Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 126 Can you please stop messing with me?

Chapter 126 Can you please stop messing with me? (Third update)
Mu Chenyan has been looking for Xiaosi for so many years and worried about her for more than ten years. She is both physically and mentally stressed.

Now that my daughter has been found, and the truth of that year has been revealed, my spirit suddenly relaxed, and my body was the first to fail.

Yu Feng is a doctor and understands his mother's body. As soon as Mu Chenyan fainted, he asked his eldest brother to go to his room to get the medical kit, while he carried his mother back to the room.

The two brothers cooperated with each other and were busy on their own.

No one took a look at Yu Zekun who was still slumped on the sofa.

After Mu Chenyan was settled and water was hung up for her, Yu Heng went out to cook some millet porridge for his mother.

When passing the living room, Yu Zekun stopped him, "Xiao Heng, has your mother found Xiao Si?"

Yu Heng sneered, "Do you care whether I found it or not?"

Yu Zekun was speechless and couldn't say a word.

Logically speaking, after returning to China, Mu Chenyan traveled all over the country to find Xiao Si. As his biological father, he should have followed, but he felt there was no hope, so he basically didn't bother.

But I never expected that I would find it in the end.

After a while, Yu Feng also went to the kitchen. He walked over and asked Yu Heng, "Where is Xiaosi now?"

He didn't know whether the trafficker had been caught, but he was sure that Xiaosi was found by his mother and his eldest brother.

To be honest, Yu Feng was also very excited at this moment. If it wasn't too late now, he would have to go and see her.

"At Beijing University."

"She went to college?"

Yu Feng looked at him in surprise, and finally let go of her worries. After all, she had been worried that she would be abducted and sold to some remote mountain village, without enough food and clothing, or even schooling.

She is doing well now, and being able to go to college means that the family that adopted her is doing well.

But Yu Heng turned his head and glanced at him, his expression was not good.

Yu Feng's expression changed, "What? Is she having a bad life?"

"What do you think? We're not biological."

After Yu Heng finished speaking, he turned to Yu Feng and told Yu Feng, "That detective agency we worked with before, ask them to go to Jianghai Town, Yunfeng County, Yunzhou, Northern Province, and check on the Song Jianqiu family in Jianglin Village."

"Xiaosi's adoptive parents?"

Yu Heng nodded, "Her current name is Song Jiawen, and she is the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Northern Province this year."

"As expected of Xiaosi, she is a pearl that cannot be covered in dust anywhere."

Even though he said this, the heaviness in the hearts of the two brothers did not diminish at all.

Because, after Xiaosi disappeared, their family still kept the executioner who killed her!

Thinking of Yu Xin, even Yu Feng felt sick.

Yu Heng is the eldest, and he is used to taking care of his younger siblings when his mother is not at home. Therefore, among the three brothers, he was the closest to Yu Xin and had the best relationship.

But that was before. In the past year or so, he clearly felt that his elder brother was gradually alienating Yu Xin.

Yu Feng never thought of asking why, because he didn't care about Yu Xin. He was just like their mother, very indifferent and didn't care.

As for Yu Ci, he is the one who hates Yu Xin the most in the whole family. At first, he always told her to go away, but after being repaired by Yu Zekun several times, he simply ignored her.

"I'll call the third child later and tell him that the fourth child has been found."

After Yu Feng finished speaking, Yu Heng sighed softly, "I'm afraid it won't be easy for Xiaosi to forgive us."

Their mother wanted to hug her tonight, but she was refused.

After she disappeared that year, Mu Chenyan had to hold her little clothes at night and smell the smell on them before she could fall asleep.

Later, as time went by, the smell of Xiaosi's clothes gradually dissipated, and Mu Chenyan could only rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep, but the habit of sleeping with her little clothes in her arms has been maintained to this day.So Xiaosi didn't care what happened to the three brothers. Anyway, they had time to stay with her and ask for her forgiveness, but now they had to let her recognize her mother first.

Finding her but not recognizing her was threatening Mu Chenyan's life.

