On her second night at school, Song Jiawen slept longer than the first day, and didn't open her eyes until nearly seven o'clock in the morning.

When she got out of bed to wash up, Liang Yujun also woke up.

She lay on the bed, looked down lazily, and asked, "Jia Jia, I think your high school classmates call you that. It sounds nice and simple. Can I call you that too?"

She wanted to ask this last night.

Song Jiawen nodded, "Okay."

Liang Yujun was curious again, "But why is it addition? Is there any significance?"

has no meaning?
This name was not hers, and she never thought to ask why. However, she once heard Song Xiaoli from her fourth uncle's family talking about it to someone. It seemed that a classmate at school said her name was nice and easy to remember. Song Xiaoli said disdainfully, "It's just a name that was made up. Do you really think her parents racked their brains to come up with it?"

Song Xiaoli said that before "Song Jiawen" was born, Song Laosan and Xie Jingying both thought it was their son and had already chosen a name, but it turned out that he was born a girl.

Xie Jingying didn't prepare the girl's name, so she just changed the word "xi" in the middle to "jia" based on Song Xiwen's name, which meant that another daughter was added to the family.

That's all, it means nothing.

Song Jiawen shook her head at Liang Yujun, then turned and went directly to the bathroom to wash up.

Recalling his mother's previous guesses about Song Jiawen, Liang Yujun slapped his mouth in annoyance. Really, if you don't pick up the pot, isn't it just for no reason and makes people sad?

In order to make up for his talkativeness just now, Liang Yujun decided to accompany Song Jiawen to the Academy of Fine Arts today. After all, he only went to the South Square yesterday and did not have time to go to the art gallery.

"How about we go to the art gallery today and take a look around the school?"

Before Song Jiawen could answer, Ding Yuanyuan and Sha Yali took the lead in nodding and said, "Yes, yes. Last night I heard from a classmate in the dormitory next door that the paintings in the art gallery are very beautiful and worth a visit. She said many of the paintings are classics , there is a touching story behind it. Going to see the painting is equivalent to listening to the story, it is very touching."

Liang Yujun looked at Song Jiawen, obviously waiting for her reply.

Thinking of Jiang Yan's repeated instructions last night, if she didn't make money by sketching, she had nothing else to do and it didn't matter where she went.

Moreover, Zhu Jin had to get familiar with her roommate about having a meal together today, so he probably wouldn't come to see her for the time being.

Once the matter was settled, the four girls packed up and hurried downstairs.

There are not as many people outside today as yesterday. Although the registration time is three days, they basically choose to go to the school to go through the formalities in the first two days. Parents stay for another half day or one day. By today's No. 30, they have basically become old students. School.

So the breakfast shop outside is packed with people right now.

The four of them bought steamed buns and soy milk and immediately went back to school to wait for the bus.

Luckily, the first bus that came over today was Mickey Mouse.

Ding Yuanyuan was chewing a bun in her mouth, her cheeks were bulging, she stared at Mickey Mouse's head at the front of the bus and said, "Do you have a feeling? We seem to be going to kindergarten." The other three girls all laughed and had to say , the students at the Academy of Fine Arts are quite creative, and the most rare thing is that the teachers at the school also let them do it. I don’t know if it is the last childlike thing in youth.

They arrived relatively early today. It was only eight o'clock when they arrived at the art gallery, which happened to be just when it opened. There were not many people, so there was no need to squeeze.

"Hey, the school girls came early enough."

Due to the registration of new students, the school arranged for junior and senior students to be responsible for maintaining order and explaining in the gallery these days.

The person responsible for opening the door at this time was a junior boy with a medium build, a long face and squinting eyes.When you smile, there are basically only two lines left around the eyes on your face, with no eyeballs visible.

Song Jiawen thought to herself, does he have to keep a straight face when painting?
"Wow, it's so big here."

Liang Yujun pointed to the right and said to the three of them, "That's the Chinese Painting Museum there. All the displays are Chinese paintings and calligraphy. My parents and I have been there. There are many paintings painted by Master Mu when he was young. Do you know Master Mu? Youngsters became famous. , a leader in the field of Chinese painting in China, but it is a pity that she has been abroad in the past few years, and only occasionally returns to China to give lectures at Beijing University. She has very few works. It is very difficult for outsiders to buy one of her paintings."

As she spoke, she sighed and said, "My grandma likes her paintings very much. My dad wants to buy one as a birthday gift for her, but he probably can't find it."

After speaking, he asked the three of them, "Do you want to see Chinese paintings first?"

Song Jiawen shook her head first, "Let's look at it from the left first."

The exhibition hall on the left is an oil painting. Song Jiawen took the lead and walked in after speaking, and the other three followed.

Oil painting came from the West, so the style of painting is bold and avant-garde. When they saw some human body paintings, little girls like them immediately blushed, glanced at them and quickly looked past them.

But after passing it, I couldn't help but look back and take another look.

Until I reached the innermost part, I saw a very special painting of a man and a woman. The woman was lying on the haystack, looking dying, as if she would die soon.

The man knelt down next to her, leaning his upper body slightly, holding a knife in his right hand. The edge of the knife was facing his left arm, which was exposed by rolling up his sleeve. Bright red blood flowed from his arm, infecting the knife and right hand. It looks quite scary.

At this time, he came over with narrowed eyes, pointed at the painting and explained to them, "There is a very touching love story behind this painting. The male protagonist in the painting is Professor Wu from our Oil Painting Department. That year he took his wife to the mountains. They were collecting scenery and watching the sunrise. Unexpectedly, when they were going down the mountain, their wife accidentally stepped on her foot and fell off the cliff. Professor Wu found his wife in a mountain col with great difficulty, but because his wife broke her leg, he could not carry her on his back. Climb up. But if he goes up to find someone by himself, he is worried that his wife will be eaten by wild beasts below.

So the two of them could only stay where they were and wait for rescue, but after waiting for many days, no one came. They had already eaten up all the water and food they had brought, and were thirsty and hungry. The wife's leg injury was getting worse day by day, and she was about to die. No more.

In order to save his wife, Professor Wu secretly cut the flesh on his arm with a knife and fed it to her, and the blood quenched her thirst.He persisted like this for another two days, and finally waited for rescue. However, Professor Wu lost too much blood due to two days of cutting his flesh. He waited until the rescuers arrived, then he fainted as soon as he closed his eyes and almost didn't wake up. "

After the four people listened to the story, Ding Yuanyuan and Sha Yali, who had shallow eye sockets, couldn't help but have tears in their eyes. Just when they were about to fall, a curse suddenly sounded behind them -
"Luo Mimi, you fucking used your Wu Fengliu fake story to lie to people again, and you fed your wife blood and meat. What kind of wife is she? She has been divorced four times and married five times. The eldest wife is the second wife. My three wives have already gone to school to make trouble several times, and it’s not embarrassing enough, right?
Can your oil painting department have some shame for using this thing to deceive people again and again? Do you really think that others are stupid and can't hear the loopholes in it? "

Second update to catch up!

Will add another update in the afternoon.

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