On September [-]st, all freshmen at Kyoto University began military training.

Yu Heng got up early, finished breakfast before seven o'clock, packed up and went out, riding his bicycle to the large playground of the Academy of Fine Arts where military training was concentrated.

There was no sketching class, so he started looking for one directly from the Chinese painting major.

Because of Mu Chenyan's relationship, Yu Heng was also quite famous here at the Academy of Fine Arts. As soon as he passed by, several counselors who were watching the students' military training greeted him.

Yu Heng responded with a smile, and then his eyes began to search back and forth on the playground.

There were all the same camouflage and hats on the playground, and he was dizzy after seeing them for a while.

How to find this?
A young female counselor saw him staring back and forth on the playground and asked curiously, "Professor Yu, are you looking for someone?"

Yu Heng nodded and described the little girl's appearance, height and weight to her, then wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked, "Have you seen her in your Chinese painting department?"

How to say this?
Although the description is very detailed, the beautiful girls all look the same.As for temperament, to be honest, none of the girls studying art in the Academy of Fine Arts have a bad temperament.

There are also many people with a height of [-] to [-].

The female counselor thought for a while, and suddenly an idea flashed, "Professor Yu, aren't you pretty good at sketching? Why don't we draw that girl, and we counselors can take a look first, and maybe we can recognize who it is?" In the class."

Yu Heng slapped his forehead, seriously, why didn't I think of this?

He followed the female counselor to the office to draw a portrait. She was very knowledgeable and didn't ask him what he was doing with this girl throughout the whole process.what relationship?
After Yu Heng finished painting, the female counselor looked at the girl's appearance and said with a smile, "Such a beautiful face, if anyone sees it, they will definitely not forget it."

"Then trouble Teacher Guo."

"Small things."

However, after the portrait was passed around among the freshman counselors at the Academy of Fine Arts, no one in the class recognized it.

Yu Heng was silent. Wasn't he at the Academy of Fine Arts?
Not far from the Academy of Fine Arts is the School of Liberal Arts.

Fortunately, today is the first day of military training. Most of the counselors from the freshmen class are watching on the playground. On the one hand, they want to see the attendance and physical fitness of their own class members. On the other hand, they want to prevent the weak ones from getting heatstroke or fainting. .

After all, the strict military training at Peking University is not just a talk. Although it was the first day, all the students had already gathered in the playground at 06:30.I'll run 1000 meters first to get an appetizer. Tomorrow I'll meet at six o'clock, and then I'll run [-] meters, and the day after tomorrow [-] meters.

After that, girls will keep at [-], and boys will continue until [-] to qualify.

As for the basic formation movements and drills such as standing in military posture and walking squarely under the bright sun, they must be done every day in the early stage. If you do not do well, you will be punished by standing, and there is no room for negotiation.

In the second week, you need to increase your crawling. In the third week, you need to learn military boxing. In the fourth week, you will take assessments and make up the exams if you fail. In short, the military training for one month is fully arranged, so you don't have to worry about not being able to peel off a layer of skin.

Far away.

Yu Heng left the Academy of Fine Arts and went to the School of Liberal Arts. Now he doesn't have time to think about whether searching for someone all over the school will have a bad impact, because he is anxious and just wants to find someone as soon as possible.

But after seeing the portrait one by one, all the freshman counselors in the School of Liberal Arts shook their heads and said they had never seen it before.Yu Heng's eyes kept wandering around the playground, but he really didn't see that familiar face.

Then I visited several colleges, but all failed.

Finally, he depressedly took the portrait back to his office in the School of Mathematics. When passing by the large playground in front of the Mathematics Building and the Physics Building, his feet on the bicycle suddenly stopped. Then he grasped the brake handle, put his left foot on the ground, and suddenly He turned and looked towards the playground.

He was a bit out of his mind today. He had been searching in several liberal arts colleges all morning. Why couldn't he be in the science department?
Although their mother Mu Chenyan has made great achievements in painting, few people know that she is actually very good at mathematical and logical thinking. He also graduated with a major in mathematics, the second child studied medicine, and the third child studied physics. If she really is Xiaosi is of the same lineage, so she is most likely to be academic.

Yu Heng was a little excited.

He put his bicycle away and walked towards several counselors sitting under the shade of a tree next to the playground.

"Sorry everyone, please help me find out which of you has this little girl in your class?"

Tang An was holding a candy bar in his hand and was sending a message to his girlfriend with his head down. When he heard Yu Heng's words, he didn't look up in a hurry. He calmly edited the message and pressed send, then put down his phone and came forward.

Because of his mother's influence, Yu Heng has learned Chinese painting and sketching well since he was a child, and he has a good talent. Therefore, if the portraits he draws are not nine points similar, they are at least eight points.

What's more, he also painted Song Jiawen's charm so well that Tang An recognized the first-class national treasure of his class with just one glance.

But he was not in a hurry to speak. After several other counselors shook their heads in denial, when Yu Heng took the portrait and left in disappointment, Tang An avoided the other counselors, caught up and asked in a low voice, "Professor Yu, can you ask me a question?" , what do you want to do with this girl?"

Yu Heng's eyes lit up and he turned to look at Tang An. He suppressed his excitement and asked as calmly as possible, "In your class?"

If Tang An hadn't understood Yu Heng's character and conduct, he would not have been able to admit it easily without understanding the reason.

But it had been a year since Yu Heng had been here, and the School of Physics and the School of Mathematics had become close again, and they knew and understood each other. He believed that Yu Heng had no ill intentions in seeking out Song Jiawen.

But if you don't, you have to understand that this is the responsibility of their class.

"Yes, she is in my class, but you have to tell me why you are looking for her?"

Yu Heng breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that the person was found. As for the reason, there is nothing that cannot be said.

"My little sister disappeared when she was three years old. This girl looks very much like her."

Tang An opened his mouth in surprise. Is it such a coincidence?
But when he looked at Yu Heng's face again, he suddenly felt that this possibility was not impossible, because if he looked carefully, he would find that Yu Heng's facial features were at least three-thirds similar to Song Jiawen's.

Maybe they really might be siblings.

He told him Song Jiawen's situation in detail, then raised his hand and pointed toward the southeast of the playground, "Look, there it is, we gathered at 06:30 in the morning, she arrived at 1000:[-], not too early, not too late, just right. She looks like a weak and fragile little girl, but when she runs [-] meters, she is no worse than a boy. After running, her face is not red or out of breath, and she can still follow the instructor in a military posture. You see, it has been all morning, and the boy Even though I couldn’t hold it any longer, she was the only one who could still stand upright.”

Tang An first praised Song Jiawen, then changed the subject, "Professor Yu, don't blame me for being meddlesome, but recognizing a relative is a big deal after all. If you are not 100% sure that Song Jiawen is your biological sister, I suggest you not tell her yet. , quietly go for a paternity test.”

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