After class in the afternoon, Yu Heng returned to the office and found that there were more than a dozen missed calls and text messages on his mobile phone.

He didn't read the text message and deleted it with one click.

Three of the phone calls were from his father.

Yu Heng knew that his mother was drafting a divorce agreement and the property division was almost done. He was just waiting for the third child to come back and then everyone would go to the law firm for notarization.

Including Xiaosi!

He thought for a while and finally called him back.

As soon as the call was connected, Yu Zekun asked him directly, "Xiao Heng, has your sister been found?"

Mu Chenyan's changes in the past two days were too obvious, and coupled with the human trafficker mentioned that night, it was easy to guess the result.

"Yes," Yu Heng did not deny it. Anyway, the property will be divided in a few days. If you don't tell him now, you will know it then.

"Did you really find it? How did you find it? Did the trafficker provide it?"

What kind of human trafficker is this? Mu Chenyan just used it to deceive Yuxin.

Of course, Yu Heng would not tell Yu Zekun about this. He only said, "I found it anyway, so I don't need to worry about it."

Yu Zekun:
He said depressedly, "How can you say that? I am your father. If you find Xiao Si, shouldn't I meet him?"

At this moment, Yu Heng finally realized his mother's previous disdain for his father, and also understood why grandma wanted to give all the property of the Yu family to his mother.

Yu Zekun really takes everything for granted. He has been pampered since he was a child and never considers others' points of view. Sometimes he even puts a big hat on others from a moral perspective.

Might as well be a playboy and unmotivated second uncle.

"Dad, how did you say that you should meet Xiaosi? Do you have her in your heart? If not, what's the point of not meeting her?"

After saying that, Yu Heng hung up the phone.

Just as he hung up, the phone rang again. He thought it was Yu Zekun, but when he was about to press reject, he realized it was Yu Feng.

Yu Heng connected the phone and said angrily, "I ran here every night. What do I need to call now?"

"Boss, let me ask you, when I first returned to Kyoto last year, did my second uncle buy a small apartment for Yu Xin?"

Yu Feng was not very sure, he only vaguely remembered that there seemed to be such a thing.

Although the second uncle spends money like water and is not reliable, he is clear-headed and knows his virtue. He is afraid that he will not be able to keep anything in the future, so he simply prepares a dowry for Yuxin in advance while he has some money. .

Although I don't like this daughter very much, she is her only flesh and blood after all, and I am embarrassed to rely solely on her sister-in-law's share of the Yu family's property. He, his biological father, must prepare something else.

Hence the small apartment in Kyoto.

It's really not that big, more than ninety square meters, with two bedrooms and two living rooms.

If Yu Feng hadn't mentioned it at this time, Yu Heng would have forgotten about it.

After all, Yuxin only wanted to live in their house, not even going to her parents' place, let alone her own small apartment.

"There is such a thing, why do you think of asking this?"

"Nothing." Yu Feng hung up the phone with a snap.


After Yu Heng said that, he ignored it and forgot about it while sorting out the test questions.

When I went to the cafeteria to eat at noon, I heard the deputy director of the School of Physics sitting next door discussing with Professor Shen of their mathematics department, "You have only taught two classes this year, and the task is not heavy. Please help teach the students in our college." You are a new student. If Professor Wang's lover hadn't gotten sick and had to go abroad for surgery, I wouldn't have bothered you."

Professor Shen shook his head, "Director Li, it's not that I don't want to help. I am too old to have the energy to keep up. Two classes are just right for me. If there are more, I really don't have the energy to teach."

The high-mathematics teacher assigned to the first-year students in the School of Physics suddenly had an accident at home. With no other choice, the School of Physics had no choice but to go to the School of Mathematics to find qualified professors one by one.

But after asking several times, they all gave various excuses.

Yu Heng sat nearby and listened to the whole process. He turned around and asked tentatively, "Director Li, how about I go?"

Director Li turned around and looked over. When he saw who was speaking clearly, his eyes suddenly lit up. He was so excited that he couldn't believe what he just heard was true. "Professor Yu, you said you can Come?"

Professor Yu was not considered at first, partly because he had a lot of graduate students and would not be able to spare the time.

On the other hand, this is a top student with two PhDs who graduated from a foreign HF university. The school finally hired it. It is already good that he can take care of so many graduate students in accordance with the school's requirements. Why do you dare to trouble him to take care of first-year undergraduates?

They didn't even dare to think about it!
But who knew they would recommend themselves?
Director Li asked again uncertainly, "Are you going to come to our college to teach freshmen undergraduates? At that time."

Yu Heng said, "Give me your freshman class schedule later and see if there is anything that needs to be adjusted."

"If you have anything to adjust, just mention it and we will definitely make it according to your time."

Director Li left happily before finishing the meal. He had to go back quickly to inform them that the dean had decided on the matter.

He had listened to Yu Heng's class. After all, he came back from abroad. His thoughts and ideas were unique and unique. This year's freshmen were really lucky.

On the other side, after hanging up Yu Heng's call, Yu Feng touched his chin and thought for a while, then picked up his phone and found a name and pressed it——
"Second uncle, your lungs were not very good during the physical examination in the first half of the year. You need to come for a review recently. I am in the hospital now, why don't you come over."

Opposite me, Yu Zexiao wondered, "Isn't it written on the physical examination sheet that there is something wrong with the liver? Why did it turn into lungs again? What's wrong with my lungs?"

Who still remembers what happened half a year ago?

He said seriously, "There is a shadow on the lungs. It was not written on the list, but I told you. Did you get drunk that day and forget about it?"

Yu Zexiao, "Did you tell me? It's possible that I forgot. The shadow, is it serious? Do I need to cut my lungs?" He was a little scared, and he didn't even think of asking why it wasn't written on the list.

"You will have to come over and check again to see if it has disappeared or grown bigger. Oh, uncle, you should go to the bar less often in the future. Even if you don't smoke, there are so many people inside, and second-hand smoke is harmful to the body. The harm is even greater. Also, you are in your 40s now, not in your 20s. Live a regular life and don’t indulge in extravagance all day long.”

After saying that, Yu Feng added, "Unless you are not afraid of death."

Who is not afraid of death?
What nonsense is this kid talking about?

Yu Zexiao didn't care about the friend's invitation and immediately took a taxi and hurried to the hospital.

After Yu Feng hung up the phone, he took out a sealed plastic bag from the drawer and put two long hairs in it. He went to Yu Xin's room and found it from the comb in her bathroom.

He was looking forward to the results of the paternity test!
Good morning!

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