Chapter 33 He is a good student now (second update)

"You said Youming met Jia Jia in the city?"

Xie Jingying's face was full of displeasure, "Did she do it on purpose? Waiting for Youming there specially? This damn girl is so mean-spirited."

Song Xiwen couldn't listen anymore, "Youming just came back from training yesterday, how did she know where he would go today? Mom, how many times have I told you, don't always be so hostile to Jia Jia, why are you so Won't you listen?" So now when Lian Zhou Youming saw Jia Jia suddenly appearing in the city, the first thing he thought of was what her parents had done.

Xie Jingying said to herself that it didn't come out of my belly. Am I useful to her?

He said perfunctorily, "Okay, okay, I understand. Don't give her money. Your uncle gave it to her. She has money. You just need to take care of yourself and your family of three. If you don't have enough money, just take care of yourself." Tell your parents, we have it."

Song Xiwen was speechless for a while. She originally wanted to tell her mother what kind of university Jia Jia would take after entering No. [-] Middle School, what her future would be like, and about her life experience. Forget it, Zhou Youming was also at home at this moment, so this topic Now is not the time to mention it.

On the other side, Song Jiawen went directly to the classroom after returning to school.

When Zhu Zhen saw her coming back, he immediately came up to her, "Did you do the physics competition paper that the teacher gave you yesterday?"

Song Jiawen nodded and took time to finish it while eating at Song Qingping's place at noon.

Zhu Zhen took it and turned it over, sighing, "You also did the last two big questions. I only solved part of them, and I have no clue at all about the last two small questions."

As he spoke, he stood in front of Song Jiawen and Jiang Yan's table and looked at them with an expression of sudden realization on his face, "So this is the explanation. Song Jiawen, I took your paper away and handed it in." To the physics teacher.”

After Zhu Zhen left, Jiang Yan asked Song Jiawen, "How was it today? Did you see anyone?"


Song Jiawen thought for a while and told Jiang Yan that she wanted Song Qingping as her teacher.

"Damn it! This old fox."

He was clearly taking advantage of Song Jiawen.

Jiang Yan regretted a little. He should have accompanied her. Although the little girl had a high IQ, she was obviously not very good at interpersonal communication and could easily be fooled.

Why don't you sell paintings without becoming an apprentice? The old guy obviously took a fancy to Song Jiawen's talent and wanted to become a free apprentice.

Of course, this is because Jiang Yan does not know Song Qingping's identity at this moment. If he knew that the old guy he was talking about was the president of the Yunzhou Painting and Calligraphy Association, then he would not think that Song Jiawen was taking advantage of Song Qingping as his teacher.

After all, Song Jiawen was still unknown at this time, and she even had to work hard for the hundreds of living expenses.

But now she has a teacher who is the president of the Painting and Calligraphy Association. Although she is from a small town like Yunzhou, it is very different from the past for a high school student.

It's a pity that Jiang Yan doesn't know much about the world of calligraphy and painting. Although he has lived longer than others, due to cross-industry relationships, apart from knowing that Song Jiawen will be a calligraphy and painting boss in the future, everything else is blank to him.

Nothing is clear.

Before the last class of evening self-study started, Xu Yan came to Song Jiawen with a painting.

"Please help me see where I need to change it."

Song Jiawen had a headache. She always painted what she saw in her eyes and what she thought in her heart.

But if you ask her to modify someone else's, she won't.

Finally, I asked Xu Yan what she wanted to draw and what she wanted to express, and she spent 10 minutes redrawing a sketch for her.

Xu Yan:.
The painting she painted in two classes was not as vivid as the painting she painted in 10 minutes.

How did her brain and hands grow?
But fortunately, Xu Yan was very happy to have one of her paintings.Returning to her seat happily, Xu Yan took Song Jiawen's paintings and looked at them again and again, unable to put them down.

My deskmate asked curiously, "Is this painted by Song Jiawen? It feels the same as yours."

If only it were the same.

Xu Yan sincerely praised, "Her paintings are much better than mine. Let me tell you, Song Jiawen just won't take this path, otherwise we will all be suppressed by her."

Meng Qing was sitting in front of her. When she heard these words, she turned around and sneered, "Is it that exaggerated? No matter how good your painting is, who can be better than Deng Tao?"

She said it casually, with the purpose of suppressing Song Jiawen. After all, in her heart, no one could compare to Deng Tao, whether it was Chinese paintings, sketches or other paintings.

I started writing big calligraphy at the age of five, started to learn Chinese painting at the age of six, and sketched at the age of nine. All the teachers hired by my family were famous teachers, and there was even one who came from Beicheng.

With so many resources accumulated, Song Jiawen, a girl from the countryside, wants to compete with Deng Tao. Is it comparable?

However, Xu Yan thought about it seriously after hearing this, and then said, "I know that Deng Tao has also learned sketching, and the time is not short, but she is really not as good as Song Jiawen. Don't rush to refute, These words were not said by me, but by Teacher Fang."

Teacher Fang's original words were that there were so many art students in the school, but none of them could compare to Song Jiawen, who just came over to make soy sauce.

Meng Qing stiffened when she heard the sarcastic smile on her face. What did Teacher Fang say?Did she really say that?

Meng Qing was simply unbelievable!
Senior high school students have regular classes on Saturdays and only have one day off on Sunday.

After school on Saturday afternoon, most of the classmates rushed home carrying schoolbags. Only Jiang Yan and Song Jiawen went to the door to eat leisurely and empty-handed.

"Would you like to go to that cafe again tomorrow?"

Song Jiawen wanted to eat the strawberry cake there, but she didn't know if Jiang Yan would treat her again.

She could afford it herself, but she couldn't part with it because it was too expensive.

"Okay, let's go."

Changing the place to answer questions can be regarded as a change of mood.

Song Jiawen felt happy when she heard the answer she wanted to hear.

The two of them left the school gate and turned right to go to the noodle shop, but they were stopped after walking a few steps.

"Jiang Yan? Damn! It's really you."

The boys who stopped Jiang Yan were all carrying schoolbags and looking evilly. One of them was wearing a school uniform with the words "Experimental Middle School" written on it.

Jiang Yan squinted his eyes and looked at the people coming. Except for the leading guy who looked familiar, the others were all strangers and he didn't remember any of them.

Song Jiawen put her hands in her trouser pockets. She didn't panic at all when someone stopped her. She just turned to Jiang Yan and asked, "Enemy?"


Jiang Yan was a little annoyed. A group of well-fed brats came to block his time. Wouldn't it be better to write a paper and answer a few questions?How long has it been and you still want to fight?
He is a good student now and just wants to study and not fight.

"You can still get into No. [-] Middle School even after being expelled. Damn it! Your dad went in, and your mom is quite capable of getting you, a loser, here. No. [-] Middle School is so damn cheap, and they accept all kinds of rubbish."

Standing at the gate of No. [-] Middle School and scolding No. [-] Middle School, does this person have a serious brain disease?

 The second update is over, see you tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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