Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 161 Good brothers should share blessings

"Aunt Cheng is very interesting. Their factory replaced thirty computers this time, and fifteen good ones were all given to us."

The second child happily ran to Cheng Huan's factory twice before pulling all the computers back. The small garage was immediately filled to the brim, and he had to turn sideways to get anything in.

Jiang Yan stood at the door of the garage, holding a cigarette in his hand, looking at the garage thoughtfully.

In the field of electronic products, the bigger the city, the greater the opportunities.

The two of them walked along the way, from the small Internet cafe in Jianghai Town to collecting junk goods in Yunfeng County. Later, the business gradually improved in Yunzhou. However, before arriving in Kyoto, they had thought about giving themselves half a year to a year of struggle. .

I even made the worst-case scenario of using up all my savings and not being able to pay the rent.

But I didn't expect that everything went incredibly smoothly. Even putting the store in a community couldn't stop the steady flow of orders.

Are they both very lucky?
If things continue like this smoothly, this small garage will definitely not be able to bear the current pressure.

Therefore, he can consider the suggestions Jing Junyang gave him before.

The Yu family is distributing assets today. Considering Mu Chenyan's love for Jia Jia, she will not treat her badly in this regard, so from today on, Jia Jia's worth is no longer the same as before.

No, even before, she didn't have everything.

The two of them have reached this stage, and Jiang Yan can no longer deceive himself. Whether he said he wanted her paintings before or helped her manage the gallery in the future, it was just an excuse for him to want to be with her all the time. .

I have thought about her for two lifetimes, and there is no way I can ever give her up to someone else again.

Can his current net worth be considered as worth just a junk repair shop?
In life, you still have to fight!
Jiang Yan finished his last puff of cigarette, rolled up his sleeves and entered the repair shop.

"Boy, how many deliveries need to be made today?"

"Four from your school all paid a deposit of 500 yuan, and two from Jiaotong University paid a deposit of [-] yuan because it was a bit far away. I will deliver this."

"Okay, these six stations will be sent out in the morning."

The two of them were so busy that they didn't even notice Yang Dan coming over and standing at the door.

"Oh my god, how come there are so many computers?"

Yang Dan looked at the garage in surprise that there was no space for her to get in and plug in. She remembered that the last time she came, it was empty and there was nothing. It had only been so long, but the business was so good.

But when she thought about it again, she no longer felt strange. After all, this was Jiang Yan's shop.

Their milk tea shop can prosper because of his suggestions, let alone his own?

"I brought you three cups of freshly brewed coffee, where should I put them?"

"Give it to me. You came all the way to bring us coffee, thank you!"

The second child put down the things in his hands and hurriedly took it. Then he took a small bench and placed it at the door. He smiled apologetically at Yang Dan and said, "I'm sorry, there's really no room in the house."

Yang Dan waved his hand, "Don't worry about me. You are busy with your business, and you are not an outsider. But the coffee is a bit cold all the way here, so you'd better try it quickly." Hearing her say "Bring it here all the way," the second child was surprised. He said, "You didn't buy it from the gate of your school and brought it over, right?"

The second child didn't know about Yang Dan's part-time job, let alone a milk tea shop.

Yang Dan glanced at Jiang Yan gratefully. Of course, he didn't want anyone to know about the embarrassing incident of being deceived before.

But now this job makes her very proud, "I work part-time at a milk tea shop. Jiang Yan taught me how to brew this kind of coffee. I also use paper cups to take away. Our boss even ordered it and rewarded me for it." 3000 yuan. So when I have free time today, I brewed it and brought it over for you to try."

The second child was surprised, "You brewed it yourself? Then I have to taste it. By the way, is it bitter? My brother invited me to drink it in a cafe before, but it was bitter. Neither Jia Jia nor I liked it very much." , this one is quite sweet and delicious!”

Yang Dan smiled and said, "This is Jiang Yan's idea. He said that the coffee in a milk tea shop does not need to be as formal as that in a cafe, nor does it use particularly good coffee beans. You can prefer milk tea, a little sweeter, which can reduce the The cost is low, and students who don’t often go to coffee shops can enjoy it. Sure enough, as soon as we hung a sign announcing the new coffee at the door, many students came to order it, and the business was very good.”

The second child is the best at flattering, "My brother is very clever. As long as it is his idea, it will definitely be accurate."

Jiang Yan glanced at him sideways, "I also said that you could pass the Adult College Entrance Examination next year. Is this a good idea?"

It's been almost two months. I've only turned one page of the book and still don't understand what it means. His face fell instantly and he asked, "Can you change your mind?"

He would rather be a chef than take the exam. Reading is too difficult. He can't even recognize some words, such as the 26 or 28 letters of the English alphabet. What the hell are they?

There is also mathematics, he has forgotten the linear equation of one variable, let alone other things.

I thought Chinese was the easiest, but when I turned to a classical Chinese article, I was surprised to find that I didn't recognize a few words. I stumbled through the whole article and didn't understand what it was saying.

After all, he had graduated from junior high school, so why did he become illiterate now?

Jiang Yan thought about the time when he was just reborn. He really had to stay up late and study hard. How many times he wanted to give up, but he was slapped awake by himself, and he gritted his teeth and fought hard!
Thinking about the happiness and sweetness (hardship and suffering) contained in it, as a good brother, how can we not try it again?

He said earnestly, "Don't forget that you promised Grandpa Xu and the others. Also, are we going to keep running such a small repair shop from now on? If we don't grow, we won't keep pace with the times? Don't forget that society is developing. Here is the simplest example. I used to look at a very high-end BB machine, but how many people are still using it now? A mobile phone that you couldn’t even think of before, now you have one in your hand. The computer in our house now There are still students who buy them, but in five or ten years, they may be obsolete, so the simple repair skills you know now can still be used?
Second child, do you understand that if you don’t study, you won’t be able to keep up with the times?In addition to language and mathematics, you must also read the two computer basics, otherwise you will not even understand the specific structure of computers in the future.What else can you do to help me then?Should I use you or not? "

The second child was confused by what he said, and even slightly panicked.

Yang Dan thought what Jiang Yan said was very reasonable, and also advised him, "Computers are a more advanced technology. Without a certain amount of knowledge storage, you will definitely not be able to go far, not to mention that the future society will depend on diplomas. Xiaotie, listen. Jiang Yan is right, you have to take the college entrance examination and at least get a college certificate, otherwise it will be difficult for you to find a job in the future."

Jiang Yan glanced at her and thought to himself, we are starting a business now, and we will find crappy jobs in the future. He is the only one who can look at other people's diplomas, who can look at his?
He said to the second child, "Look, I'm not the only one who says this. Even Yang Dan thinks so. Your book was bought by Jia Jia. If you don't read it, wouldn't you be letting us down?"

The second child grimaced, "But what should I do if I can't stand it?"

Jiang Yan was silent for a moment and said calmly, "I've heard that the needles of over-the-head hanging beams can bite your bones. What are you afraid of? How can you hang your hair before it even grows? I'm just using an analogy to tell you that studying in ancient times was much harder than ours, so When you can't read anymore, you can follow the example of the ancients and slap yourself hard twice. If your face hurts, you can continue to study hard."

Quite effective, give it a try!

Three shifts!

good night.

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