Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 310 Meeting the Master by Chance

Now it’s better, it’s cool and doesn’t expose your legs, killing two birds with one stone!

Mu Jiawen stared at the six pairs of pants in her hand for a full minute. Last night, he said he would make her trousers, which were guaranteed to be cooler than denim shorts and skirts. She thought he was bragging, but she didn't expect it to be true.

In fact, her mother bought her a lot of long skirts, some that reached her ankles, and several that reached her calves. But she always felt that wearing this kind of skirt was a bit troublesome. She had to hold up the hem of the skirt with her hands whenever she sat down or squatted down, especially when going to the toilet.

It's easier to wear without shorts.

Mu Jiawen tilted her head and glanced at Jiang Yan in disbelief, then got up and went to the room to try it on.

"This material is quite comfortable."

The pants are a bit fat, but because the material has a saggy texture, and Mu Jiawen's legs are thin and straight, and her butt is perky. To put it simply, she looks stylish and looks good no matter what she wears.

"How's it going? Cool down?"

Jiang Yan had a slightly proud look on his face. He saw her walking downstairs wearing denim shorts that day, and her big white legs almost blinded him, let alone other boys. This kind of benefit cannot be given casually.

But the silly girl didn't realize it yet. Jiang Yan immediately sent her back to the dormitory to change into long pants, and repeatedly told her to never and definitely not wear shorts.

But now with these pairs of anti-mosquito pants, all other pants can be hung up temporarily.

On June 24th, Beijing University began its final exams.

In order to review for good results in the exam, Ding Yuanyuan spent half a month forgetting to sleep and eat, and on the day of the exam, she succeeded in slimming down her pointed chin.

When she looked in the mirror, she almost shocked herself and shouted, "The ancients really did not deceive me. In the book, there is not only a golden house, but also a Yan Ruyu. Look, isn't this it?"

Mu Jiawen and others were also stunned, shocked by her shamelessness.

But to be honest, Ding Yuanyuan, who has lost ten pounds, does look more beautiful than before. Her entire face is smaller and her eyes are much bigger. With the small dimples on both sides of her cheeks, she looks like a pretty little beauty.

Two days before the exam, two of the boys in her class sent her love letters.

After the exam, the little sisters from 303 went to the restaurant at the door to have dinner.

I originally wanted to go to Golden Chopsticks, but for some reason there was a lot of noise at the door. The four of them were afraid of trouble, so they changed their route and went to the Snow Mountain Restaurant diagonally opposite.

"Eh? Jia Jia, isn't that Jiang Yan?"

The four of them sat at the table by the window. Through the spacious and bright glass, Mu Jiawen saw Jiang Yan standing at the door of Golden Chopsticks. Not far behind him were Dai Lei and Tian Xiaohui.

"They're going to eat at Golden Chopsticks? But there's obviously a quarrel in the hall!"

With Ding Yuanyuan's voice, several people saw a thin and small old man being thrown out by two guys from Golden Chopsticks. Originally, the old man would have fallen to the ground, but Jiang Yan, who happened to step forward, threw him out. He held me up.

I don't know what Jiang Yan said to the people over there. The two young guys who were originally fierce and fierce immediately changed their faces and wanted to say something. But when they saw that Jiang Yan was not alone, and there were several boys standing behind him, they had to turn around angrily. Back to the hotel.

Jiang Yan and the others did not enter the Golden Chopsticks. He helped the old man walk to the Snow Mountain Restaurant.

"Jiajia, does Jiang Yan know that old man?"

Mu Jiawen looked carefully at the old man's face. It was very strange and she had never seen it before. Could it be that he knew him when he lived in Yunzhou before?

There is a road between the two hotels, so the distance is not far. As soon as Jiang Yan came in, he saw Mu Jiawen sitting by the window. He nodded to her and asked Dai Lei and Tian Xiaohui to take the old man to the innermost round table to sit down. Then he turned around and went out.

Not long after, Jiang Yan turned back, carrying a plastic bag in his hand. In the white bag, you could clearly see the cotton swabs, iodophor and other medical supplies for treating trauma inside.

Mu Jiawen and others also saw it just now. The old man had injuries on his forehead and arms when he came in. He had obviously been pushed by them inside the golden chopsticks. "Do you want to come together?"

Jiang Yan asked as he passed by Mu Jiawen's table carrying a bag.

There are only five of them including the old man, and Liu Wenhu is not here, but Big Fat Jin has almost been living in their dormitory lately, and he usually eats with them in the cafeteria.

"No, you go and treat that grandfather's wound first."

Jiang Yan nodded and explained before leaving, "The chef of Golden Chopsticks is the old man's apprentice. He seemed to have stolen something from him before coming to Kyoto. The old man chased him here and asked for it, but he didn't admit it. Maybe That’s it.”

After Jiang Yan said that, he walked over to help Mr. Xiao deal with the injuries on his forehead and arms. The injuries were quite serious and the skin was scratched. It was scary to see the blood.

"Young man, do you know me?"

The old man did not let Jiang Yan treat his wounds first, but asked, "You just called me Master Xiao, how did you know that my surname is Xiao?"

Jiang Yan paused while taking off the cotton swab. He saw Mr. Xiao was about to fall down just now, so he shouted out in desperation, but he forgot that they had never met before in this life.

But it doesn't matter--

He raised his head and said with a look of surprise, "You don't remember me?"

Mr. Xiao looked at him with a confused expression, then frowned and thought, but gave up after a while.

He smiled apologetically at Jiang Yan, "I'm older and my memory isn't very good. Tell me, when did we meet?"

"Seven years ago, my father and I got lost in Shanghai, and my money was stolen by thieves. I was twelve years old at the time, and you sent me to the guest house where my father lived. Do you remember?"

When the old man heard this, his eyes widened immediately, with an expression of sudden realization, "It turns out to be you. Back then, such a small carrot head, twelve years old, was not as tall as others who were ten years old. I didn't expect that seven years later, you would actually He will grow up to be such a tall man.”

Jiang Yan breathed a sigh of relief and continued smoothly, "Didn't you say that at the time? Boys don't officially start growing until they are thirteen years old, and you told my dad not to be in a hurry."

"Yes, I did say that, but I remember your dad seems to be quite short."

"Well, I am the tallest in our family. It may be due to a genetic mutation. Anyway, I started to get better when I entered junior high school."

The two of them were talking to each other, and they were having a good conversation.

Jiang Yan treated the old man's wound without bandaging it. It was better not to bandage it than to bandage it.

Dai Lei and others had already ordered their dishes. After finishing their meal, Jiang Yan asked the old man, "Where do you live?"

"It's a small hotel over there at the train station. You don't have to worry about me. I can go back by myself."

Jiang Yan couldn't force him to stay, so he just asked, "What are your next plans? Are you still asking for something from him? I don't think he will give it to you."

Mr. Xiao's master once passed him a set of knives. It is definitely good, but it mainly has the meaning of inheritance. But then the set of knives was lost, and he investigated for a long time before finding out that it had been stolen by Luo Zhengfeng, a senior disciple.

He didn't find it at his home in Shanghai, so he thought he had brought it to Kyoto, so Mr. Xiao chased him here. However, in fact, the set of knives had been sold by Luo Zhengfeng.

good night!

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