Jiang Yan is the second generation of rich people?

This was the first time Mu Jiawen heard someone say this, and she was very surprised.

However, when Huangfu Yun saw her expression, he guessed right.

He said that the boy's aura was extraordinary and his family was indeed not simple.

Kou Chuan asked from the side, "Mu Jiawen, I want to get a computer when school starts. Please tell your boyfriend and I'll give you a discount."

Mu Jiawen thought for a moment and said sincerely, "Their store will probably hold an event when school starts. You can buy it during the event and it will be on sale."

"What I mean is, let your boyfriend give me a purchase price for your sake."

Purchase price?

Mu Jiawen looked surprised and asked, "Why?"

Kou Chuan:.

Okay, okay, he didn't say anything.

A few people were walking and chatting, Xia Shi followed silently. She glanced at Mu Jiawen lightly, thinking that she usually behaved quite aloof, so she didn't only choose rich men when looking for boyfriends?


After leaving the school, Kou Chuan and Huangfu Yun took a taxi with Xia Shi and left, while Mu Jiawen turned around and went to the computer store.

Someone will come over today to deliver tables and chairs. It was originally said that some of them would be delivered first, and Qi Lihong could just receive them alone. But last night the Furniture City made an impromptu call and said that they would all be delivered, and some that needed to be nailed to the wall would be finished today. This was not something Qi Lihong could handle alone.

So Jiang Yan is in the store right now.

What Huangfu Yun just said was wrong. The two floors bought by Jing Junyang were quite large, and not all of them were used as computer stores.

The first floor is a specialty store, and the second floor has stairs on the other side outside. You can go upstairs without going inside. It is still an Internet cafe, but it is different in nature from the previous Internet cafes.

They will put some high-configuration and high-end computers on the second floor, mainly for playing games, and they will play games developed by themselves.

When Mu Jiawen arrived at the store, the person who delivered the tables and chairs had already arrived. The truck was parked at the door. The workers were carrying them in one by one, and then assembled and nailed some parts to the wall according to the drawings in their hands. They were busy until twelve noon. It ended half way through.

Because the air conditioner in the hall is on, even though the door is open, it is still much cooler inside than outside.

Jiang Yan called Mu Jiawen and said to Qi Lihong, who was busy cleaning, "We'll do it later. Let's go eat first."

"You, you go first, I'll go after cleaning."

After saying that, Qi Lihong lowered her head and continued to clean up the broken wood and paper and other garbage on the ground.

Jiang Yan didn't force it, but before leaving, he asked a few more words, "Where is Liu Wenhu? Is he home?"

"No, he went to the city with his mother."

Mother? Is Liu Wenhu fucking here?

Jiang Yan didn't ask any more questions, and went back to Qingheyuan with Mu Jiawen to make a simple cold noodles. After eating, he was about to go upstairs to take a rest, when Jing Junyang's call came right after.

Alas, I am so busy that I have no time at all.

When he arrived at the company, Jiang Yan wanted to take the elevator to the fifth floor, but he happened to catch up with workers moving things inside. There were piles of magazines and books. There was a magazine store on the eighth floor, which seemed to be delivering goods to them.

Jiang Yan didn't want to wait any longer and planned to go up the stairs.

When I reached the fourth floor, I heard a vaguely familiar voice coming from above. When we reached the fifth floor, Jing Junyang's voice was clearly audible--

"Because the company has just been established, the salary is not much, but because you are the main designer, your salary is the highest among all of us. I won't talk about the previous ones, but you were paid last month alone. Ten thousand, I remember you only kept five hundred, and gave the rest to your family. Now that your father said that he has spent all the money, he asked you to advance the salary? Du Fan, I am not saying that the salary cannot be advanced, but my original thought was You use the advance to buy a house."

"Lao Jing, I know your good intentions, but I really can't think about the house. My dad said he wants my brother to go to a cram school in the city during the summer vacation, but now the family has no money."

"A penny gone? Your family has a lot of expenses. Living expenses are 9,500 a month? Are you still in a rural area?"

"." "Du Fan, I am not discriminating against rural people when I say this, but why don't you ask your dad how he spent such a sum of money? Let's not talk about rural areas, just ordinary families in cities. Two months The living expenses can’t be that much.”

