Chapter 27 Itchy Hands

Because of Meng Qing's hostility towards Song Jiawen, the four people in the dormitory quickly divided into two groups, Song Jiawen, Zhu Jin, Wang Xiaole, and yes, Meng Qing.

But Meng Qing didn't care about this. Although she was in Class [-], she never took her classmates seriously.

She has a lot of contacts with the people in Class Six, especially with Deng Tao.

Before Song Jiawen came, Deng Tao was a popular figure in No. [-] Middle School. The school beauty and top ten grades in grade made her well-known to everyone in No. [-] Middle School.

But since Song Jiawen came here, no one has mentioned the school beauty for a long time.

As for the results, although it was just a simple quiz last time, there were many people who questioned Song Jiawen, but in view of her incredible score, even if someone said some sour and weird words, in the face of strength, these words None of that.

If you don’t believe me, take the monthly exam and see.

Many students are already betting on who will be number one in their grade in the monthly exam.

But generally speaking, there was more pressure on Zhu Zhen. After all, Song Jiawen had just arrived and had only taken one exam. It was normal for everyone not to know much about her and lack confidence.

But even so, she is now a topic of academic achievement. In comparison, Deng Tao's ranking in the top ten of her grade does not seem so impressive.

"Xiao Tao, you haven't contacted Teacher Song yet?"

After eating, they were walking back to the classroom. Meng Qing said to Deng Tao, "You must be recommended by someone to participate in the Chinese painting competition in Kyoto in May. You must find him as soon as possible, otherwise you will not be able to apply for Kyoto University."

Deng Tao wants to get into Kyoto University based on his grades, but it seems impossible at the moment. Only the top students from Yunzhou No. [-] Middle School can get into Kyoto University every year, and sometimes not even the top students.

So she wanted to pursue art.

But in Yunzhou, only Teacher Song, the president of the Chinese Painting Association, is qualified and capable to recommend teachers.

Deng Tao wanted to participate in this nationally renowned Chinese painting competition, mainly because its organizer is Peking University. Every year, the Chinese painting major of Peking University School of Art selects the winning and nominated students.

She dare not say whether she will win the award, but she is still very confident about being nominated.

In fact, she had been preparing to participate in this competition last year, but unfortunately every time she sent the paintings to Teacher Song, he was not satisfied.

If he is not satisfied, that means she is not qualified to participate in the competition.

It's almost April now, and registration is almost over. Does she really have no chance this time?
"I heard that Teacher Song went to the provincial capital and hasn't come back yet."

Deng Tao was upset. She was obviously good at painting, but Teacher Song was so picky and could find a lot of problems for her every time.

In short, she is not good enough to participate in the competition, so she must continue to work hard.

Work hard, there is nothing else but this sentence?

Her father tried to get Teacher Song to recommend her with money, but it didn't work. Instead, Teacher Song was made to avoid her and didn't want to see her again.

This person is really too rigid.

Several people talked while walking, and soon went upstairs and returned to the classroom.

On the other side, Song Jiawen and his group had just come out of the cafeteria after eating.

Song Jiawen thought about her current savings and planned whether she could find Teacher Song before the college entrance examination and ask him to help sell a few paintings?
If she wants to eat, she has to scrape together enough living expenses.

Back in the classroom, Zhu Zhen followed her to her seat.

Song Jiawen gave him her notes and two practice materials to them. Xiao Qi and Yu Hang volunteered to make copies.

A few people were making a lot of noise. Others who saw it also came over to ask. When they heard there was good information, they hurriedly joined in.Meng Qing sat on the far right side of the front row against the wall, far away from the others. She could only vaguely hear them rushing to copy Song Jiawen's review materials.

She sneered lightly. What good information could a person from the countryside have?

Deng Tao's father was in business and his family was rich. He had found a lot of good information for Deng Tao. As a good friend, Meng Qing was lucky enough to get two or three books from it.

So she has no shortage of review materials.

Therefore, when her deskmate asked her if she wanted to make copies, she decisively shook her head and refused.

During the afternoon physical education class, Song Jiawen asked Wang Xiaole to take her to the art room.

Wang Xiaole was confused, "It's a place where art students draw. What's going to get better? Are you going to visit here?"

Song Jiawen:
She asked, "Can't you go?"

"That's not true. The main reason is that those people are weird and don't want people to watch them paint. They think it will affect their mood and thus affect the quality of the paintings. What, just pretend that they have never painted."

Wang Xiaole dismissed this. She also took art classes from elementary school to high school. It's not that she can't draw, but she's just not as good as them.

What a big deal.

She took Song Jiawen out of the teaching building and turned right to a complex building. There was a large classroom at the end of the first floor, where a dozen art students were painting.

Most of them were senior high school students, and there was a girl in their class, but Song Jiawen didn't remember her name, but she looked familiar.

The girl saw Song Jiawen and Wang Xiaole through the window. Because everyone was painting quietly, she couldn't ask them what was wrong, so she only indicated with her eyes.

If you have nothing to do, leave quickly, otherwise someone will say unpleasant words again later.The key is that the art teacher is here right now, and she doesn't like anyone to disturb her.

Wang Xiaole looked at Song Jiawen and said, "Let's go."

Song Jiawen said to Wang Xiaole, "Can you let this classmate from our class come out? I want her to help ask the teacher if I can go in and draw a picture?"

Wang Xiaole was surprised, "You can also draw?"

Oh no, you can’t ask this, who doesn’t know how to draw?It just depends on the quality of the painting.

Song Jiawen just said, "I know a little bit, but my hands are itchy and I want to draw a picture for fun."

The girl came out quickly, then went in to find the teacher. After a while, she came out again and took Song Jiawen in, while Wang Xiaole returned to the classroom alone.

The girl's name was Xu Yan. She placed Song Jiawen in front of the easel next to her and introduced her paints and brushes to her in a low voice.

Every art student here has his or her own painting tools and materials. If Song Jiawen wanted to paint, she could only use someone else's.

Xu Yan just got Song Jiawen's copy materials in the morning, so she didn't mind letting her use hers at all.She thought Song Jiawen was just curious and came to play casually.

So she put the thing between the two of them, and after introducing it to her, she concentrated on her painting and stopped looking at her.

The art teacher was instructing a student. After finishing, he got up to see how other people's paintings were.

She walked slowly, her eyes scanning the paintings in front of each student one by one, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, the college entrance examination was still a few months away, and everyone's painting mentality was now unstable and too impetuous.

It wasn't until she came to Xu Yan that her brows relaxed. She had made great progress during this period.

Looking away, Teacher Fang saw a sketch next to Xu Yan that was about to be completed, and his eyes widened suddenly.
 The second update is over, see you tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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