Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 186 Don't put the cart before the horse

Xia Shi's mother's smiling face froze, and she looked at Teacher Tang and asked in surprise, "Her grades are not good?"

"It can't be said that the results are not good, it's just that the time spent on studying is not enough, and the homework is not completed satisfactorily. According to the teacher, most of her homework is just coping. You should also know that the physics major is different from other majors. There are many courses and they are very difficult, and sometimes a question requires studying all night. But Xia Shi is a bit impetuous and obviously can't calm down when doing the questions."

Tang An said, opening the drawer and taking out a registration form.

"Mother Xia Shi, originally we had to report these situations to your parents at the end of the semester. Now that you are here, that's even better."

As he spoke, he opened the registration form and pointed to the grade of the homework completed on it. "Although it is a daily homework, it must be recorded in the final file. Many professors will select students based on this, and the results of the final exam come second." Now. You see, there are four grades ABC and D. A is the best and D is failing. This needs to be redone. Xia Shi’s grade is here."

Because there are homework every week, five levels have been recorded above.When Xia Shi's mother found Xia Shi's name, her pupils suddenly shrank.

Xia Shi's grades were three C's and two D's. In other words, he barely passed three times and had to do it again after failing twice.

Looking again at Song Jiawen, who is ranked first, she has all A’s.

Xia Shi's mother knew in her heart that it was impossible to cheat on Peking University's daily homework, no matter how powerful her backers were, it would be useless.

She pursed her lips, feeling suddenly frustrated.

She also wanted to pave the way for Xia Shi and seek justice. She didn’t know whether the road could be paved, but this justice
Xia Shi's mother looked up at Tang And and said, "Teacher Tang, Song Jiawen's grades are excellent?"

Tang An nodded without hesitation, "Excellent. She has a high IQ and is almost entirely focused on studying. She can complete these daily homework easily."

People can get A easily, Xia Shi

Xia Shi's mother added, "I met her brother in the morning. I heard that Xia Shi is also a teacher in your school. Her brother should help her with her homework."

Tang An laughed, "Xia Shi's mother, are you kidding? The grade assignments are not only after class, but also answered in class. How can her brother help? What's more, Professor Yu is not a professor in our School of Physics, he is just temporarily filling in for us. I am just a high-mathematics teacher for freshman in the Department of Physics. But high-mathematics is an elective and I usually don’t have homework.”

Tang An's expression became serious as he spoke, "Xia Shi's mother, I asked Xue Weisong about what happened in the morning. It is indeed his fault. If you don't want to participate in the debate, you can tell Xia Shi directly. There is no need to beat around the bush. I have already criticized this. Him. But regarding classmate Song Jiawen, I wonder if you have any misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding? Doesn't she always make trouble for Xia Shi?"

"She made trouble for Xia Shi? Did Xia Shi tell you? Did Xia Shi tell you why Song Jiawen wanted to make trouble for her?"

It’s not just the pettiness, the intrigue between girls.

But as the conversation progressed, Song Jiawen was no longer the focus of Xia Shi's mother, so she didn't say this.

Tang An looked at her and said, "If I tell you that Song Jiawen is a very simple girl, you might say that I am facing her. But as a counselor, I don't have to face any students, I just tell the truth. She and Xia Shi's initial conflict was that she did not support Xia Shi as squad leader, but this decision was made by me and had nothing to do with Song Jiawen. With all due respect, Xia Shi's character is a bit extreme!"

"I can understand the feelings of a child who has been outstanding since childhood and is used to being a class cadre, and is eager to continue to show his abilities and ambitions in college. But Xia Shi's mother, don't forget, this is Beijing University, and we are here The college is a physics college, and it is no exaggeration to say that every child in the class is not an ordinary person, and they are no worse than Xia Shi." Faced with Teacher Tang's pragmatic remarks, Xia Shi's mother opened her mouth, but But he couldn't say a word.

Tang An added, "Being admitted to Peking University is a matter of personal ability and family honor, but whether this honor can come to a successful end depends on the graduation certificate that can be successfully obtained in four years." .Whether you are the squad leader, the league secretary, or the student union president, it is just the icing on the cake that ultimately adds to your actual achievements, not the foundation. So Xia Shi’s mother, I hope you can persuade Xia Shi not to put the cart before the horse."

As soon as Teacher Tang finished speaking, before Xia Shi's mother could respond or ask questions, there was a knock on the office door.

Tang An walked over and opened the door. When he saw it was Mu Chenyan, he was surprised but not surprised.

"Dean Mu, please come in."

Although Mu Chenyan did not agree to be the dean of the Academy of Fine Arts in the end, she had a close relationship with the Academy and had come over to help with the rectification for half a month. Young teachers like them were accustomed to calling her dean when they met her.

Mu Chenyan did not correct his title. Wearing a straight black woolen coat and a plaid scarf that her daughter picked out around her neck, she walked into the office slowly, "I heard from Yu Heng that a parent of a classmate in your class came over and wanted to Find us, Jiawen."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Xia Shi's mother sitting in front of Tang An's desk.

Tang An hurriedly introduced, "This is the mother of our classmate Xia Shi, Xia Shi's mother. This is the dean of our Beijing University Academy of Fine Arts and the mother of classmate Song Jiawen."

The dean of Beijing University of Fine Arts?
Xia Shi's mother couldn't help but open her mouth. She originally thought that Song Jiawen's biggest support was her brother who was a professor, but she didn't expect that her mother was even more powerful.

What else did she want to do in the first place?Oh, warning Song Jiawen!

Fortunately, I didn't say anything to Teacher Tang in the end, if I had said anything.
She gave Mu Chenyan a stiff smile and whispered, "Hello!"

Mu Chenyan nodded lightly at the other party, thinking to herself, who is not a mother yet and wants to talk to my daughter alone, who are you?
She sat down on the chair brought by Tang An and asked Tang An first, "What's going on? Did we, Jiawen, do anything wrong? What is the conflict between the two children?"

Just as Tang An was about to speak, Xia Shi's mother said first, "There is no conflict. Student Song Jiawen did nothing wrong. It was a misunderstanding."

Tang An was stunned for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and said no more.

After Mu Chenyan arrived, Xia Shi's mother stayed for less than 3 minutes and then left, looking a little embarrassed.

But Mu Chenyan felt quite disappointed. She had finally become the head of her daughter, and it was over before she even rolled up her sleeves and got started?
In the morning, Yu Heng also said that this patriarch was very talkative and was so angry that it made him angry.

This is useless, what can I do?

Three shifts!

See you tomorrow.

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