Chapter 32 Drawing the Line
Zhou Youming and Song Jiawen walked towards several comrades beside the car. When they saw the little girl coming, they immediately threw their cigarettes on the ground and crushed them out.

"Come in, the food should be ready."

They ordered food and came out to smoke.

Zhou Youming briefly introduced Song Jiawen to several people. When they heard that she was his younger sister, everyone became more enthusiastic.

Although it depends on appearance, the sister of a comrade-in-arms is also my sister, so there is no need to say this.

During the meal, Song Jiawen was taken care of by them. After the meal, Zhou Youming drove a car alone because he wanted to see Song Jiawen off, and they drove the remaining one.

No. [-] Middle School is not too close to here. When Song Jiawen came, he took two buses and it took almost an hour to get there.

Now Zhou Youming drives her back. Although the distance is still the same, the time will be shortened by half.And she also knew that the main reason why Zhou Youming wanted to send her away was because he had something to ask her.

"Jiajia, has something happened at home recently?"

Zhou Youming knew that his father-in-law and his mother-in-law were very cold to Song Jiawen. Although she was beautiful and smart, the old couple didn't know if they had any grudges and just turned a blind eye to such a good daughter.

As a son-in-law, there are some things that he can't get too involved in.

I just feel aggrieved for my sister-in-law.

However, his wife still loves this sister very much, and Song Jiawen also relies on her sister. At least in his opinion, the relationship between the two sisters is very close.

That's why now he wonders why Jiajia came to the city to go to school and didn't inform her sister?

"Brother-in-law, go back and ask my sister, she knows."

Song Jiawen was too lazy to explain, so she added, "Tell my sister that you don't have to go to school to find me. The accommodation here is pretty good, so she doesn't have to worry. There are still a few months to go before the college entrance examination, which is the busiest time for me." I don’t have time to go to your house.”

Zhou Youming's eyelids twitched, and he inexplicably heard a hint of wanting to draw a clear line in his sister-in-law's words.

Otherwise, why would I not have time to go to their house, but come to Shanshui Street today when I should be at school on Friday?

Zhou Youming didn't ask her why she came to Shanshui Street. He guessed that she came here to see the Shanshui Gallery.

Song Jiawen was good at painting and sculpture, and Zhou Youming knew it.There are only two paintings she painted before hanging in his living room, which are no worse than the hundreds of paintings sold outside.

I just feel a little unhappy. I have time to look at paintings, but don’t have time to go to my sister’s house?

The half-hour drive passed by in the blink of an eye. Zhou Youming didn't hear any useful information from Song Jiawen, but he vaguely felt that Jia Jia seemed to have changed.

It was close to seven o'clock in the evening, and the sky had already darkened. The street lights were lit up one after another, and the dim light shone on the girl, smearing her delicate eyebrows.

"Brother-in-law, I'm leaving."

Song Jiawen got out of the car and waved her hands to leave. The large school uniform was put on her body, making her figure look slimmer and taller, but her back under the streetlight was a little lonely.

Zhou Youming didn't leave immediately. He got out of the car and lit a cigarette. He watched Song Jiawen walk into the gate of No. [-] Middle School. When no one could be seen, he threw the cigarette in his hand under his feet and crushed it out, then got in the car and left.

He had been training some time ago and he only came back yesterday afternoon.

Last night, he and his wife were coquettish for most of the night, and he didn't have time to ask her what happened at home, but he was sure that she didn't know about Jiajia No. [-] Middle School.So what happened to the father-in-law and mother-in-law?

When Zhou Youming returned home, Song Xiwen was building blocks with Haohao.


Seeing Zhou Youming entering the door, Haohao dropped the blocks in his hand and ran over.

Zhou Youming picked up his son and lifted him high. The little boy screamed with excitement.

"Go play and let daddy see how high you can build."

Song Xiwen sat cross-legged on the mat. Zhou Youming walked over and sat side by side with her. He listened to her talk about today's interesting things for a while, and then Zhou Youming said, "I met Gaga in the city today."

Song Xiwen's heart skipped a beat, and her face showed surprise, "Meet Jia Jia? Where is she? Why didn't you bring her back? No, why did she come to Yunzhou? Today is not the weekend."

Her surprise was genuine. After all, Xie Jingying and Song Laosan had not told her about Song Jiawen coming to No. [-] Middle School, so she was really surprised to hear her husband say he saw her.

Zhou Youming did not answer her question, but looked at her and asked, "Did something happen at home some time ago? It was related to Jia Jia."

Song Xiwen frowned, "Did Jia Jia tell you something? What did she say?"

"She didn't say anything and refused to come to our house, so I just wanted to ask you if something happened at home?"

Song Xiwen breathed a sigh of relief, but she still had the troubled look on her face, "This girl, it seems that she really has a grudge against me this time."

Then she told the story about how her aunt took Dean Chen's son to a blind date at home some time ago, and finally said, "You also know that my grandma and my aunt have always disliked us sisters, especially my aunt, who has many things to do and is powerful. If she could use Gaga to please her eldest brother, she would have to work hard to make it happen. Then she would let my grandma go to my parents' place to make trouble. Fortunately, my uncle and grandma rushed over and it didn't happen. I know I was almost angry to death, but my uncle thought I agreed, so Jia Jia listened to him and joined them in being angry with me."

Song Xiwen said very helplessly and very sad.

Zhou Youming frowned when he heard this, "It's just nonsense. What kind of society is this? They still engage in this set of arranged marriages. Your parents are really like this. What do they think? How could they agree to such a thing?"

Even if her grandmother made trouble in the past, she shouldn't let go easily. After all, this is nothing else, it is a major event related to her daughter's lifelong future.

But when it came to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Zhou Youming couldn't say anything too harsh, and he finally understood why when he saw Jia Jia this time, he felt that she was different from before.

It's because he was hurt so badly that his heart gradually became cold.

"Although she said she won't let you go find her, after all, she is in the city and so close to us. You still have to go see her when you have time and explain to her. Don't let her always misunderstand you. "

Zhou Youming didn't doubt Song Xiwen, he just felt sorry for Jia Jia. He was such a beautiful and smart child, but he didn't know what was going on in the heads of his father-in-law and mother-in-law. Why didn't he want to see this little daughter?

While Zhou Youming went to take a shower, Song Xiwen hurriedly made a phone call home.

She wanted to ask her parents why Jia Jia transferred to the city to go to school, and if something happened later?

At this moment, her heart was beating wildly. No. [-] Middle School. Originally, she had a bright future in Jianghai, and the resources of No. [-] Middle School were several times better than Jianghai. With her IQ, even though she had only been in four short months, she still had a bright future. It was enough for her to go directly to the highest university in Kyoto.

She is like the phoenix that strayed into the mountain valley. One day, she will soar into the sky and reach the clouds!

(End of this chapter)

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