Chapter 26 Widespread
"Hello there!"

Jiang Yan stood opposite Yang Yi, greeted him politely, and then quickly added, "Long time no see" in the questioning and unkind eyes of the other party.

This guy knows him, 100%!
But when Jiang Yan looked at Yang Yi's face, he had no impression of it at all. The same goes for his name, which he couldn't remember at all.

This is really not his fault. After going to two high schools and so many years, who still remembers an ordinary high school classmate who has not been in contact for more than ten or twenty years?
Song Jiawen looked at Yang Yi, then at Jiang Yan, and finally confirmed that the two people knew each other.

It's just that she doesn't quite understand the purpose of Yang Yi coming to see her today. It looks more like he came to fight with Jiang Yan.

The two of them knew each other, but they didn't have a good relationship before?

If this is the case, she will not be able to understand Yang Yi. If the relationship is not good, why should she look for someone else?

"Jia Jia, please go back to the classroom first. I have something to say to Jiang Yan."

Do you really want to fight if you want to keep her away?

Song Jiawen hesitated for a moment and kindly reminded them before leaving, "Don't fight, this is school."

The implication is that if you want to fight, go outside the school.

Problems between boys are sometimes solved with fists.

She heard this from her brother-in-law, who is a martial arts instructor at a military academy. It is said that in front of his students, he never pushes forward when he is capable.

So it's not necessarily a bad thing for boys to fight sometimes.

After Song Jiawen left, Yang Yi said bluntly to Jiang Yan, "Why are you here? Also, what is your relationship with Jia Jia?"

This kind of dumb Qing Jiangyan was really too lazy to pay attention to him. He just thought that the other party was Song Jiawen's cousin, and he had just contributed a set of very good review materials two days ago.

So he patiently replied, "We came from Jianghai Middle School together. As for the relationship, you want to confirm whether it is the kind of relationship you think of? I can tell you clearly, it is not."

"really not?"

Yang Yi frowned. He didn't really believe Jiang Yan. After all, this guy had learned from past mistakes and his character was unreliable.

Plus, he hasn’t given up on Fan Jingjing yet.
Jiang Yan confirmed his doubts about himself from his eyes. He was angry and funny at the same time. Since you don't believe me, why are you asking this?
"It's boring to say that. Song Jiawen and I grew up together. If we really want to talk about closeness, I might be ahead of you. If you don't believe me, you can ask her."

Yang Yi was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect Jiang Yan to know Jia Jia so early. So his grandma's house and Jia Jia's house are neighbors?
Is that why the two of them transferred from Jianghai Middle School to No. [-] Middle School together?

After understanding the truth of the matter, Yang Yi was no longer as hostile to Jiang Yan as before.

However, before leaving, he did not forget to warn Jiang Yan, "It is impossible for you and Fan Jingjing. It is best not to harass her in the future."

Jiang Yan: "???"

No, who is Fan Jingjing?
Jiang Yan felt baffled.

When he returned to the classroom, the first question Song Jiawen asked him was, "Didn't you say you don't know Yang Yi?"

"I'm going to say that I forgot about him, do you believe it?"

Song Jiawen glanced at him and nodded sincerely, "Trust." After all, your memory is so bad that you can't even remember English words.

Jiang Yan understood her subtext, turned his head expressionlessly, picked up the English book and slapped it on the table.

After returning to the dormitory after self-study in the evening, after Song Jiawen washed up, Zhu Jin handed her his English book, which contained the essay she had just written, and asked Song Jiawen to help her correct it.

Meng Qing, who was on the bed opposite, saw it and said calmly, "Song Jiawen, since your English is so good, why did you copy Zhu Jin's notes before?"

What does it mean to refer to the notes of a classmate whose grades are not as good as your own?Making fun of others?
Song Jiawen replied without raising her head, "I do remember Zhu Jin's notes well. I'm looking at her grammar. Is there any problem?" Wang Xiaole had a simple idea and did not hear the implication of Meng Qing's attempt to sow discord, but he said to Song Jiawen He agreed, "Indeed, I have also copied Zhu Jin's notes, and the grammar recorded in her has been of great help to me."

Zhu Jin turned to look at Meng Qing. The girl who was usually obsessed with studying had particularly sharp eyes at this time.

But she didn't say anything. She only urged Song Jiawen to hurry up because the lights were about to go out.

At noon the next day, Zhu Jin, Song Jiawen, Wang Xiaole, Jiang Yan, Xiao Qi, Yu Hang and Zhu Zhen sat together in the cafeteria having a meal.

At this time, Zhu Jin suddenly turned his head and looked to the left. Seeing this, Zhu Zhen also turned to follow her eyes and saw Meng Qing from his class, Deng Tao from Class [-] and other people together.

Meng Qing has a good relationship with Deng Tao, and many people know this.

Zhu Zhen didn't think this would make Zhu Jin look at him differently, and asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Jin withdrew his eyes, shook his head, and said nothing.

At this time, Wang Xiaole suddenly started talking about what Meng Qing said to Song Jiawen last night. She was a slow person to react, and she only suddenly came to her senses this morning.

Meng Qing is sowing discord.

Fortunately, Zhu Jin didn't care and her plan failed.

Xiao Qi snorted, "You hang out with the guys from Class [-] all day long. Do you really think others treat her like a dish? What the hell."

Jiang Yan said without raising his head, "Why should you care about such a person?"

His words were recognized by most of the people present. How long had it been since then that he still had the heart to find fault with others?
Everyone stopped paying attention to Meng Qing and Class [-], and started talking about Experimental Middle School.

Mainly because Yang Yi came to see Song Jiawen and Jiang Yan yesterday.

Yu Hang has more information channels. He said, "The same as last time, their grade one was five points higher than Zhu Zhen's, and the number of people who passed 12 points was [-] more than our school. If there are no accidents, this year's college entrance examination is expected to be another year in the Experimental Middle School. You have to press hard and hit."

Zhu Zhen raised his eyes to look at Song Jiawen, who was lowering his head to eat, and said softly, "That's not necessarily true. It depends on which school the city's number one student is in."

Although the contact time was not long, only one or two days was enough for Zhu Zhen to understand Song Jiawen. In this quiz, she did not fully utilize her advantages.

Her advantage lies in difficult questions, that is, the more difficult the test paper, the greater the distance between her and others.

Zhu Zhen even suspected that the reason Song Jiawen got a perfect score of [-] was because the test paper only had [-].

Just like she was able to score [-] points in the Science Comprehensive Examination, it was also because it only had [-] points.

Therefore, if No. 1 from Experimental Middle School wants to surpass Song Jiawen, he must be a more powerful pervert than her.

Yu Hang and others understood what Zhu Zhen meant, and they also put their hope in Song Jiawen. After all, this was the true god of learning that even Zhu Zhen admired.

Song Jiawen looked up at everyone and asked softly, "Do you need to review the materials?"

Zhu Zhen realized what she was talking about in a second, "Is it just the difficult notebook on your desk? I want it."

He saw it yesterday but didn't have the nerve to ask.

Even Zhu Zhen wants it, but others will say no?

Yang Yi may never have thought that the review materials he and Fan Jingjing cherished would be widely circulated in No. [-] Middle School.

Not only No. [-] Middle School, but also Jianghai Middle School.

(End of this chapter)

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