October [-]th is the first day of class for new students at Peking University.

Originally, Jiang Yan wanted to pick up Song Jiawen by bicycle, but because Liang Yujun and the others didn't have a car, Song Jiawen refused and chose to go with them.

After the military training is over, everyone has time and energy to choose a restaurant. The School of Computer Science and the School of Physics are not close to each other, so they don’t have to eat together anymore.

Tian Xiaohui felt quite sorry for this. After working as the financial controller for a month, he became addicted.

Class starts at eight o'clock, and Song Jiawen enters the classroom at 07:30.

She arrived not too late, but half of the class had already arrived.The first section in the morning is Advanced Quantum Mechanics, which is a bit difficult to read alone, so last night some students went to the library to borrow related interpretations, which was considered a preview before the official class.

Song Jiawen had read a college textbook on quantum mechanics in high school. It was used by the physics teacher at the time. Of course, it is not comparable to the advanced quantum mechanics textbook at Peking University, but it still has a foundation. Let’s look at the additions It's easy once the difficulty level is reached.

What's more, Yuci also gave her his college physics notes and summaries yesterday, but she didn't take them all back to the dormitory. She only picked up the ones she was using and took them back. She also showed them to Liang Yujun and the others last night.

Sorry, I can't quite understand it.

Because almost all of that guy's notes are in English, and they're not very detailed.He is a bit like Song Jiawen in this regard. He has a good memory and can't bear to remember these things.

I only had such a set of notes because there was a scumbag at the university who wanted to buy them for $[-]. He had the patience to sort them out for the sake of money.

I had two classes in the morning, advanced quantum mechanics and superconducting physics, each lasting one and a half hours, with a half-hour break in between.

Song Jiawen was still sitting in the corner of the third row. The seat next to her was empty at first. Later, Xue Weisong came over and sat down after taking the call.

Only then did Song Jiawen realize that he had put a book in the hole in the table, but when she came over because there was nothing on the table, she thought there was no one here.

But it didn't matter. There were more than thirty people in the class anyway, and she and Xia Shi were the only girls. She didn't like each other, so it was normal to have boys sitting next to them.

Fortunately, Xue Weisong was also quiet and didn't talk to her for a few words all morning. Even if he did, it was to discuss study issues and nothing else.

After finishing the professional classes in the morning, the next whole afternoon was devoted to advanced mathematics.

This is an elective course, and four classes are in a large classroom together.

Everyone was very happy to finally be able to sit together in class.

"I heard from the gossip that the high-level math teacher who was going to teach us took a leave of absence due to family matters, and now he has been temporarily replaced by Professor Yu who is teaching graduate students."

There were boys gossiping behind them. Ding Yuanyuan and the others turned their heads curiously, while Song Jiawen couldn't help but twitching her lips when she heard the words "Professor Yu."

We had dinner together last night and she didn't even listen to Yu Heng's mention.

So is this rumor true or false?

Soon Song Jiawen knew whether it was true or false.

When there were still 5 minutes left before class, Yu Heng walked in from the outside in a suit and leather shoes.

Song Jiawen:
She looks at her elder brother with complicated eyes now.

Ding Yuanyuan and the three people next to her were all dumbfounded and shouted crazily, "Oh my God, this is Professor Yu? Why is he so handsome?"

Sha Yali muttered softly, "Broad shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs are the standard look for boyfriends!"

Liang Yujun adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked Song Jiawen, "Why do I feel like he looks so familiar? Jia Jia, have we met in school?"

Song Jiawen replied coldly, "I didn't pay attention, I don't know him!" She lowered her head and successfully missed Yu Heng's smiling eyes.

There was a question-and-answer session, and every time Yu Heng looked over, Song Jiawen would stare at him with a clear warning in her eyes.

Her mother said, don't be polite to her three brothers. If you don't want to see them, just don't see them. If you don't want to talk to them, just ignore them.

Although she had never been polite before, this was the first time she glared at someone so fiercely.

Yu Heng wanted to laugh when he saw her like this, but in the end he respected her wishes and didn't ask her to get up to answer.

After class, Yu Heng packed up and left. Liang Yujun sighed beside him, "I heard that Master Mu is Professor Yu's mother. I originally thought that she would come to the Academy of Fine Arts to be the dean, so I could meet her. What a pity."

Mu Chenyan did come, but she left after staying for half a month.

After so many years of busy work, she wanted to take a break, so she finally rejected the invitation from Beijing University and decided to go home and open a gallery, which would only contain paintings by her and her daughter.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Tang An walked into the classroom.

It was quiet, except for the sound of turning books and the swishing of writing, no one spoke, and the learning atmosphere was very strong!

Tang An nodded with satisfaction, then coughed lightly. Seeing that it had attracted the attention of many classmates, he opened his mouth and said,

"It will take everyone half an hour. Today we will choose the second class cadre in the class, the secretary of the Youth League branch."

He was straightforward and did not hesitate at all, "The squad leader is still Xue Weisong, do you have any objections?"

Hearing this sentence, many people turned to look at Xia Shi.

After a month of military training, even if I apply sunscreen and sunscreen lotion on my face every day, I will still be black in the end.

Xia Shi is at least two shades darker than when she first started school. Her originally delicate face has now become darker. Coupled with her short hair and flat face, she looks like a tomboy.

But this does not affect her ambition.

She had known for a long time that there was no hope for the squad leader, but she was determined to win the position of secretary of the Youth League branch.

So after hearing Teacher Tang's question, she raised her hand directly. After Tang An nodded, she stood up and said openly, "Teacher Tang, I have no objection to Xue Weisong continuing to be the monitor, but he was not elected by everyone at the time, so League branch secretary, can I nominate myself?"

Tang An looked at her with complicated eyes. It was the first time in his life that he wanted to meet a girl who was a class leader. He had rejected her before when she recommended herself to be a class leader. If she refused again now, she was a girl, so where would her face go? put?
Tang An was a little embarrassed for a moment.

Xue Weisong looked up at him, then turned his head and glanced back seemingly casually.

"Teacher Tang, I also want to recommend myself to be the secretary of the Youth League branch."

At this time, a boy sitting in the middle stood up. He pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a smile, "Like Xia Shi, I am quite confident in my own abilities. I was always the monitor in high school. , but I have no problem with Xue Weisong being the squad leader, but I think if I become the league secretary, the two of us will work together very well."

Xia Shi frowned, "Shen Mengfei, what do you mean? Can't we cooperate well with Xue Weisong if I am the league secretary?"

Shen Mengfei took his time and said with a smile, "That's not what I meant, I just think there are many boys and few girls in our class, so there is some work."

"Again, there are more boys than girls. That's what you said when you were choosing the squad leader. Now you are using this as an excuse to choose the league secretary. What? You still have gender discrimination? Then if Song Jiawen volunteers to be the league secretary today, will you also use it? Is this a reason to reject her?"

If I don’t eat until I finish writing, I will starve to death.

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