the dim light of the street lights, his face was relatively green. He must have been a freshman who had just entered the university.

Yu Heng just glanced at it casually and did not look at it carefully.

As he passed by them, he heard the girl walking behind tilt her head and whisper to the tall boy walking side by side with her, "I want to go to the South Square of the Academy of Fine Arts again tomorrow, so that I can start school next time." You won’t have to worry about it in two months.”

The girl's voice was very nice, like the tinkling of spring water, clear and clear, which made Yu Heng couldn't help but look back. She had a tall back, a simple loose white body and blue jeans, and a high ponytail. She was a very young college student. Girl image.

Yu Heng turned back and continued walking forward. His bicycle was parked downstairs. There was an apartment specially given to him by Beijing University nearby. Because there was only one person, he had meals at the school every day, then went to the library to prepare lessons, and then went to school again. go back.

Twenty minutes later, Yu Heng returned to his apartment building.

Taking the elevator to the tenth floor, as soon as I came out, I saw a man squatting against the wall at the door, with his familiar thermos bucket next to him.

Yu Heng frowned slightly, and his gentle expression when facing outsiders became slightly colder.

When the other party saw him coming back, he quickly stood up from the ground, but maybe because he had squatted for a long time, his legs were numb when he stood up, so he could only hold on to the wall to stabilize himself.

But even so, she didn't forget to straighten her pink dress, which had become wrinkled due to squatting.

Then he looked up at Yu Heng, with a pitiful face and a timid voice, "Brother."

"Yuxin, I told you, don't bring me any more food. I don't lack anything here, and the school's food is very good. There's no need for you to come here to bring me some soup."

Yu Heng's mood was very complicated for this cousin, and he really didn't know how to face her.

He used to love her as a sister, and he used to think that she treated him as a brother, but at some point, he realized that Yuxin's affection for him seemed to have deteriorated.

Apart from keeping a distance and minimizing contact, he didn't know how to solve the problem.

He thought she could understand his alienation, but contrary to expectations, after returning to Kyoto, she actually ran here every day, clinging to him even more than when she was abroad.

Add another chapter!
The plot of this chapter is a bit bloody, so don’t complain.

As a spoiler, Yuxin is not his second uncle’s biological child.

Also: I’ll give you some monthly tickets at the beginning of the month!

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