Chapter 355 Lame Excuse

Neither of them talked much, and Mu Jiawen didn't say a few words before she wanted to leave and go to the second floor to find Jiang Yan to see if he was okay.

At this time, Liu Wenhu happened to walk in from the door, carrying two lunch boxes in his hand.

Mu Jiawen turned to look at Qi Lihong, with doubts in her eyes. Didn't she say they broke up? Why are you still delivering food?

In her mind, shouldn't she stop contacting her after breaking up? Can we really be friends if we can't be lovers?

But Qi Lihong shook his head slightly at her, which meant that she didn't ask him to deliver the meal.

Mu Jiawen looked at her arm, paused, and suddenly understood where the injury came from.

Her eyes suddenly turned cold.

Seeing Mu Jiawen, Liu Wenhu raised his smile and was about to say hello, but his smile suddenly froze, he turned his head and curled his lips, thinking, "What does it have to do with me and Qi Lihong?"

It’s so lenient!

Mu Jiawen glanced at him, turned around and went upstairs.

"You, please don't bring me food anymore."

Qi Lihong whispered something when he put down his lunch box, lowering his head and not looking at him.

"If you don't eat it, throw it away."

Liu Wenhu stared at her for a few seconds, and suddenly became angry. He didn't even go home during the National Day, so he was here to coax her. No matter what, he was determined to break up, right? OK!

He looked down at Qi Lihong and said coldly, "I'm not a stalker. As long as you don't regret it in the future, fine, then we'll break up."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Qi Lihong looked down at the lunch box he put on the table, her eyes dazed, tears welling up in her eyes, but she held them back with her fists.

After a while, she took a deep breath, then opened the lunch box, picked up her chopsticks and ate silently.

"It seems you don't really want to break up, otherwise why would you still eat the food he bought?"

Lin Miao's voice suddenly came from behind her, startling Qi Lihong. She thought she was gone, why was she still here?

She turned to look at her, ignored him, lowered her head and continued eating.

Lin Miao snorted coldly, feeling that this person was quite boring, like a boring gourd, and she didn't know what Liu Wenhu liked in her.

Just that face?

She raised her hand and touched hers. She was no worse than her, okay? Why didn't she see Jing Junyang stalking her?

Qi Lihong wore a red and white plaid shirt jacket today, with a simple white T-shirt underneath and a round collar. When she lowered her head to eat, Lin Miao, who was standing behind her, could see her looming plump breasts through the slightly open neckline.

Lin Miao's face changed slightly and she couldn't help but straighten her chest. Then she thought that she had to add thick pads to achieve this level, but Qi Lihong was obviously the real deal.

She bit her lip and seemed to understand a little bit.

School starts on October 8th.

Because she had broken up with Liu Wenhu, Qi Lihong knew that she could no longer sit with him, so she chose the left corner of the first row of the classroom where no one was sitting.

When all the students in the class arrived, everyone looked at Qi Lihong sitting in front, and then turned to look at Liu Wenhu, who was in the last row with a dark face, and seemed to understand something.

Tian Xiaohui ran to the back and asked loudly, "Brother Hu, are you two quarreling?"

"None of your business! Get out!" Tian Xiaohui lived in a dormitory. He was no longer afraid of him. He smiled and was about to ask a few more questions, but Dai Lei called him over there and packed his books. I moved to the first row on the left, which happened to be next to Qi Lihong.

When Tian Xiaohui saw what he didn't understand, he must have broken up.

Qi Lihong now works in Brother Yan's shop. If Liu Wenhu doesn't protect her, then they have to.

Some girls in the class have really bad mouths. No matter how bad they are, it's not bad, but the most annoying thing is being grouped together and isolated.

On the one hand, Qi Lihong is withdrawn and not very gregarious; on the other hand, Liu Wenhu is too arrogant. Whenever he is offended, he will hit boys and scold girls until they cry.

Therefore, some girls in the class dislike Qi Lihong partly because of Liu Wenhu.

They didn't dare to do anything to him. When Qi Lihong was on good terms with him, she only dared to scold him secretly but didn't dare to do anything openly. But now they are separated

Tian Xiaohui looked around at some of the girls in the class and shook his head helplessly. It was probably the nature of many people to bully the weak and fear the strong.

He quickly carried his schoolbag and went to the first row on the left.

Zhang Ting and Weng Minhong were sitting in the second row on the right. When they saw Dai Lei and Qi Lihong sitting together, they couldn't help but cursed in a low voice, "You can't live without hooking up with men, right? How shameless!"

Weng Minhong lowered her head to flip through the book, not even saying anything to answer her, without even looking over there.

She has been avoiding Qi Lihong recently because she doesn't want to see her, because when she sees her, she can't help but think of what she said that day. She didn't know how she knew, but she definitely didn't want her to tell the second person.

But she knew she couldn't just hide, she had to talk to her when she had the chance.

After a while, Jiang Yan walked into the classroom. He held the professor's computer in his hand and skillfully helped open and connect it before returning to his seat.

During this period, Weng Minhong still lowered his head and did not look up as before.

At six o'clock in the morning on Saturday, October 10th, Jiang Yan received a call from his second son before he got up. After hearing what he said, he opened his eyes suddenly and asked uncertainly, "You said you What to do?"

"Go, let's take Hong Jing back to school. Didn't she have a sprained foot because of me? She's not ready yet. It's definitely not possible to take the train alone, so I thought I might as well take her off."

Jiang Yan was speechless, and it was because of your sprained feet. So if you call someone, and they choke to death while drinking water, are you also responsible?

If you want to give it to someone, just say so, what a lame excuse.

Feeling guilty after hearing what he said, Jiang Yan didn't say much, and warned as he got up, "Be careful on the road and don't drive too fast. I guess you won't drive too fast. Just get there within two days." .”

Second child:.

It takes five hours to get to Beicheng from Kyoto at normal speed, which is closer than to Yunzhou. Let him drive for two days. Is that the speed of a tortoise?

The two of them hung up the phone, one got up and planned to have breakfast and go to the repair shop, while the other went downstairs carrying simple luggage that had been prepared, and then drove to the downstairs of Hong Jing's house.

Hong Jing's luggage has been packed, and the swelling in her ankle has gone away, but she still doesn't dare to exert too much force on her foot when walking. It would be really inconvenient to take the train by herself.

The second child went to the third floor, carrying her suitcase in one hand and supporting her downstairs with the other.

The distance from the third floor to the first floor is not too long, but when I walked downstairs, my forehead was covered with sweat and my back was wet.

Fortunately, I didn't bump into anyone, otherwise I would have sweated even more.

After helping Hong Jing into the car, the second child breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them went outside to have a quick breakfast, and soon set off on the highway to Beicheng.

(End of this chapter)

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