Chapter 25 Cousin
Experimental middle school, at the entrance of Class [-] classroom.

"Who do you think Gaga is with?"

Under the influence of Yang Jue, Yang Yi has now accepted Song Jiawen well. Not only does he recognize this cousin, but he also calls her by her nickname very smoothly.

But Fan Jingjing, who was standing opposite him, felt extremely harsh when she heard these two words. She frowned, but soon relaxed.Thinking of the Yang family's attitude towards this person named Jia Jia, Yang Yi is not a particularly strong-willed person, so it is normal for him to be assimilated.

But she didn't come here just to let Yang Yi continue to have a good impression of his cousin.

"Jiang Yan, she and Jiang Yan were at the cafe on Qingshan Road yesterday. You know that I often go there to study, and others also know that."

She said half the words and kept the other half. Many people in the Experimental Middle School knew that Jiang Yan chased her before he was expelled from the school. It was not surprising to know where she usually went, but the strange thing was why he was with Song Jiawen?
Yang Yi couldn't figure this out. He didn't even know how the two people knew each other.

"Could it be a table sharing? Coincidence?"

After all, Song Jiawen is beautiful and Jiang Yan is shameless.

Fan Jingjing's eyes turned cold when she saw that he was deliberately speaking for Song Jiawen, "The two of them looked familiar at first sight. Jiang Yan even touched your cousin's head and fed her cake. Do you think this is a coincidence because of the table sharing? Yes. Yes, do you know what review materials they used in the cafe?"

Yang Yi and Jiang Yan didn't get along. They had a fight when they were sophomores in high school. Later, Yang Yi warned Jiang Yan because he once harassed Fan Jingjing.

All in all, the relationship is pretty bad.

So if Yang Yi knew that Jiang Yan's review materials were his, and that his good cousin had given them to Jiang Yan from him, how would he feel?
Yang Yi was not very happy, but the reason why he was unhappy was not only because Jiang Yan used his review materials, but also why did he make such an intimate move towards Jia Jia?
This girl grew up in the countryside and had not seen much of the world. He was worried that she had been deceived by Jiang Yan.

As for why Jiang Yan was in Yunzhou instead of going to the countryside.It's simple. Maybe someone in his family transferred him to another school instead of returning to the countryside.

Although something happened to his father, doesn't he still have his mother?

But Yang Yi didn't care about any of this. What he cared about was the relationship between Jia Jia and Jiang Yan.

I hope it's just acquaintance, not the kind of intimate and ambiguous relationship that Fan Jingjing mentioned.

Yang Yi returned to the classroom with a dark face. Fan Jingjing thought he was angry with Song Jiawen, so she left with satisfaction and returned to her class.

The next day is Tuesday.

Song Jiawen originally wanted to take a nap after lunch, but Zhu Jin came over and pestered her to tell her math problems. For this reason, she even pushed Jiang Yan out of the way and asked him to go to her seat to do the test papers.

Jiang Yan was helpless, this guy was a madman, a madman who studied.

Ever since I discovered Song Jiawen's real results yesterday, I've been reading the questions whenever I have time.Zhu Jin's English and Chinese were the ceiling for his grade. Of course, the ceiling has changed now.

But she was lame in math and physics. Of course, the lameness only meant that she was far ahead of the rest of the grade compared to her scores in the other two subjects.

It's just that now Zhu Jin is seriously dissatisfied with his two subjects. What does it mean to be so far ahead?Not a perfect score.

In the past, when she encountered problems in mathematics and physics, she would go to Zhu Zhen, but now she disliked the monitor because the questions he taught were not as easy to understand as the calculations listed by Song Jiawen.

Zhu Zhen was unconvinced at first, but after Zhu Jin showed him Song Jiawen's problem-solving steps, he became silent for a moment.

Now that he has encountered a difficult problem, Zhu Zhen also wants to discuss it with Song Jiawen.

Xiao Qi looked at Jiang Yan who was squeezed away, shook his head and sighed, this guy was squeezed out.

In fact, Jiang Yan did very well in this quiz, but his English was a little lame, and with Song Jiawen as a comparison, he seemed to be very ordinary in the end.

When Yang Yi came to find Song Jiawen, he saw a circle of people surrounding her.

Her deskmate is a girl with short hair, glasses, and slightly buck teeth.Yang Yi had met her, Zhu Jin, the daughter of the deputy director of the Yunzhou Municipal Education Bureau.

I heard that her grades were among the best in No. [-] Middle School, so being at the same table as Jia Jia could help her.

Of course, he would never have imagined that Song Jiawen, who was recruited from a rural middle school, could achieve better results than the top students in No. [-] Middle School.

"Song Jiawen, someone is looking for you."

Yang Yiren is good-looking, and the sportswear he wears is also from a famous brand. He stands tall and tall at the back door of the classroom, attracting the attention of many people.

"Who is this? Isn't he from our school?"

If a boy with such an outstanding appearance is really from No. [-] Middle School, even if he is not a senior in high school, they would not know about it.

Song Jiawen was slightly surprised when she saw that it was Yang Yi who was looking for her.

Yu Hang squinted at the two people talking in the corridor outside, and remembered the car she was in when she was picked up on Saturday afternoon.I thought to myself that Song Jiawen was really related to the Yang family.

"That's from Experimental Middle School, Yang Yi."

Yang Yi's grades were not among the best in Experimental Middle School, but he was still in the top [-] in his grade.But he is famous not because of his achievements, but because he is a member of the Yang family.

Of course, most people only know that Yang Yi is a member of the Yang family, but not many people have actually seen him.After all, they are two schools, and the opportunities to meet are limited.

Xiao Qi felt a sense of crisis after hearing this, "Damn it, is he from the Experimental School trying to pry into our corner?"

It took a lot of effort to have a facade in the class, and he was also a powerful facade. How could he be pried away by those beasts from the Experimental Middle School?
This will not work, absolutely not!

"Jiang Yan, come back quickly, someone is trying to break your corner."

At first, everyone thought Jiang Yan and Song Jiawen were boyfriend and girlfriend, but after spending time together, everyone discovered that the two were just ordinary good friends.

This is purely a joke.

Jiang Yan was currently writing an English composition in front of Zhu Jin. It was difficult for him to improve his English, so he wanted to score points in his composition.

Because he was too focused, he didn't know that Song Jiawen had been called out.

Hearing Xiao Qi's shout, Jiang Yan turned around and looked outside, only seeing the back of Yang Yi's head through the window in the middle of the classroom.


Jiang Yan walked back from the front row and planned to go to the corridor to take a look. He was worried for no other reason than that someone was harassing Song Jiawen. After all, her face was not flat.

"Yu Hang said his name is Yang Yi, and he's from Experimental Middle School. Damn, there aren't many good people in that school."

The two schools have long-standing grievances, and students dislike each other.

But Jiang Yan stopped when he heard the name. He relaxed, turned around and walked back, saying to Xiao Qi, "Don't make a fuss, that's her cousin."

The students who heard these two words breathed a sigh of relief, that's okay.

But at this time, Song Jiawen suddenly stood at the back door and called Jiang Yan, "Come out for a moment, something happened."

(End of this chapter)

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