Yu Feng went back to the bedroom to look at the bottle. After the needle was removed and her mother was sleeping peacefully, she went back to her room to call her third child.

If he knew that Xiaosi and he had chosen the same major in college, he would be so happy that he would probably return home immediately regardless.

But Yufeng refused to tell him.

While making the call, he suddenly remembered that he had wanted to tell his elder brother about Yuxin's blood type downstairs just now, but he forgot about it as soon as he mentioned Xiaosi.

He remembered that his second uncle and his second aunt both had blood type O, but Yuxin was A.

Obviously something is wrong!
Yu Feng squinted her eyes while waiting for the call to be connected, and thought, how about taking her second uncle's hair and Yu Xin's for a paternity test another day?

At 05:30 the next morning, Song Jiawen, who always got up early, got up late.

Liang Yujun was so anxious that he pushed her, "Jiajia, hurry up, you'll have to run two thousand extra if you're late. Yuanyuan wet her towel and bring it over, and there's also sunscreen."

Because Song Jiawen was usually the first one to wake up in their dormitory, they didn't pay attention when they hurried to the bathroom this morning. When they finished cleaning up and came out, they found that Song Jiawen was still sleeping in bed.

The four girls were in a hurry. When they ran downstairs, Song Jiawen didn't even apply sunscreen on her face.

That was what Sha Yali squeezed into her face in a hurry.

Song Jiawen had no choice but to rub her face while going downstairs.

Finally, I finally arrived at the playground at 57:[-], and the meeting time was [-]:[-].

"Couldn't you have come a few minutes earlier? Do you have to make us all run laps?"

Xia Shi stood on her left side, straightening his upper body and looking straight ahead. He didn't even look at her, but complained softly.

However, before she finished speaking, two more boys ran into the team in a panic. The time was stuck at six o'clock.

Xue Weisong, who was standing behind Song Jiawen, glanced at Xia Shi and said nothing.

During the break, Song Jiawen went to get water from the bench beside the playground. Xia Shi followed him and said, "Song Jiawen"

"Can you please stop messing with me?"

Song Jiawen turned her head and looked at him coldly, "No one is a fool. If you can think of it, others can too. Besides, what does my relationship have to do with you? Why should I do what you say? Who do you think you are?"

This person is really annoying. The more he wants to ignore her, the more he clings to her like a dog-skin plaster.

If things were normal, Song Jiawen might still have ignored him, but she was in a very anxious mood now and had no patience to deal with it coldly.

There are only two girls in the class, no, there are not many girls in the entire physics department, and Song Jiawen is the most eye-catching existence among them. No matter where she is, there are always countless vague eyes following her.

There were quite a few boys around to get water, and Song Jiawen didn't deliberately lower her voice, which was the volume at which she usually spoke, but it was colder and stiffer.

So many boys glanced at Xia Shi. After all, the amount of information contained in Song Jiawen's words was easy to understand--
Xia Shi wants people to listen to her!
Many boys feel that Xia Shi is ridiculous. This is obviously because he was used to showing off his power in high school, but he has not found his right position in college and does not know how to restrain himself.

Please, who among those who can get into Beijing University is a fool?

Do you think people only have faces but no brains?
 In the previous chapter, I saw that many people speculated that Yu Xin was Yu Zekun’s illegitimate daughter. No, it’s really not the case. It’s not that bloody.

  Because he thinks Yuxin is his biological niece and he grew up beside her. Compared with the daughter he hasn't seen for more than ten years, his niece seems to be more affectionate.

  This person has a somewhat feudal patriarchal mentality. He believes that he is responsible for his younger brother, and he should raise his younger brother's children accordingly.

  It’s a little weird, but it’s understandable, right?

  My college roommate used to often complain that her father treated her cousin better than her. Her father would buy things in double portions when she was a child. Even when she got married later, when her father prepared a dowry for her, he also prepared it for her cousin. She asked for a portion, but her uncle gave her 1000 yuan.

  Rare, right?But there is.

(End of this chapter)

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