Chapter 345 Pregnant

Luo Xiao, her parents, grandparents and other relatives arrived in Yucheng the afternoon before yesterday and checked into a hotel booked by Yuheng in advance.

On the afternoon of October 1st, teachers and professors from Beijing University arrived one after another. Luo Xiao was waiting in the lobby, chatting and laughing with a group of scholars who were clearly intellectuals at first sight.

It was not obvious in Kangcheng before, but when they really went outside, Luo Yu and other cousins ​​realized that Luo Xiao was really different from them.

Maybe the difference includes her high education, including her marrying well, but more importantly, her conversation, every move, and her attitude towards them are no different from before.

This made Luo Yu breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time he felt sour and uncomfortable.

Except for his parents, Luo Xiao didn't care what other people in the Luo family thought or what their attitudes were.

It was too late for her to be happy that she was finally getting married. She had no time and leisure to care about others.

The most important thing is that Luo Xiao stretched out his hand and gently applied it on his lower abdomen, smiling happily.

Her pregnancy had nothing to do with Xiaosi's advice. It was just because the two of them had already obtained the certificates that they did not use contraception. Thanks to her good health, she got infected very quickly, and it’s less than two months to this day.

"Xiaoxiao, before you put on your makeup, hurry up and eat some."

Because it was still early, the hotel's breakfast hadn't started yet, so Luo Xiao's mother went out to buy eggs and steamed buns.

Pregnant people should not be hungry, as they are prone to vomiting when hungry.

It's not that I'm afraid that everyone will know, but I'm mainly worried that I'll feel uncomfortable if I vomit. The wedding ceremony of the Yu family is said to be quite complicated and takes a whole morning. How can a pregnant woman bear this?

"Mom, don't worry, Yu Heng knows what's going on."

Because he got up too early, Luo Xiao saw that the xiaolongbao in the box was not very edible. He barely stuffed an egg into it and couldn't eat any more.

Mother Luo didn't force her, she packed it up and put it aside. She looked at her daughter and asked, "Tell me honestly, Yu Heng is really happy to hear that you are pregnant?"

Before, Yu Heng was a little repelled by marriage and said she didn't want children, but now that these two things are happening at the same time, she is very worried about this son-in-law's attitude towards her daughter.

Will Xiaoxiao abort the child?

"Mom, you are overthinking. Yu Heng didn't say he didn't want children."

Luo Xiao explained to her, "He just didn't have confidence in running a marriage before, but now his mind has changed. He told me that he really wanted a daughter."

Luo Xiao didn't lie about this. Yu Heng was indeed very happy after knowing that she was pregnant. It was one thing not to have it, but once he had it, he was still very much looking forward to it.

Seeing what he said, Luo's mother finally felt relieved and said with a smile, "You can't believe what a man says. He said he wants a daughter just to comfort you. In fact, what he wants more is a son."

"Like my dad?"

It's a cliché, her father was like this back then. Before giving birth to her, he always said he liked his daughter more and wanted a little cotton-padded jacket. But when she was born and found out that she was really a daughter, the disappointment on her face was visible to the naked eye.

Luo's mother was worried about her pregnancy all her life.

Luo Xiao didn't understand it before, and always said her mother was petty, but she would remember such a thing for the rest of her life.

But now it was her turn, she thought, if she really gave birth to a daughter, and Yu Heng was as disappointed as her father, let's see if she would ignore him in the future!

She has received the certificate, and she is not afraid of him now.

At 8:18, a group of lion dancers came to the door of the hotel. The gongs and drums were noisy, and firecrackers were blasting. The festive and lively scene showed that it was a happy event.

Yu Heng got out of the car with his younger brothers and the groomsmen. The brothers' outstanding appearance and wide-shouldered and long-legged figures immediately aroused exclamations from the surrounding tourists.

"Hey, boy, who do these sons belong to? How come they are so good at giving birth?" "No, we all have the same nose and two eyes. How come they look so good?"

"Apart from the groom standing at the front, let's go and ask the others if they have any partners?"

"If not, how dare you go after me?"

"Then what's there to be afraid of?"

The girls next to them looked at the two boys who were talking, with angry expressions on their faces, wanting to tear them both alive.

As soon as the two boys saw it, they quickly got out of the crowd and slipped away.

Today, Mu Jiawen wore a pink double-breasted gauze top, a golden horse-faced skirt that reached her ankles, and silver semi-high-heeled leather shoes. Her black hair was half draped on the back of her head, with a braid around it. Hang behind the right ear.

It looks lively yet solemn, elegant and grand.

Mu Chenyan stood at the gate to greet the guests, and Mu Jiawen stood behind her as a backdrop. From time to time, she would stuff something into her mouth, pretending to lower her head to straighten her skirt, chewing and swallowing it quickly.

Mu Chenyan took the time to look back at her and felt that the horse-faced skirt she chose for her today was quite suitable. The pockets on both sides were very large and could hold a lot of snacks without being visible.

"When your sister-in-law comes later, remember to give her something to eat. She can't be hungry now."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Mu Chenyan turned around and warned Mu Jiawen again. After a pause, she asked again, "Have you not finished all the snacks you pretended to have?"

Mu Jiawen put her hand into the big pocket of the horse-faced skirt and took out a handful of chocolates, dried beans and the like, both sweet and salty, very complete.

Yu Zekun, who was standing next to him, caught a glimpse of this scene from the corner of his eye and couldn't help but twitching the corner of his mouth.

But he didn't dare to say anything.

At 10:18, the trumpet and suona sounded, and the wedding team returned.

A long line of Mercedes Benz stopped at the door of the old house. Jiang Yan's role today was the best man. As soon as he got out of the car, he noticed a line of sight directed at him. Turning around to look, the two of them smiled distantly across the crowd.

The bride still has some procedures to go through before getting off the car. The sisters who are seeing off the bride quickly get into the wedding car to accompany the groom after he gets off the car.

Mu Jiawen took the opportunity to get into the passenger seat. Before Luo Xiao's two sisters could react, she took out a handful of snacks. It’ll take a while.”

After saying that, he quickly got out of the car.

I ate an egg in the morning, and after that, I haven't eaten anything at all. Luo Xiao is hungry.

She lowered her head and tore open a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into her mouth. The cousin sitting on her left heard the squeaking sound and finally recovered from Mu Jiawen's delicate face. She turned around and asked Luo Xiao, "That beautiful little girl just now is your sister-in-law." ?”

Luo Xiao had something in his mouth and hummed vaguely.

The other cousin sitting on the right was upset again. Luo Xiao only wanted a man with a good family background. Why was her sister-in-law so nice to her?

On the other hand, my boyfriend looks wary every time his sister sees her, guarding her like a thief. He won't let her sit with her brother even when watching a movie. When he sees her wearing new clothes and carrying a new bag, he will Asked if her brother bought it for her?

Why is there such a big gap between this person and others?

 Second update!



(End of this chapter)

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