"I asked, and he said he lent me five thousand to my aunt, and gave another thousand to my grandfather. The rest was spent on favors, food, drink, and shit."

"Lend it to your aunt?" Jing Junyang seemed to laugh angrily, "You are living frugally here, and your dad lends the money to others?"


"Also, your dad is only in his forties this year. He doesn't do anything at home? So he just puts the responsibility of supporting the family on you? Do you think it's appropriate? Is your brother your son? Why should you support him? "


"Du Fan."

"Old Jing, I know you are saying this for my own good, but what my dad said is not unreasonable. He doesn't have much education, and it's hard work when he goes out to work. He can't make much money and is easily exhausted. And I am The eldest son in the family is educated and capable."

Jiang Yan stood on the stairs with his head lowered. He seemed to be looking into a mirror of his past life. No, not only him, but also Lao Jiang's mirror.

Didn’t the old man and old lady of the Jiang family use such words to deceive Lao Jiang?

She deceived him into divorce, deceived him so much that he even dragged his son into the water, and finally used a sewing machine.

He walked up the stairs and heard footsteps. The conversation between Jing Junyang and Du Fan came to an abrupt end. They both turned their heads and looked over at the same time. When they saw clearly that the person coming was Jiang Yan, they breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Lao Jiang"

"Sorry, I accidentally overheard your conversation."

Du Fan was wearing a gray T-shirt that had been washed out and turned white. The collar had long been deformed. The black trousers on his lower body were still in the spring and autumn style. They looked quite thick at first glance. He didn't feel uncomfortable wearing them in the summer.

Sure enough, they are exactly the same.

Du Fan was thoroughly brainwashed by his father.

"It's okay, it's not a secret, just listen to it."

Du Fan didn't care, what's the shame in raising a family?

Jiang Yan looked at him deeply and said, "Du Fan, maybe I don't speak nicely, but as a partner and friend, I still want to remind you that in your father's heart, his face is more important than yours!"

Du Fan was stunned when he heard this, frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"Actually, you understand in your heart, you just don't want to accept it. I guess in your family, your parents prefer your younger brother. But his grades are not as good as yours, and he is not as smart as you. After you are admitted to Beijing University, your tuition will be basically the same. They all earned it through their own part-time jobs. Not only do your parents not feel sorry for you, but they also tell the neighbors that their eldest son is very good. He made money right after he went to college without their help paying tuition. Do you think you got your parents? You must have a higher status in their hearts than your brother, so every time you earn money, you try to satisfy them first. Even if you live frugally until you don’t have enough to eat, you still can’t bear to refuse their requests again and again, even if the money It’s not all spent on them, it’s just lent to others for the sake of face, and you still won’t say no. Du Fan, do you know what your final outcome will be if this goes on for a long time?”

Du Fan's face turned a little pale, and the black-rimmed glasses on his nose that should have been replaced a long time ago were trembling slightly. He pursed his lips and looked at Jiang Yan without saying a word.

Jiang Yan continued, "Your situation is almost exactly the same as that of my father. You have been frugal since you were in college. After working and even getting married, you still give most of your salary to your family. Those people want it for granted, so it becomes a kind of He was used to thinking that it was easy for him to make money and work in an office, so he earned it without any burden and never considered what his situation would be like. Even after my mother divorced my father, his parents and brothers not only did not care for him He was worried, but he clapped his hands and cheered.

Du Fan, do you know where my dad is now? "


"In prison, because of corruption."

Du Fan:.

"After my dad went in, I went back to my grandparents' house, but no one in the family gave me a good look. They thought I was a burden to them and asked me to ask for living expenses for my mom. You see, this is my dad's frugality. He has been raising his family for more than ten years and nearly twenty years. Once the value of his family is gone, even his children will be despised.

Du Fan, I’m telling you so much because I don’t want you to take the path my dad took, which is hard and ridiculous. Maybe your parents are different from my grandparents, but no matter what, you'd better think about yourself first and help your family within your ability. You can help them improve their lives, and even help your brother pay his tuition, but it is not for the so-called face, but you lend money to others when you are still living in poverty. Think about it for yourself, is your body more important, or is your father's face more important? "

Jiang Yan said so much in one breath, Du Fan's face turned from white to blue, he lowered his eyes and thought to himself.

good night!

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