Taking the path of starting a business on campus is the right thing for most students. Jiang Yan also agrees with Xiao Qi's idea, but what's strange is why didn't this kid call him directly?

After coming out of Xinyu, Jiang Yan called Xiao Qi while returning to Qinghe Garden. He was connected within two rings, and the grandson's cheerful voice sounded from the other side -

"Hey, Jiang Yan."

It seems that he is overthinking.

Jiang Yan said directly, "I just saw your message, why didn't you call me directly?"

"It's so expensive to make phone calls. My campus card comes with a thousand text messages."

This reason is so true that it’s hard not to believe it.

In fact, Xiao Qi was afraid that Mu Jiawen would receive the call again. To be honest, he was afraid of hearing her voice.

So far, he has been hiding it well. At least no one knows that he is hiding such a person in his heart. He hopes to hide it forever without being discovered by anyone.

Jiang Yan brought the topic back to campus entrepreneurship, "Tell me more about your plan."

"That's what I think. We computer students all know that computers will definitely become popular in the future, and information networks will be the trend. If nothing else, let's just talk about our school's campus Internet cafe. Last year, it was just a simple framework. It belongs to that kind of point. It’s a category that you’ll leave immediately after you go in and take a look. But this year’s optimization gives people a different feeling. Although most of the things posted are academic, not what everyone is particularly interested in. It doesn’t rule out that if you want to write a paper, you can find it there. Templates are used for reference, which is much faster than searching for information in the library, and it is also directional. Therefore, the number of browsing and reading has been greatly increased compared with last year.

I just thought, the campus network is dedicated to learning, so can I make a similar webpage, but for leisure, to talk about some topics that everyone recognizes and is interested in? While attracting everyone, it is also advertising businesses. "

After saying this, Xiao Qi smiled sheepishly and said, "I came up with this on the spur of the moment yesterday. I don't know if it will work. Please give it a try."

In fact, he also watched Jiang Yan work on computers and develop games. Both of them are computer majors, so they are well aware of the prospects and potential of this industry. And he also happens to have ideas about developing and designing web pages, so he came up with the current idea. .

But having an idea and actually doing it are two different things. He has never made any money, let alone started a business, so he wanted to ask Jiang Yan if his idea was feasible.

That's certainly doable.

Jiang Yan felt that Xiao Qi was still very smart and asked him to do it boldly. If he encounters difficult decisions or problems that cannot be solved, he can call him.

His guidance sometimes may not be adapted to the actual situation. Only when Xiao Qi encounters it himself and thinks about it seriously can he truly find his own path.

Back at Qinghe Garden, Jiang Yan saw the blue candy bar on the coffee table in the living room, and suddenly wondered, would the smelly girl also receive a bunch of confession messages like him?

Mu Jiawen was not in the house, she ran to the backyard to feed Xiao Hei.

Mu Chenyan was tending to her flowers in the yard. Yu Heng moved out from home after getting married and now lives with Luo Xiao in his apartment. Yu Feng was working overtime and didn't come back, so there was no one in the living room.

Let me state in advance that he did not doubt her, he was just curious to see if the confession text message she received was as weird as his, or, well, if there was a girl.

Jiang Yan picked up the blue candy bar like a thief. After unlocking it, he saw more than a dozen unread text messages.

Fortunately, there are only a dozen.

But when he opened the first text message, he was stunned: [Ahhhhhhhhhhh, my roommate had to drag me to watch porn movies today. There was a woman in there with really big breasts, even bigger than yours. I’m serious. I suspect she poured water into it! 】

Jiang Yan:.

Zhu Jin, this damn girl, do you know that you are so unrestrained, Yu Hang?

Why is his hand so mean? He has to touch hers.

Jiang Yan exited, deleted the text message, returned to the home page, locked the phone and put it back on the coffee table, and then walked out of the living room to the backyard as if nothing had happened.

After Yu Heng's wedding, Yu Ye wanted to stay here for a few more days to relax because he liked Yu Cheng very much. Yu Zekun was very happy. He had this idea in the first place. Usually there were only him and Uncle Meng in the old house, which was really lonely. He had no intention of remarrying unless Mu Chenyan agreed to remarry, but he knew that this possibility was slim.

So I also made plans to retire alone in Yucheng.

His brother and nephew would certainly be welcome to stay with him for a longer period of time.

Li Shen went back the next day. His contract with the laboratory had not ended yet, so he could not just walk away like Yu Ye.

After all, he couldn't afford the breach of contract fee.

However, he also knew in his heart that he would probably not have any tasks when he returned. After all, everyone in their laboratory knew that he had a good relationship with Yu Ye. Maybe they would also guess that when the contract expires in four months, he would He will definitely leave.

"You go back and tell Kager and the others. Be careful when doing things in the future. Don't let them get the handle. They will definitely target you if I'm not here. If I remember correctly, Kager's contract is still half a month away. When it's due, tell him Yuci's conditions. If he wants to go over there, he can ask Yuci to help him arrange for a reliable team."

Li Shen wants to hang out with Yu Ye, and he will return to China when the time is up.

After seeing off Li Shen, Yu Ye and Yu Zexiao stayed in Yucheng for another half month before returning to Kyoto to apply for household registration and other certificates.

Yu Zexiao was someone who knew how to enjoy things. He sold the house where he and Tang Min lived before and bought another large flat, not far from Mu Chenyan's Qinghe Garden.

His own bedroom has a dressing room and a bathroom with a large bathtub. One of the other bedrooms is a study room, and the other has been turned into a gym. There is also a guest bedroom specially prepared for the three brothers Yu Heng, so that in case he has any health problems, the three of them can take care of him alone.

It can be said that it is very thoughtful.

The living room and dining room are both very large, and there is also a special bartending station. The kitchen is also very exquisite. Although he is not very good at cooking, he often invites hourly workers to help him cook. Anyway, in terms of life, he will never treat himself badly.

The guest bedroom is not small in size, and there is also a bathroom. Yu Ye is quite satisfied with it.

However, what he is most satisfied with is the study room. The entire wall of bookshelves is very exquisite. There are also a wide variety of books on it, including martial arts classics, domestic and foreign masterpieces, cooking and health soups, and economics and finance. The books are all diverse and comprehensive.

"I didn't expect you to like economics."

Yu Ye said as he casually pulled out a book of Principles of Economics from the wall and flipped through it. You could smell the ink in the new one, so you bought it and never read it?

Yu Zexiao touched his nose guiltily when he saw the book. He bought these purely to decorate his bookshelf worth more than RMB 100,000. At that time, there was a discount on economics and other books in the bookstore, so he picked up seven or eight of them. As for what kind of book it was, he didn't even read the name. He took it home and put it directly on the bookshelf.

It can be said that except for martial arts novels, he has never touched anything else.

It’s not that I don’t understand, I’m just not interested.

Yu Ye snorted coldly, almost understanding the virtues of his biological father.

Putting the book back on the bookshelf, he turned around and pointed to an empty space against the wall and said, "Can I put a bed here? I'll stay in the study room for now." (End of Chapter)

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