Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 183 It turns out that your family is ancestral

What Song Jiawen didn't know was that after the battle in the cafe, she, who was already famous in the School of Physics, became even more famous.

"Have you heard? The flowers in our college can beat people very hard."

"Well, one plate is not enough, please give me another plate."

"Disrespect, disrespect!"

"Don't dare to chase, don't dare to chase."

The boys from the School of Physics who were originally interested in her were now intimidated.

In class the next day, Xue Weisong, who was at the same table, asked about this matter. Song Jiawen was a little impatient to mention it again. She happened to turn around and saw Xia Shi seemed to be walking this way. She took the opportunity to raise her chin and said, "It's for you."

Although Xia Shi was not elected squad leader and was not appointed as the league secretary, Xia Shi's dream of becoming an official still persisted. Hearing that he had joined the school's student union, Song Jiawen didn't care about which department he was in.

Xue Weisong knew it, but he had been with Song Jiawen for a while and knew her simple and direct personality. He knew that she would not be happy to hear this, so he did not mention it to her.

Hearing Song Jiawen's reminder, he turned his head and looked over.

"There will be a debate competition in the Mathematics School next week. We are invited to participate in the debate. Here is the registration form. Let's see who our class chooses to go."

Xia Shi said and placed a form in front of Xue Weisong.

Xue Weisong frowned, "Do you have to go?"

Everyone knows that the courses in their School of Physics are the most arduous and difficult to pass in the entire school. They rarely participate in these various school activities, mainly because they don’t have time.

From the corner of his eye, Xia Shi glanced at Song Jiawen, who was lowering his head to read a book, and chuckled, "The activity must be voluntary. You are the squad leader and you decide. If you think it is unnecessary, I will tell Minister Gu that our class will not participate."

The Minister Gu mentioned by Xia Shi is the vice chairman of the school student union and the director of the Organization Department of the School of Physics.

The student union of the university is actually comparable to a small society. Xue Weisong also planned to join the student union when he first enrolled, otherwise he would not have tried his best to win the position of monitor.

But with the beginning of this semester's courses, and as he sat with Song Jiawen, the ambition that was about to start slowly calmed down, and he felt that it was really boring to participate in those intrigues and fights for power.

It's actually quite good to just be a monitor.

So during this period, after soliciting suggestions from counselors and classmates, we launched a lot of activities for the class.

If he keeps pushing like this, Xia Shi seriously suspects that he may even refuse to perform at the New Year's Day party.

How does that work?
She is very talented and has already planned what she will perform at the party.

"But Xue Weisong, you have to think carefully. You have already promoted several activities, and now Minister Gu has a problem with our class."

Xue Weisong raised his head and looked at Xia Shi, thinking to himself, why don't you just say that Minister Gu has a problem with me, and he usually gives me small shoes, right?

"Xia Shi, aren't you very eloquent? You also have a good relationship with the School of Mathematics. Otherwise, you can participate."

Xia Shi pointed at the piece of paper and said, "Every class you participate in must have at least two people selected for selection. For the sake of the honor of the class, I have no choice but to participate. What about the other one? Who will go?"

Xue Weisong leaned back and said with a smile, "You are so powerful that even the student union is like a fish in water. You have a clear mind and eloquent words. You are the best of both worlds. How can you use others, right?"

A boy behind him laughed when he heard it.

Xia Shi's face suddenly changed. She didn't expect that Xue Weisong would mock her in public.

"Xue Weisong, you."

"Xia Shi."

Xia Shi was about to scold Xue Weisong when she was suddenly interrupted by a familiar female voice. She looked back and was stunned, "Mom?" The front door of the classroom was open, and a short-haired middle-aged woman wearing a gray cashmere coat stood there. With a fierce aura, her eyes first glanced at Xia Shi, and then glanced at Xue Weisong.


Xia Shi ran over quickly, her eyes red as soon as she reached her mother.

The classmates in the class are a little speechless. You are like this in front of your mother. What do you want to tell her?Xue Weisong bullied you?

Please, organize some student union activities every week and invite me over. If Xue Weisong doesn't refuse, who will participate?Who has time?
To be honest, during the beginning of school, it was quite difficult for everyone to learn new courses. If it weren't for Xue Weisong and Song Jiawen, two people with higher IQs in the class, they might not be able to hand in their usual homework on time.

It’s true that college life is rich and colorful, but you have to have the energy to participate, right?

In front of failing the exam, everything else is not worth mentioning.

"They didn't say anything, why are you crying?"

Xia Shi's mother looked at her daughter and smiled, stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and said dotingly, "How old are you, and you still cry like a child?"

The soft-spoken voice should have made people feel comfortable, but Xue Weisong felt awkward for no reason.

"That's your monitor?"

Xue Weisong's brows jumped and he greeted the other party in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, "Hello, aunt!"

"Hello," Xia Shi's mother replied lightly. She held Xia Shi and walked a few steps toward the class, her high heels clicking on the floor.

She looked at Xue Weisong and said in a calm tone, "My classmate, since you called me aunt, I will say a few more words. As for my Xia Shi, he usually speaks more straightly and doesn't use those meandering words. Whatever offended her, I apologize to you on her behalf. But as a boy, you should have basic courtesy and tolerance towards girls, right? Especially as a monitor, you can't accomplish great things if you are narrow-minded, don't you think so?"

Even though Xue Weisong was usually well-educated, his expression became ugly at this time.

He knew that Xia Shi's mother was slapping him in the face in public, just to vent Xia Shi's anger.

Xue Weisong endured silence, lowered his head and took out the book from the hole in the table and placed it on the table.

He thought that if he didn't speak, Xia Shi's mother would give up and leave the class. Unexpectedly, this woman would turn her fire on Song Jiawen again.

"But when I see your deskmate, I can understand why you did this to my Xia Shi. Well, this female classmate is indeed very beautiful!"

What do you mean?
Song Jiawen raised her head and looked at the other party's cold eyes, and said calmly, "I finally understand why Xia Shi's personality is so awkward and strong. Is this an ancestral inheritance in your family?"

Xia Shi's mother put away the smile on her face and looked at Song Jiawen like a knife, "What did you say?"

Song Jiawen had already lowered her head to read and ignored the other party.

Really, my daughter is crazy, and so is my mother!

Xue Weisong next to him suddenly laughed deliberately, obviously with ridicule and sarcasm.

"Song Jiawen. Xue Weisong and you guys"

Xia Shi blushed angrily, but before she could finish her words, Luo Xiao strode in from the outside and said in a loud voice, "Everyone, sit down, class is on."

After saying that, she seemed to realize that there was an outsider in the class, and said strangely, "Eh?" "A parent? Please wait outside, we are about to start class."

Three shifts!

See you tomorrow.

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