Jiang Yan hung up the phone and couldn't help but said in disgust, "This little kid is really troublesome."

But when he said this, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his eyes were holding back a smile, and he was obviously in a happy mood.

Mu Jiawen raised her eyes to look at him, pondered for a while and said, "I want to go back in July to see my uncle and aunt, and Xie Lin, but he won't come if I ask him to come."

Jiang Yan thought for a while and said, "How about leaving in mid-July? I'll be finished by then."

The new store will open on July 10th. Although Qi Lihong is introverted and not good at talking, she is careful and methodical in her work, and Jing Junyang and Dai Lei are both there, so she is not worried.

Mu Jiawen agreed.

The ordered dishes were served, and while the two were eating, Jiang Yan suddenly turned to look out the window, staring at Lao Er and Hong Jing, who were walking side by side across the road and talking and laughing, and squinted his eyes.

In fact, to be honest, my life has been relatively stable in the past year. The second child's body, which used to look like bean sprouts, has become stronger. He has lost his eye-catching yellow hair. He is wearing a serious T-shirt and jeans, and he is 1.78 meters tall. With his height and delicate facial features, he looks very handsome.

But even so, he knew that Hong Jing looked down on him.

Not only because of her academic qualifications and family background, when they first met, Jiang Yan could tell from Hong Jing's eyes and expression that she was a very proud girl. But at the same time, her emotional intelligence is also very high. It can be seen from her words and actions that she cares about other people's feelings, and she can always say the right things in the right situations.

It is impossible for such a girl to get together with the second child, not to mention her arrogance, high emotional intelligence, beauty, family background and education.

After the meal, the two returned to the specialty store. Today, the computer used for playing games on the second floor was delivered, and Jiang Yan had to watch them install it.

There are some things that you don’t need to do yourself, but he is still happy to direct them.

The counters and shelves on the first floor had been set up, and posters were being pasted on the walls and brochures were being sorted. Mu Jiawen came in and went to help Qi Lihong. She actually quite likes doing things with her. The two of them don't talk much and don't have to find topics to talk about. They get along very naturally.

Qi Lihong also feels the same way. What she fears most is that others talk to her kindly, but she doesn't know how to respond.

This kind of personality seemed inappropriate in a specialty store selling things, but Jiang Yan didn't think of arranging for her to receive customers, so he asked her to coordinate the import and export of the entire store. If she was capable enough, she planned to hand over the financial aspect as well. she.

Two people recruited by Jing Junyang were putting up posters. Seeing that nothing was going on on the first floor, Jiang Yan was about to go to the second floor. When he looked up, he saw Lao Er and Hong Jing coming down the stairs one after the other.

"Brother, where have you been?"

Jiang Yan said calmly, "Is something wrong?"

"Hong Jing wants to buy a computer. I'll bring her over to take a look."

"That won't be until July 10th, but the goods haven't arrived yet."

He nodded to the other party as a greeting. When Mu Jiawen heard that someone wanted to buy a computer, she took out a brochure from the brochure she had compiled, then walked over and handed it over, her voice was clear and cold, "This is the catalog, you can take a look first. .”

Hong Jing looked at Mu Jiawen's face and was in a daze. She remembered this girl. Although she only saw a profile of this girl at the repair shop that evening, it was enough to amaze her. She didn't expect that the front face was so delicate that there was no flaw at all. , the skin is still white and glowing, and it can be said that there are no blind spots at 360 degrees.

She took the catalog and said thank you.

In front of Mu Jiawen, Hong Jing felt a little inferior for the first time about her proud appearance.

Mu Jiawen didn't say a single unnecessary word, turned around and continued working. Today she wore a denim suspender skirt with a pure cotton white T-shirt underneath and a neat bun. She looked youthful and beautiful, lively and cute. Such a girl makes people unable to even feel jealous.

Hong Jing didn't stay in the store for too long. When she came out with her second son, she asked Mu Jiawen casually, "Is she also a student of Beijing University?"

"You mean Jia Jia? Yes, the Physics Department of Beijing University. This girl is a pervert. She was the provincial champion last year. She studies as if she were playing. She knows everything at a glance. She didn't get second place in the exam. What do you mean? What is it if it’s not a pervert?”

Hong Jing opened her mouth in surprise, this is really God's favorite!

She stopped mentioning Mu Jiawen and asked her second son about his computer.

After staying with Jiang Yan for a long time, and with Dai Lei at his side to guide him, he is now not only good at dismantling and repairing, but also has some professional knowledge about computers, and can talk about it casually and spit.

On July 10th, Feixue Computer Store and the game internet cafe on the second floor officially opened.

Jiang Yan and Jing Junyang didn't hold any opening ceremony. They just set off two firecrackers, placed two flower baskets at the door, and decorated the top of the door with balloons of different colors. It was obvious at first glance that it was the opening of a new store.

Du Fan and Li asked Yuan Chen to come over to help today. A new game was to be launched on the second floor, and the three of them came to provide on-site guidance.

By the way, after Jiang Yan said what he said that day, Du Fan made a special trip home.

Because I didn’t say hello in advance, I walked for half an hour to my home after getting off the bus in town.

There is a cool breeze in the summer evening, and most people choose to go to the fields to weed or do other farm work at this time.

Therefore, as Du Fan walked along, there were people everywhere in the fields. Some familiar villagers saw him and waved their hands to say hello, "Oh, the eldest son of the Du family is back. He is promising. I heard from your father that you haven't graduated yet." I was asked to leave by a big company and my salary was tens of thousands a month."

Tens of thousands?

Du Fan hurriedly denied, "Uncle, you are joking. I don't have the ability to earn tens of thousands. It's nothing."

"Look at how scared your kid is. Don't worry, I won't borrow money from your family."

Du Fan didn't know what to say. Another man came over with a hoe and said, "You don't want to borrow it, but others borrow it. Du Fan, I see your aunt went to your house again. You know your eldest cousin is gambling." Right? Your father lending money to her family is like a meat bun beating a dog, and you will never come back."

"Third brother, don't stir up trouble. She's my aunt. It's up to you to decide whether to borrow her or not."

"Yes, yes, I am too troublesome and should not take care of it. But the old Du family is also blessed. They don't even have to cultivate the land, so they just point to Du Fan to raise it."

"If your boy studies hard and goes to Beijing University like Du Fan in the future, won't he be able to support you too?"

"Shit, how can he have the brains of Du Fan?"

They had already walked a long way, and everyone's comments still reached Du Fan's ears from time to time. He probably glanced at his own land. There were overgrown weeds, and the crops in the land were almost covered. It was obvious that the weeds had not been weeded for a long time, and maybe even herbicides had not been used.

Thinking of everyone's discussion, he couldn't help but frown again.

Is it wrong to give most of your salary to your family?

I walked quickly along the familiar dirt road to my home. The courtyard door was wide open and someone was talking in the courtyard.

Du Fan walked to the door and was about to go in but stopped because he heard his father's promise -

"Sister, don't worry. I told Xiaofan to ask his boss to advance his salary, and when he calls back, I'll give it to you right away."

Yesterday it was sixteen degrees, today it was one degree, it was so heaven-breaking.

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